Chapter 66: Bullies

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Max's pov

It was the next day. We arrived at school. "hey Mike and lucas we've got a question" el said as we both tapped their shoulders.

"sure what is it" lucas asked. Mike seemed off today. He didn't say anything, he just turned around and waited for the question.

"alright max and I want to go ice skating but hopper won't let us go without any boy" el said. They both stared at us confused.

"For 'protection' I guess" I finished rolling my eyes. "So we're invited in force?" Mike asked. "Well-kind of but we don't mind at all-" I stuttered. "If we were really bothered by you two joining us we wouldn't go in any way so we don't mind" el said.

"I'm not really into skating" Mike tiredly said. "You don't necessarily have to skate just be there with us I guess, plus you can have some fun you seem off" I said.

"Just ask matt and will or Dustin I don't know" Mike said. "stop making everything about matt and will, we want you two with us plus Dustin is gonna go shopping with Steve or something I don't know" I said.

Mike and lucas looked at each other. "okay whatever" Mike said. "Come on dude is gonna be fun! We've got each other" lucas said hitting Mike's shoulder to cheer him up. Mike just nodded and faked a smile.

Will, matt and Dustin came. El and I called lucas and Mike and told them to meet up earlier so we can talk about it and stuff. "Hey guys!" Dustin said with a smile. "hey" we all said returning the smile.

"you won't believe what happened guys! Yesterday-" Dustin started telling us a story. He said something about Steve falling from the stairs I think? I'm not sure.

I was sort of distracted. While Dustin was talking I felt el slowly trying to hold my hand. Is she afraid to hold my hand? We do that all the time.

She pulled my hoodie's sleeve slightly to get my attention like a kid. I find it adorable. That was her way to get my attention. And it always works.

"What is it?" I whispered leaning a bit down to talk to her. She looked a bit sad? "El what is it" I asked getting worried. "I wanna cuddle you" she mumbled.

Oh.. We do hold hands in public but not more. Because people will judge us and stuff. I don't like when couples are being way too pda in public.

Like if a straight couple would cuddle in public it's alright but if its a gay couple it's gross. So we can't do that. "I know, I want to too " I whispered back. I looked over at a couple.

The boy just had his arm around his girlfriend's shoulder. Not too much to be disgust by it. But if we do it we'll be called disgusting. To be honest they call us disgusting just by existing.

I sighed sadly as I gave her hand a squeeze. After a like a minute of still listening to Dustin. Well I pretended to because I was still thinking about what happened.

"screw it" I whispered to el. She looked at me confused. "what?" she asked. Does she not know what I'm talking about? "cuddle me, every one does that and we won't let them win" I said.

She smiled. She was still nervous because we knew people would stare at us with that disgust look. God I hate it. They're looking at us like they're seeing shit or something.

I gave her a smile and opened my arms for her. She slowly put her arms around my waist and my hands around her. The boys realised, Dustin stopped talking for a second and smiled at us.

So did the others. They smiled proudly. Dustin continued his speech to us. I looked around nervously. Of course some people were looking at us disgusted. I mean no matter what they do they can't change us so what's their problem?

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