Chapter 50: Flirting? 🤨

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Max's pov

It was the next day. We had the test we've been studying all day in the first period. I was biting my nails nervously as we waited for the teacher to arrive. I was looking at my notes, so did everyone in the class. There's always chaos when we have a test. I suddenly felt el putting her hand on my thigh since my leg was shaking as well which I didn't notice. I blushed lightly but acted cool, turned my head and looked at her. "it's gonna be okay, we've studied enough. You can do it" el said smiling at me. "I mean yeah, but-how are you not nervous? It's literally your first time ever taking a test" I said frowning. She smiled. "I am nervous, I just know how to handle it, I mean sometimes but yeah" she said. She was right after all the times she was scared, anxious and everything a test was nothing compared to that. "yeah sorry" I said. She raised an eyebrow and looked at me seriously. "alright I'll stop apologising" I said laughing. She took my hand.

*after the test*

The period we had the test finished, now we waited for the next teacher to come. All of us sighed. "how did you do?" el asked me. "eh, I don't know, you?" I asked. She shrugged. "I don't know, I guess we'll see, I don't think I did that well" el said. "it's fine, me either" I said.
*at lunch*
"I'm screwed, I failed 100%" Mike said annoyed eating his sandwich. "same" we all said. "aren't your guys nerds?" el joked. The boys glared at her and laughed. "no!" Dustin said offended. "well, they're nerds mostly  in science, biology and physics" I said. El laughed. "still nerds" el said as lucas hit her arm playfully. I slapped his arm after. "don't hit my girl" I said. He laughed and rubbed his hand. "I was just joking" lucas said. "yeah I know" I smiled sarcastically. The others laughed. "I'm gonna go grab my history notebook from my locker real quick guys, I forgot to do my homework" Will said. Me and Mike gasped. "so we all forgot?" Wil asked. All of us except lucas and Dustin nodded. "nerds, of course you did your homework" I joked. "haha very funny maxine" lucas said. I glared at him and he stopped. "alright I'll come with you Will, I'll take max's and Will will take Mike's" el said. Me and el knows each other's code, so do Mike and Will. We nodded and they walked away. After about 2 minutes suddenly Mike gasped. He scared all of us. "Mike you scared us jeez" lucas complained. "I forgot to tell them to bring the notebook I draw in" Mike said slapping his face. "why the hell would you want that notebook right now?" Dustin asked confused. "for after, in history class idiot" Mike said back. "just draw on your notebook" I said. "I can't, the teacher is so strict with that crap he'll check on it, last time I did it he didn't put me the grade I needed because of that" Mike said seriously. "you're such a nerd" I said, he hit my arm as I groaned. "can someone go get it for me before will and el come back?" Mike said. No one said anything. "only if you let me copy your science homework" I smirked. Mike rolled his eyes and nodded. I needed to go to the bathroom anyways.

El's pov

Will and I decided to get our books from our lockers since the others were still eating. As I was taking max's books next a random girl I don't even know stood next to me. (a/n: let's just imagine that weird girl as Eden from s4 I guess sorry💀)
I just looked at her confused. "yes? Do you need anything?" I asked trying not to be mean. She looked at me up and down with smirk as she was chewing her gum loudly. Ew I thought. I bet she was one of the pick me girls or something. "actually, do you wanna hang out in the park after school or something" she said smirking. "No, I can't" I said. "why not? You're cute" she said smirking. Who does she think she is? "because I have a girlfriend so leave me alone please" I said. "oh come on, I bet I can change your mind" she said coming closer to me, a few inches apart. "get out of my face" I said. "you don't think I'm attractive? Do I make you nervous?" she said with the same smirk I disgust. "go away" I said as I tried to leave. But she put her other hand on the locker, blocking me. "she said she has a girlfriend!! Leave her alone!" Will said pushing her, not so gently but not so harshly (I don't know if that makes sense, oop). "what's your problem dude!" she said looking at him in disgust. "why are you still here, she told you, she has a girlfriend and she is not interested, isn't that clear or are you they desperate?" Will said, his face close to here staring at her angirly. Will has been more brave lately.

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