Chapter 94: Camp Trip

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Max's pov

I fell asleep during the ride. I was woken up by el. "Max?" I heard her saying nudging me gently. "Mm?" I hummed sleepy. "we arrived" el said. I opened my eyes. It took me a second to process that I'm actually in the bus.

I rubbed my eyes. Everyone was walking out of the bus excitedly. "hey maxie, get up before the bus driver accidentally locks us in" el joked giggling. I groaned and stood up. We walked out of the bus.

"We're here!!!" Dustin and Mike excitedly said right when we got out of the bus. "Are you okay max?" maddie asked me. I was confused on why she's asking me that but then I knew.

"oh yeah I'm okay" I said. "you're not feeling dizzy right?" maddie asked for reassurance. "yeah I'm okay" I said. "Okay children! Listen to me for a second" the teacher yelled

Everyone was talking to each other. "kids!" the teacher yelled again trying to get our attention. "I get that you're excited but stop talking" he said. Everyone stopped talking.

"okay, thank you. So we have arrived at the camp, behave please and don't go too far from us. You will stay here, there are bunch of benches, there's a cantines and everything, got it? Now each class's teacher will guide you to your cabins, you will settle your stuff and all there and then you may do whatever you want in the mean time and just come back before 6" the teacher said.

All of us nodded. "can't we just walk in the woods" some students asked. "We will go hiking and explore the nature tomorrow warning, because its not safe going on your own" the teacher said. Lots of students groaned.

"alright, now have fun" the teacher said walking away. "what should we do??" lucas asked us, the friend group. We shrugged. "don't we have to go to our cabins first?" will asked. "oh yeah I forgot" lucas said once we noticed everyone leaving.

We followed them. "good luck el and max" the boys told us when we got separated. "hey max el" maddie said tapping our shoulders. We turned around. "we'll choose beds next to each other right?" maddie asked. "yeah" el and I said smiling.

"aren't we friends?" I joked laughing. "I know, I'm just making sure" she said laughing. "Nah I actually hate you what do you mean" I joked. "so do I" maddie joked back. "This is fun and all girls but we have to follow the others or we'll get lost" el said.

"oh yeah right" maddie and I said chuckling quickly following the others. "alright, there are enough beds for all of you girls, settle your things and everything and you may go back" a teacher who guided us there told us. We nodded.

All the girls ran to get the beds they wanted and stuff. "Let's go to across the side of the cabin, not next to the dykes" I heard Angela and here friends saying. I sighed through my nose trying not to lose it.

Why are they so dramatic? We're not 5 years old jeez. "don't listen to them max, remember" maddie whispered to me. I nodded. We chose 3 beds next to each other fortunately. "aren't you dykes going to sleep together?" I heard Angela said.

"Do you want us to?" I asked annoyed. "no" Angela scoffed as her friends laughed. "Then why do you ask?" I asked. "Just to make sure, I don't want to throw up, see you two cuddling" Angela said with a disgusted tone.

We chose the three beds next to the wall, El was in the one right next to the wall, then mine and then maddie's. We chose it like this because the girls didn't want to sleep next to our beds. But next to maddie's they were okay I guess. Still scared and disgusted that ours is one bed away from theirs but they had no other choice.

The fact that we had to do that breaks my heart and El's of course. They're acting like we're a fucking disease or rats.

El and maddie looked at me. They gave me a look motioning me to just ignore them. And I did as told. "let's just go" maddie said. "Hey maddie, why don't you come here with us? Aren't you scared there" Angela said.

"Why would I be scared you idiot? They're my friends and there's nothing wrong with them" maddie said. "are you a Dyke too" a girl joked. "Just because I hang out with them it doesn't mean I'm a Dyke and I don't care what they are, they're still my friends so if you don't mind, just shut up already" maddie said

She grabbed el and me by our arms leaving the cabin. "thanks" el and I automatically told maddie when we got out. "no problem" maddie said. The boys were apparently waiting for us sitting on a bench where everyone else was.

"Oh! They're back" I heard lucas said from away. We sat down next to them. "Where's Sarah?" maddie asked the boys,mainly lucas. "She's with her friends" lucas replied. We nodded. "so.. How did it go" Mike asked us. "ugh, you don't want to know" I said.

"what happened?!" Mike asked slightly mad. "exactly what we expected, they didn't want to sleep next to us, Angela even asked if we were to sleep together, El and I" I said in disbelief and annoyance

"Will you?" Mike asked but maddie hit his arm. Mike groaned. "No obviously" el replied. "I mean, we cuddle every night at our home so it won't kill us for the weekend" el said. "yeah exactly" I said agreeing.

"what about you? Did you manage to get 4 beds next to each other in a row?" I asked. "actually we did" Dustin said proudly. I mocked them the other day because I thought it would be hard to get 4 beds in a row with no one ruining but I guess not.

"how did you do that? Because I'm pretty sure bursted in the cabin like 4 year olds" maddie said. "we just ran there first, we kind of argued with like 3 boys who wanted to sleep next to their friends" Dustin relied.

"so one of them got separated?!" el asked. "basically" Mike said. "Guys! They were a trio! One got left out, you could have let them, you're 4 so you could go 2 somewhere else and 2 of you there with the other 3 boys" el explained.

"well we didn't want to get separated" lucas said. El, maddie and I looked at each other. "What?! Why are you looking at us like that, it's their loss" Mike said. "I told them but they didn't listen" will said.

"well done will, the only reasonable one here" I said. Mike dramatically gasped. "Fine, we'll tell them later" lucas said rolling his eyes. "good, because you wouldn't like it if you were them" el said. They didn't say anything else.

1178 words. To be continued!!

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