Chapter 35: A Lovely Casual Day

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Max's pov

It was Saturday morning. El was still asleep as always. It was 10 am. Me and hopper usually wake up pretty early for some reason. I got out of the room still a bit sleepy after brushing my teeth. I saw hopper sitting in the living room watching TV while eating chips. "hey" I said. He jumped a bit apparently not expecting me. "oh god you scared me.. good morning" he said. "sorry" I said. "what are you watching?" I asked curious. "uhh goonies" He said. "goonies? What's that" I asked laughing slightly. He looked at me shocked and frowning. "you don't know the movie 'goonies'?" he asked shocked. I realised my eyebrows. "no? Should I?" I said. "it's so popular.. Damn that was disappointing" he said. I laughed. "is it good at least?" I asked. "yeah it's really cool," he said smiling proudly. I smiled, he's literally a mood. "wanna watch together?" he asked excitedly. I laughed and nodded. "sure why not I'm curious to see why you're all excited" I joked. He looked at me laughing. "you'll see, come here" he said gesturing for me to sit next to him to watch the movie together. He put his arm around me. "do you want some?" he asked offering me chips. I smiled and nodded. Hopper is such a nice man, I'm so glad I can stay with someone safe. El is so lucky to have him, her dad. I miss my dad in california. My mom didn't let him see me much, that's why I hate her so much, she took me away from him. I've gotten used to it. There were a few funny scenes in that movie. It was actually pretty interesting. "see isn't it cool and awesome?" he asked. I turned to look at him. "hmmm, nah" I joked. "liar" He said laughing. I laughed along.

El's pov

I finally woke up. Max wasn't next to me so she probably got up. I rubbed my eyes, then went to brush my teeth. As I was brushing my hair, I looked at myself in the mirror. I kept thinking about how my life is right now. I felt.. so happy. How I thought Mike was the love of my life, at that time I didn't even know what love was, he just kissed me and I thought I loved him. I was wrong. I did like him but what I'm feeling towards max is different. I can feel love.. just love. I knew nothing about gay people until max. When Mike said she likes me I thought it was normal, just like I liked Mike it's the same. I had feelings for her. But I found out that I'm different than the others. A lot of people don't like gay people which confuses me a lot. Why people hate it. Hopper explained me why but its still not fair. He thinks the same thing. He told me that it doesn't matter who you like, as long as I'm happy. I believe him but I'm so scared by the thought that no one will talk to me if they found out. I'm already a weird girl with powers who is dumb, doesn't understand some things and all. I always thought I was a freak. The others don't make me feel like that, it's me. When I was in the lab, I kept thinking, why me? I didn't even know what the real world was. When I got out, it was so amazing. I've missed all this for 11 years, it was unbelievable. The others made me realise that I'm not like that. I'm so glad I found them. I feel loved, that feeling I never had before. My thoughts went back to max. I don't care if what I am is embarrassing to others, i loved max, I knew it, I feel it. I feel so happy right now. Especially now that max is staying with us. I snapped out of my thoughts. I got out of the bathroom to see max and hopper watching TV. I smiled. Hopper really gets excited like a kid when someone is watching TV with him. "good morning" I said smiling and sat kissed max's head from behind. "good morning" they both said focused on the TV. "why are you so focused on the movie?" I said giggling. "shh there's a really cool scene right now El" hopper said. "alright alright sorry" I said laughing leaving to eat cereal. Once I made the cereal I sat down next to them eating. Max turned to look at me smiling, I smiled back. "hey" she said quietly. "hi" I replied quietly as well so hopper doesn't get mad for talking during the movie. He hates when we do that. She took my hand slowly and kissed it. I blushed and smiled. I then kissed her cheek. We smiled at each other. Max turned her head to the TV for a second and was looked at me again. "don't kiss in front of me" hopper joked. We laughed. "it's not the first time you see us kissing" I said giggling. "yeah I know but it's kinda weird, imagine seeing me kissing another woman in front of you" He said laughing. "ew" both me and max said. "see" he said back. "that woman is Joyce isn't it" I joked. He turned to look at me confused. "what-no-me and Joyce are not-" he stuttered. "oh come on dad it's obvious, and tell her" I said. He smiled at me. "you don't mind?" he asked. "no why would I be?" I asked. "I-I don't know" he said nervously laughing. "make a moveee" max joked making kissing sounds. "yeah hop" I said doing the same to annoy him. He scoffed but laughed. "alright enough" he said laughing. We finally stopped laughing. Max took my hand and continued watching the movie. "hey-uh-I was thinking we go to eat at a restaurant together tonight, the three of us" he said. He paused for a split second. "as a family" he joked. "oh hell nah" max said. "now you and max are like siblings" hopper joked. "no we're not me and Will will be if you marry Joyce" I said giggling. "oh god you kids, I didn't even made a move and you're already planning a wending come on, she doesn't feel the same, it's not like you two love story" He said slightly laughing a bit at the end. "oh come on, it's so obvious, you both like each other" max said. "yeah" I said agreeing. Hopper rolled his eyes playfully. "alright, are you down for tonight" he asked. "yeahh" I said excitedly. They both laughed. Max nodded agreeing. "under one condition" max said. Hopper looked at us raising an eyebrow. "you will ask Joyce on a date today or tomorrow and you'll take her on a date if she says yes which is 100% sure" max said. "are you serious?" hopper asked. "yepp" me and max said. He thought for a second. "okay, fine" he said. Me and max cheered. It's been an hour, the movie was almost at the end. During watching the phone rang. "max can you go get it please" hopper said and max stood up. She hung up. "who was it" I asked her. "it's Mike, he asked if we want to go over to hang out, all of us, I told him we'll be there after the movie ends" max said. "oh okay sure" I said smiling. After a bit the movie ended and went into my bedroom to get ready. "I don't know what to wear I can't choose" I complained looking at my closet. Max giggled. "wanna wear my sweatshirt, it's a light brown though, I know you prefer brighter colors-" she said. "yess, of course I want to" I said smiling. She smiled back. She looked down at my lips, I did too. She slowly leaned in. We pulled away after a minute. "ohh can I wear your purple sweatshirt with that Teddy bear on it" she suddenly asked excitedly. I giggled. "what?" she asked confused. "nothing you're so cute" I said. She blushed. "awww you're blushing" I mocked her grabbing her cheeks. "stopp" she said back giggling. "yeah you can wear it" I said smiling. She smiled and went to get it. I put on her sweatshirt. I smelled it and smiled. She raised an eyebrow looking at me confused on why I'm smiling. "why are you smiling at" she asked. "it smells just like you" I said smiling. "in a good way or a bad way" she joked. I rolled my eyes playfully. "in a good way of course" I said hugging her. "same with you" she said pulling away and putting on my sweatshirt. Along with the sweatshirt I wore blue jeans and max did as well. As I was brushing my hair again, max did the same next to me, I had the idea to put on some lip gloss Nancy gave me someday but I never tried it. "I was thinking to try this" I said as I was putting it on. She smiled. I looked at myself first in the mirror to check if I look good. "is it good? Do I look okay, I don't know if I did it right, how do pou put it on-" she cut me off by kissing my lips. "yeah your lips are perfectly fine and soft" she said still looking at them. "I'm talking about the lip gloss baby" I joked. "yeah I know, and yeah the lip gloss looks great on you darling and yeah you did it right" she said. I giggled. "thank you my darling" I said with an accent giggling. She smiled at me holding my hands. "you should put some on too!" I said excitedly. "oh no, you know I don't like wearing make up" she said. "oh come onnn, its just lip gloss" I said pouting. "are you saying I need make up?" she joked raising an eyebrow. "what?! No-defiantly not-you're gorgeous-" she giggled. "I'm joking Ellie" she said. "Ellie?" I said smiling and slightly laughing. "yeah I've called you that before, didn't I? You prefer darling don't you?" she asked smirking. "yeah I do" I said back smirking and leaned in after I put on lip gloss on her lips. We pulled away smiling.
*arriving at Mike's house*
Max's pov

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