Chapter 34:Eleven's Birthday Party

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(the picture doesn't really fit but okay, here's a picture of the cast <3)

Max's pov

It was 8 am in the morning. Me and hopper woke up early for the surprise and all. Hopper went to get a birthday cake we ordered. It was a light blue and pink cake with eggos on it. Pink and blue is her favourite color. At 9 am, the boys, Robin, Steve, Nancy and Jonathan. We also invited their parents but luca's parents couldn't come so only Mike's parents came, dustin's mom and Joyce (except Robin's and Steve's). The boys had made a 'happy birthday El' sign and a few balloons , well mostly will cause the others couldn't draw as good as him. We also decorated the cabin a bit to look pretty. Me and hopper already decorated the cabin before the others came. Jonathan had made us a tape of songs. It was now 10 and we decided to wake El up. We didn't want to wake her up that early so. The others hid a bit as well as they could at least. I was the one who woke up El. I gently shook her to wake up. She mumbled a bit but opened her eyes. She got a bit blinded by the light that was coming from the window next to us. I smiled at her. "happy birthday babyy" I said as I picked her up excited. She giggled and accepted. Her legs were around my weist, I was holding her by the weist and her hands were around my neck. When we pulled away from the intense hug I kissed her. After a few seconds we pulled away smiling widely. "alright let's go, I made eggos" I said. Eggos always makes her excited since it's her favourite. She squealed happily. I giggled because she's so adorable I can't. I put her down and we walked out of the room. It was quiet for a second until the others showed up and said "Surprise! Happy birthday El!!" they all said yelling smiling widely. El got a bit scared for a second cause we caught her off guard, she was lightly shocked. She totally wasn't expecting all this to be honest. She looked at me still shocked but excited. I could see the happiness in her eyes and it made me happy. "What's this?" she asked innocently. I laughed. "it's your birthday party!! We all said smiling." really? "she said quietly." are you okay? Was this a bad idea? "hopper asked a bit worried by her reaction." no no, it's just-I never had a birthday party before and it's shocking to me sorry-"El asked smiling but nervous." it's fine don't apologise, alright now its time for the party "hopper said smiling. All the guests went to hug her. She was so happy and excited about all this. She always gets excited about little things which I find adorable. It's reasonable since she lost her childhood and everything." alright what should we do? "El asked." I was thinking to eat for lunch later since its 10 am at the moment"hopper said. "we should dance!" Dustin suggested. Lucas, mike and Robin gasped. "oh my god yes" they said excited. "Jonathan made you a tape!" Joyce said. "oh my god, really?" El asked smiling to Jonathan. Jonathan smiled and nodded. "thank youu" she said hugging him. It was actually his idea, we didn't tell him to, he's the sweetest. "no problem" Jonathan said hugging her back. We first played 'material girl'. She really likes that one. We all just danced happily. Hopper, Joyce and Mike's parents say on the couch looking at us. We told them to come but they didn't want to. We first put on vibe songs and sang our lounges out, we weren't so good at singing but at least we were vibing. Songs like by : Harry styles, Taylor Swift, billie eilish and a lot more. We danced and danced. Then romantic songs, well for the couples cause why not, me and El, will and Mike, Jonathan and Nancy, well Joyce and hopper kinda but they don't admit that they're together and have feelings for each other. Well Robin, Steve, lucas were the single ones. Dustin's apparently 'hotter than phoebe cates' girlfriend wasn't here so he was alone. Well we basically all viber together single or not. Songs such as:
Say you won't let go
Perfect by ed sheeran
Can't remember to forget you
Until I found you
Heat waves
Something about you (she looks just like dream)
We fell in love in October
(I know these songs aren't in the 80s my apologies I just thought they're cute and reminded me of elmax)
And lot more songs, we sang and sang. The parents laughed at us playfully but we ignored them. While we were listening to vibing songs El finally convinced hopper to dance with us a bit. Then, when the first romantic song played Robin groaned annoyed. "come on some of us are single you know" she said. We all laughed at Robin's comment. "well too bad, come on just dance with Steve or something, have fun with us and vibe" Mike said laughing. Robin rolled her eyes playfully and accepted. Mike's dad was mad seeing his son dancing with his lover which is a boy, will, he's still homophobic he just has to get used to it so he went outside for a bit. Mike's mom stayed tho, she liked seeing his son being happy and having fun. Well her and Joyce made fun of us laughing at how goofy and adorable we were. We kept singing the lyrics to each other happily and smiling widely. (if you know any of these songs above you'll understand). 'something about you' started playing and I happily sang the lyrics to El. "🎶she looks just like a dream, the prettiest girl i've ever seen🎶" I sang to her smiling. She giggled. "aww" she said giving me a kisa. Hopper cleared his throat. We pulled away. "alright not in front of us please" he joked. We laughed. "sorry" we said. "come on hop that was cute" Joyce said. Mike and will did the same.  "okay you guys are adorable oh my god" Robin said in awe hyping us up. We laughed and continued having fun. Then the song 'rude by magic' started playing. Me and El kept singing. And when the refrain came, I looked at hopper and sang the lyrics to him for fun. "🎶can I have your daughter for the rest of my life🎶" I sang pointing at him smiling. He laughed. "aww" all of them said laughing a bit. "🎶say yes say yes, cause I need to know🎶" the others joined matching the same energy. Hopper then randomly stood up and hugged me. "thanks for making her happy" he told me while hugging me. "of course" I replied smiling at him. We kept singing and singing. We also hyped Mike and will and admired them just like they did to us. Of course we didn't leave dustin and lucas out, they were singing with us, mostly with Robin, Steve, Nancy and Jonathan. After we finished singing it was lunch time. As the parents helped hopper cook and hanging out with him, me and the others played board games. We couldn't stop laughing. We were laughing I made a joke about dustin's girlfriend, we always make fun of him, we didn't believe him that she looks hotter than phoebe cates or that she even exists. He said she would come here to meet us soon so that's cool. While we were playing I made a joke about it, Dustin got offended and threw a pillow at me roughly. I laughed and as I was about to get hit by it but el stopped it with her powers. Everyone was silent for a split second but started laughing. "are you serious?" dustin asked annoyed. El giggled. She's so cute. I laughed along with and thanked El. "you threw it a bit roughly I had to protect my girl" El said jokingly. I laughed and blushed. "no it wasn't" dustin said defensively. "it kinda was" Mike said laughing lightly. "no it wasn't" dustin said again. "alright chill out kids, El did it for fun to mess up" Steve said. We all bursted out laughing. "yeah we know" will said. "and we're not kids, you're only 3 years older than us" lucas said. "still kids" Steve said. We kept played for a bit until the food was ready. As we stood up and I was about to leave El grabbed my hand. "thanks for all this" El said smiling. "of course, do you like it so far" I asked smiling. "yeah it's so good!" El said giggling excited. I laughed and we went to eat. Before we were about to eat hopper made a small speech before. "El, happy birthday I hope you're happy. We're so glad you're in our lives, I am so happy, you changed my life and made it so much better, I wish you all your wishes come true and always be happy with whoever you are with, which is max, I really hope you stay together cause max is the right girl for you El and happy birthday again "hopper said smiling. El got a bit emotional by his speech, so did hopper. She stood up and hugged him." everything hopper said we all agree relate, happy birthday El we love you " Dustin said smiling." happy birthday El!! "they all said and cheered our drinks. I took el's hand and squeezed it. She looked at me smiling." I love you" I quietly said smiling. "I love you too maxie" she replied and kissed my cheek. I blushed and started eating.  We all chatted during lunch. "El you should open your gifts" Joyce said after we finished eating. "you got me gifts?" El asked quietly. "yeah of course we did" Joyce said as we smiled. El's eyes lighted up and smiled. We sat down on the couch and El on the floor in front of us. She first opened dustin's. It was socks. Cute little designed socks. I was expecting a gift like this from Dustin to be honest haha. El gasped. "I know it's not the best gift but I thought you would like-" Dustin said as El cut him off. "oh my god, these are soo cutee, thank you Dustin" El said as she stood up excitedly hugging him
He looked like he  wasnt expecting the hug but smiled at her reaction proud of himself. She then opened Joyce's one. It was a blue and pink candle with flowers on it. Just like El likes. "I hope you like it" Joyce said hopefully as El was about to pick it up."woww that's so amazing " El said smiling hugged her. "and it smells amazing" she said sniffing it. "open mine" lucas said. And El did as told. He bought her a board game and a comic. El gasped excitedly, thanked him and hugged him. Nancy bought her a Polaroid camera, she really liked it as well. Jonathan got her clothes, so did Mike's parents and hopper. She then opened mine, it was a it  was a shinny gold heart necklace, a bracelet, a little teddy bear. and a sweatshirt. She gasped and looked at me softly in awe. "why more than one gift maxie, you didn't have to" she said softly. "cause I love you" I replied. We don't usually tell we love each other in front of the others but I didn't really care. El smiled widely and ran up to hug me. "aww" I heard the others say as we hugged. "I love too, thank you so much" El said. Then it was Mike's turn. He got her clothes I helped him to get. "aww these are amazing thank you Mike" she said hugging him. "max helped me get them yesterday" Mike said smiling proudly. "really? That's great" El said. We nodded. Robin got her a necklace and a unicorn stuff animal and Steve got her a big dog puzzle, he must have remembered when once hopper got her one and she liked it, he noticed that. I find it cute cause we didn't tell him to get that. El smiled and hugged him. "how did you know I like puzzles?" El said confused. "I heard you talking about a puzzle bought you one, I hope you like it" Steve said smiling. "I love it, thank you!" she said as Steve nodded. Last but not least will got her shoes Joyce helped him pick. After El thanked and hugged us all we chatted a bit and then they left. I liked seeing how El was excited by the gifts, she looked so cute I couldn't stop staring at her. "so did you have fun kid?" hopper asked. "yes, thank you so much" she said hop and then me. We then went to sleep. "okay since it's your birthday you pick the movie for tonight" I said smiling. She giggled and nodded. She picked one. She cuddled me as we were watching the movie. "wanna help me make the puzzle tomorrow?" El asked excitedly as she looked up to me. "sure, why not" I said smiling at her. "really?" she said. "yeah of course, why?" I said. "oh i just wasn't sure if you find puzzles boring" El said. "well I don't, except when I lose my patience" I said laughing. "yeah same" El said. We then watched the movie and slept.

2262 words.
Alsoo st4 volume 2 comes out in 2 days woo🎉 I'm excited but scared at the same time

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