Chapter 91: I Forgive You

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Max's pov

I knocked on the bathroom's door. "el? It's me, max, can I come in please?" I softly said. She unlocked the door. "hey, you okay?" I asked. She was sitting on the closed toilet. There were tears in her eyes.

"oh come here el" I said walking towards her, I bended down and pulled her into a hug. "please don't cry over will, he doesn't know what he's talking about baby" I said.

"it's fine max, don't act like none of those things he said aren't true" el said. I frowned but before I could say anything someone came. It was will. He knocked on the door softly. 

"el? Max? Can I please come in, I'm so so sorry" will said. I sighed and unlocked the door. He looked at el sadly. "I'm so sorry el-" he started. "You're not sorry and you're right" el said. "what do you mean?" he asked. "el-" I tried already knowing she would blame herself. Will's words got her.

"you're right. I am a freak, I'm dumb, I don't know how to speak properly like everyone else does, I'm not smart, I'm slow, I don't understand jokes and any other stuff, I act like a kid sometimes, I'm a disgusting Dyke-" el said counting every sentence with her fingers. It broke my heart hearing her talking about herself like that.

"el stop-" will and I said at the same time. "No! I'm not going to stop because they're truth! I understand that none of you will say all those things just to not hurt me and stuff. But do you think I don't know? You didn't have to remind me just like everyone does every single day will, so you win! Congratulations, i don't even care anymore" el said about to walk out but we both stopped her.

"el!! Please just stop and listen to me!! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to insult you like that! It's all my fault I know, please don't walk away" he said with tears in his eyes. Joyce came to us. "Oh my god! What happened again you kids?! Why are you two crying and arguing, I told you to come and talk" Joyce said.

"It's nothing Joyce, I'm fine" el said wiping her tears away. "no, it's clearly not fine, what happened" Joyce insisted. It looked like el didn't want to tell Joyce about will because she knew Joyce would be mad at him. "Joyce I promise it's nothing, we're good now-" el lied trying to get away with it.

"we got into an argument and I was mean to el mom-that's it" will interrupted. Joyce's eyes widened. Because will and el never argue. "w-what? Why were you mean will?" Joyce asked. "Joyce..please can we not talk about it, I'm okay, he apologised" el said quietly.

Joyce looked disappointed and worried but nodded knowing she had no other choice. So she left. Will just stared at el in confusion. "Thank you.. Why did you defend me? I-I was going to tell her" will said. "because you're my brother and I forgive you" el simply said and walked outside.

It was just will and I. "I swear to god will, if you ever talk to her like that, you're dead, you made her hate herself even more, you're so lucky she and I still talk to you" I said calmy. He looked at me as another tear fell down his face.

"I'm sorry-" he said again. "I know will, just let it go, you heard her, she forgives you but don't expect her to be all happy to you right away, give her some time to process" I said. He nodded.

I walked upstairs to our room. El was sitting on the desk drawing. I stared at her for a few seconds. I felt so bad. I grabbed a choice and placed it next to her and sat. "El.." I said. "yes?" she quietly said. "You don't mean all those things do you" I asked softly. "I do" she said. My heart sank. "el.. They're not true-" I said.

"they are max and you know it, you just don't want to make me feel bad and it's okay, don't worry" el said. "No it's not okay because I swear to god they're not true and I'm not saying it just because you're my girlfriend! It's because they're just not true, you're not dumb.

No one is perfect! You had a tough childhood but yet you're learning stuff and I'm so damn proud of you! And don't feel like a kid! You're so kind, sweet, cute and many other things. You're the most amazing person I've ever met. People don't deserve you, you are literally perfect in and out so please stop talking about yourself like that because they're not true"i said.

She was making eye contact with me the entire time. She suddenly started sobbing. I frowned. She jumped on me and hugged me. "Are you okay? Why are you crying baby" I asked Rubbing her back.

"I don't know why I'm crying... I'm just happy you're here, you're my comfort person, I don't know what I would do without you max" she said sniffing pulling away. I smiled. "Do you promise to never think of yourself that way" I said resting my hand on her cheek.

"I'll try-" she said. I know it's hard. Everyone is insecure. "I know.. But please don't. I'm not lying" I said. She smiled and nodded. "do you truly forgive will?" I softly asked. She nodded. "yeah.. I don't want him to feel guilty, its all over now. And he's my brother, he's always supportive of me and I hope he was simply just upset.He was overwhelmed today, I'll give him another chance, I'm sure he won't do it again" el said.

I nodded. "wanna go back upstairs? We can cuddle and.." I said but trailed off smirking. "Snacks and read comics" she finished for me excitedly. I nodded smiling. I grabbed her hand and we walked back upstairs.

Will was laying on his bed watching TV. "I'm sorry" he said as soon as we got in again. "will.. It's okay, let's forget it, okay?" el said. "I'm sorry to you too max" he said turning to me. I nodded. "just don't ever talk to her like that" I said. He nodded.

"never" he said. He walked towards her. "can I hug you?" he asked el. El nodded, then they hugged. Then they pulled away from the hug smiling. They're siblings again. I smiled.

"do you guys..want to join? I'm watching ghost busters" he said. "uhh we were actually going to read-" I said but el cut me off. I wasn't sure if she wanted to join him after what happened. "yeah sure, we can read comics later if you want" el said looking at me. I nodded smiling. I didn't mind.

"alright come here, I think we fit on my bed" will said. The three of us layerd on Will's bed under the blankets because it was quite cold. El cuddled up to me.

1192 words. To be continued!!

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