Chapter 78: Passing Notes& Trip Announcement

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Max's pov

It was Monday morning. We had physics. It was so boring. I was so bored that I started drawing. I started drawing hearts on the corner of the paper. Suddenly someone passed me a note.

"it's from el" a boy said. Fortunately that boy isn't homophobic and doesn't really care that's why el gave it to him. "thanks" I said smiling kindly and took the note out of his hands

I couldn't help but smile. I love when we pass notes in class. She immediately lights up my mood.

⬇️El's note⬇️

"Hey :)"

⬇️Max's note⬇️

"Hi! :) "

⬇️El's note⬇️

"Why aren't you paying attention babe?"

I smiled. I shrugged. She acts like my mom sometimes.

⬇️Max's note⬇️

"I'm so boreddd and I miss you"

⬇️El's note⬇️

"I miss you too but you have to pay attention baby!!! "

⬇️Max's note⬇️

"I can't, it's impossible I can't stop thinking about you!!!!"
I looked at her noticing her blushing.

⬇️El's note⬇️

"Me either.. Wanna go somewhere after? "

⬇️Max's note⬇️

"go where?"

⬇️El's note⬇️

"I don't know, anywhere so I can be with you"

⬇️Max's note⬇️

"aww!! Same with you! Wanna go to the park? You know chill out sitting on the grass like we always do?"

She smiled once she got the note back.

⬇️El's note⬇️

"yeah!!! I would love to:))
So after school?"

⬇️Max's note⬇️


⬇️El's note⬇️

"okay!! See you at break baby, I love you!! 💞💕❤️💓💖💝💗💘💌❣️"

I blushed hard when she put all those hearts around the note.. I smiled widely. "why are you smiling so hard?" maddie asked smirking who was sitting next to me.
I showed her the note. I didn't give it to her to read it, just showed her the paper. She smiled sweetly. "from el?" she whispered. "who else" I said slightly giggling.

⬇️Max's note⬇️

"I love you too!! Soo much💓💝❣️💘💖💞💗💕❤️♥️💌"

⬇️El's note⬇️

"No, I love you more!!! :) Also why are you and maddie smiling and laughing?Are you laughing at me? (joking) "

I smiled.

⬇️Max's note⬇️

"no we're not, I just showed her the note(she didn't read anything) and she teased by asking if it was from you and I said 'who else', that's it, my love"

El read it with a smile and gave me her thumb up to me. "Hopper and mayfield! Stop whatever you're writing and pay attention to class before you make me take it!!" the teacher said. We looked at each other and slightly secrelty giggled and we did as told.

*in the next period*

We had biology. The biology teacher is at least good. She isn't homophobic or anything. After like 10 minutes the principal walked into class. Everyone suddenly stopped talking once he came in the class. Some put their heads up since they were sleeping by their classmates quickly. It always happens

I almost fell asleep too but el threw me a paper folded at my head so I wake up since I was half asleep. I then straighted. "hello, sorry to interrupt" the principal said.

"it's okay" the teacher said smiling. "I have an announcement to make" the principal started. "We are going for a camp trip this weekend-"he said but got interrupted when the whole class started celebrating.

"Okay, I get your excitement but let me finish please" he said. They all stopped. "I'll tell you all the rules during the trip" he said. He cleared his throat. "of course firstly, you will behave in the bus and everywhere, you you will have to bring clothes, toothbrush and other needs. You can take a few things you would like to but at least two bags so they all fit.

You will be staying in a cabin, one for the boys and one for the girls. It's a little small but it fits all the girls. Only your class. Other classes will be with their own so if you have friends from other classes you will see them during the day-"he said.

"ew, I'm not sleeping in the same cabin with the dykes!!!" a girl dramatically said. My heart skipped a beat as el and I made eye contact. I can't believe people. "shut up zoe!" maddie said.

"Or what-" the girl said back. "language! Girls with girls, boys with boys! Am I clear?" the principal seriously said. We all nodded. I wasn't expecting good reactions anyway. Everyone is disgusted by us. They always had but we've gotten used to it. But they doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

All eyes were on me and el. I looked at el who was looking down on her notebook, drawing on her book trying to avoid all the staring on her and I. "can you all stop staring? Mind your business, we're not gonna fuck you in your sleep. Too bad you can't sleep in the same cabin as your boyfriend" I said back. It was kind of mean but I didn't care.

"don't you dare include my boyfriend" she said. "then mind your own business with mine" I said. She finally shut up. I've heard a few people laughing. Her face turned red from embarrassment but rolled her eyes to play it off. I noticed el finally looking up at me. She smiled sweetly. I smiled back.

925 words. To be continued!!

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