Chapter 28 : The Pool

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Max's pov

We decided to get up at 10 am to get ready. I took a shower and then when I finished El took one as well. I was brushing my hair, lost in my thoughts. Robin took me to el's cabin to bring our swimsuits since we didn't plan to bring them before the sleepover. I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. The  bruises weren't so visible but you could still see them a bit. Suddenly the door opened. It was El. She got back from the shower,wearing a towel. I immediately took a clothing from the bed next to me to cover myself. (we were in Mike's room by the way, the boys were in the basement, they left us here to change, for privacy ofc).  "oh um-sorry if I made you uncomfortable I can leave-" El said nervously about to leave the room. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back in the room. "no-it's fine i was just surprised" I said smiling. I accidentally looked at her up and down. She smirked and giggled. I realised that I was starting and got nervous. "shit.. sorry" I whispered. She laughed as I was blushing hard. "maxiee, it's okay, you're my girlfriend you can look at me I don't mind" El said. "I-I know I just don't wanna make you uncomfortable-" I said. "you don't make me uncomfortable, okay?" she said. I exhaled nervously and nodded. She gave me a kiss. It was short. "do I make you uncomfortable?" she asked softly. "what? No, not at all, why?" I said. "just asking" she said. I nodded. She looked down at my body since I uncovered myself. "yeah-I'm just trying on the bikini" I said. She looked up at me, not buying the lie. "do they hurt?" she asked. "what?" I said confused. "the bruises" she said. "oh-no they don't hurt anymore, you can still see them though" I said. "yeah a bit, but barely" she said looking at my body again. She then frowned. "what?" I asked. She pointed at the scar on my stomach. Well shit. I thought. "oh" I whispered. "did Neil do this too? Or just the bruises?" she asked. I knew she would see it anyways so there was no point in lying. "no, this one it's not from Neil, it's-from me" I said looking down embarrassed. She looked up at me sadly and confused at the same time. "maxie..why?"she asked. I shrugged." I-I don't know, it was just a time when things were so bad at home and I did that to myself, I regretted it after and stopped immediately" I said nervously. "thank god, what stopped you?" she asked. "oh, um, I thought about you and the others and I felt like I'm worth in living and stopped" I said. "oh" that's all she managed to say. She hugged me tightly. "can you please don't do it again? For me? For yourself and the others, I care about you a lot and I.. I love you" she said. I pulled away. "okay.. I'll never do it again"i said." promise? " she said." promise "I replied." and I love you too"i said smiling. She smiled back. "that bikini looks good on you" she said. I blushed. "thank you" I said. "I'll go change and put on the swimsuit you gave me, I forgot that I'm still wearing a towel oops" she said giggling. "okay, ill-ill go in the bathroom and tell me when you're ready" I said smiling. "okay" she replied giving me a quick kiss and i left.   I went downstairs. The others were eating,as usual. I put on clothes on, the swimsuit underneath them. I sat down. I wad still blushing but didn't realise. "max, you're red, are you alright" Dustin asked. "she's blushing" lucas said laughing. "it's probably a gay panic guys don't worry about it, it's normal" Robin mocked. I gave her a death stare and poked her shoulder. "ow! I'm kidding" she said. The others laughed at Robin's joke as well. I rolled my eyes. "don't act like you don't blush whenever will is around you mikey" I said mocking Mike since he was laughing. He stopped laughing immediately. "no-no I'm not" he said embarrassed. "yes you do" lucas and Dustin said at the same time with a smile. Will was blushing too, so did Mike. "awww you guys are adorable" Robin said. "yay, I'm the only single one" lucas joked. "nope you're not the only one" Robin said high-fiving him. Me and the others laughed. "Steve's single too right?" Mike asked curious. "didn't get go on a date yesterday?" lucas asked. "he did, but didn't work, as usual" Robin said. "I think he's still in love with your sister but doesn't admit it" Robin whispered leaning close to Mike especially. Mike's eyes wided open. "oh hell nah, Nancy's with Jonathan" Mike said with a frown. "yeah we're aware, I'm just saying" Robin said defendingly. "just the facts" I said. Everyone looked at me. "what? Am I lying?" I said. "see? I'm not the only one who thinks that" Robin said. "why are you copying Erica's quote" Dustin asked. I was confused. "what?" I asked. "nothing" dustin said slightly laughing. "yeah whatever, Nancy does what she wants I don't really care" Mike said biting his toast. "you don't care? You cared when Keith wanted Mike years ago" lucas said raising an eyebrow. "well yeah, I'm not letting Keith date my sister, ew" Mike said. We all laughed. "but you let Steve" Robin smirked. Mike rolled his eyes. "dude, Steve or Jonathan I don't care whatever she wants" Mike said. "alright then" Robin said. "max!" I heard El yelling from upstairs. "yeah?" I said. "can you come upstairs please" El said. "okay I said." your girl is asking you" Robin said smirking. I just laughed along. "yeah yeah whatever you can smirk i don't care anymore" I joked. She giggled. I went upstairs. I knocked on the door. "can I come in?" I asked. "yes" she replied. I saw her wearing the bottom part of the swimsuit, covering the top one with a shirt. "what's wrong?" I asked. "um-I need help with the top part please" El said shyly. I giggled. "yeah sure" I said. "do you need help tying it? " I asked. She nodded. "alright, um put on it on and hold it, I'll turn around if you want" I said blushing. She nodded. I looked away for a second until she was ready. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable, you know to look. "alright I'm ready" she said. I tied it. "here, done" I said smiling. "thanks" she replied blushing lightly. I looked down at her beautiful body. The swimsuit looked amazing on her, fitted her body perfectly. "wow.. You look amazing Ellie" I said. "t-thanks, you too" she said blushing. We were both blushing. We were both just staring at each other, admiring each other basically. "can I brush your hair?" I asked excitedly breaking the silence, not an uncomfortable one though. "yeah, they still wet though" she said. "ill bring a hair dryer, ill ask Nancy if we can borrow hers" I said. "alright" she said. I walked into Nancy's room and knocked. She let me in. "oh, hey max, what do you want?" she asked smiling. "hey sorry to bother you, can I borrow your hair dryer please" I asked shyly. "oh yeah sure" she said. She got up to get it and gave it to me. "thanks" I said and she nodded. I got back to Mike's room where El was. "alright, sit down" I said. She did as told. Before I could start she looked up at me, I was behind her. She smiled at me and kissed me, like an upside down kiss. It was a weird kiss but I liked it. She giggled and I started drying her soft short curly brown hair. Once her hair was dry I started brushing them., "you know I could do it myself" El said smirking and giggled. I smiled. "yeah, well, I wanted to do it" I replied. Another thing we like doing is playing with each other's hair. Once I finished I looked at her in the mirror. She looks amazing like always. "here you go my'lady" I said with a funny accent. She laughed. "thank you darling" she said copying me and matching the energy. I gave her my hand and pulled her up. "okay, we should go before the boys come and yell at us again for not being ready" I said smiling. "okay, wait-can I brush your hair as well?" she said excitedly. "I would love to but I already brushed them" I said. "oh.. you know I like doing it" she said. I giggled. "sorry Ellie, next time" I said. She smiled. I gave her a kiss and got back downstairs. "finally" Mike said.

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