Chapter 83: Matt.. Are You Serious?

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Will's pov

I woke up. The girls were still sleeping. I looked at them and my heart melted. Max was laying on top of el, cuddling. It's always like this every morning and I find it adorable. I wish I had what they have.

The fact that we all live together is like el and max are a married couple sharing a bed and a house haha. It must be nice. I am happy with matt but he's been acting a bit weird recently.

It's like he's embarrassed of me so he usually comes over to my place mostly. I did go over at his place a lot but not so much lately. He never offers so i don't go.

I decided to go talk to him today. I quietly stood up so I don't wake up the girls. My mom was in the kitchen washing the dishes."hey" I said slightly sleepy. "good morning, how did you sleep?" my mom asked.

"good morning" I replied taking the milk from the fridge. "is it okay if I go over at matt's in a bit?" I asked as I was eating my cereal. My mom was washing the dishes. "yeah sure, just be back before 6 pm, it gets dark outside later" she said. I nodded.

Matt lives close to me so I don't need someone to take me there. I can go by my bike. Just like I usually do with my friends. Fortunately we live close to each other. I then finished eating and went upstairs to get dressed.

I walked in quietly because max and el were sleeping last time I checked. I grabbed one of matt's sweatshirts he gave me and casual pair of jeans. I walked into the bathroom and got dressed, fixed my hair. I should really get rid of the bowl cut.

Everyone has been making fun of my hair cut so I've been thinking to change it I don't know.

*later at matt's house*

I knocked on the door. His sister opened it. His sister is 12 years old. "oh hi" I awkwardly said. "hey?" she asked. "Matt is upstairs, he's busy though" she straight up said. She's seen me before. "with what? Can I come in" I said. "I don't know, he's with a girl,i don't really care what he's doing" she said. My heart skipped a beat.

Why was he with a girl? "oh" I quietly said. "whatever, just come in I don't think he minds, unless they're doing something I don't know" she joked. I wanted to gag by the thought. Of course no one knew except our friends that matt and I are together because he hadn't come out yet

She opened the door for me, let me in and I walked upstairs to his room. I froze in front of matt's bedroom door, not knowing what to do or expect. I knocked on the door softly. No response. I knocked again.

"what do you want Madison?!" I heard matt yelling. "it's-it's me will" I said. There was silence again. "come in" he said. I walked in and no girl was on sight. "hey" he said smiling. I didn't smile back because I knew he was lying.

He walked towards me and leaned in for a kiss with a smile on his face. I backed up. He frowned confused. "what is it baby?" he asked. I just stared at him in disbelief. "Are you alone in here?" I asked trying not to cry. I was mad. "yeah?" he said. I scoffed.

"your sister told me you're with a girl, and busy" I said angrily but calmy. His face softened. He didn't know what to say obviously. "I-"he stuttered. "look she doesn't know-" he whispered to me. "where is she?" I asked. "she left from the window" he said

I can't believe this. "look will-its not what you think-I don't like her! My mom has been annoying me recently of me not having a girlfriend and I don't want her to suspect anything because I know she will hate me.. I'm scared" he said resting his hand on my cheek

I shoved it away. He looked at me sadly. "are you serious?" I asked. "what?" he asked confused. I felt my eyes watery. I was holding back tears. "Are you actually for real right now matt? You literally just cheated on me! Look at your neck too! What is she an animal" I said pointing at his neck

"we didn't do anything-just made out-" he said. "Still! You freaking kissed! That's cheating" I said angrily as I felt tears falling down my face. "It's not cheating-I don't like her will, it's only because I'm forced to! I'm not ready to tell my mom or parents or anyone yet that I'm gay will, you don't understand-" he said but I cut him off

"bullshit matt! I'm gay too! But I didn't fake a girlfriend so they don't bully me at school" I angrily said. "Yeah but your friends and family support you! We're not the same!" he said. I stated at him with tears in my eyes in disbelief

"I don't understand you! You wanted us to be a secret, I agreed because I know how it feels and what do you do?-" I said pointing at him angrily. My heart broke. "You go cheat on me!" I said a bit louder this time. He shushed me. I scoffed. "oh right, Mr matt doesn't want anyone to hear us I forgot" I sarcastically said

"You're embarrassed of me! I knew it, I fell for it I can't believe it" I said. I noticed tears in his eyes too. "that's why you were distant lately isn't it?" I quietly said. I was so mad and upset

He didn't say anything. I looked at him in silence for a second disappointed. "How long have you been cheating on me?" I calmy said but my voice broke. He was crying too. "I'm not chea-" he started but I cut him off. "If that's not cheating then explain to me! What is this?" I said loudly pointing at his hickey

"you're lucky my parents aren't at home" he said motioning me to be quiet. I scoffed. "did you just not hear what I just said!? I can't believe this!" I said. "Wait-no, I only love you I'm sorry-" he said walking slightly closer to me as I backed up.

"NO you don't actually! I should have known! I respected you! I kept us a secret! So did all my friends and you do this to me? The worst part is that you think it's okay just because we're gay" I said

"No I didn't mean-" he said. "save it, I don't want to hear it matt" I said angrily. I couldn't stop crying. I was so mad so I left. I turned around. But he grabbed my wrist pulling me back.

"leave me alone!" I said. "I'm sorry-" he said trying to make me look at him. "let me go!" I said sharply walking away. I walked out of his bedroom and walked outside making his sister downstairs who was casually watching tv confused. I don't think she heard anything but I truly didn't care at all at that moment

1223 words. To be continued!!

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