Chapter 73: Cuddles

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El's pov

Mike suddenly comes out as max and I were about to leave after we kissed. "Hey! My mom suggests she gives you a ride because it's about to rain" Mike said. We looked up, the sky was indeed gray. We hadn't noticed that yet.

"it's okay, I think we can make it before it rains" max said. "no way, looks like it's going to rain and the flowers will be ruined" Mike said. "or are you worried that your flannel that El's wearing will get soaked by the rain?" max joked raising an eyebrow.

I couldn't help but laugh. Mike rolled his eyes. "No, I don't care about it, is el going to hold the flowers and the skateboard?" he said. "I don't mind" I said. Suddenly we heard a thunder. Max and I looked at each other.

"see?" Mike said. "Okay" max and I say. Mike walks back inside to tell his mom. "we should do a rain kiss" I smirked at max jokingly. She laughed. "oh my god that would be so cool but we can't get Mrs wheeler car wet or we'll catch a cold" max said

"I know dummy, I'm joking"i said chuckling." I wouldn't mind though"she smirked. I smiled. Suddenly she gasped. "what?" I asked confused. "Our first kiss was in rain! Remember!?" she asked excitedly.

I gasped. "oh my god yeah! How could i forget! It was the best day ever" I said with a big smile. I blushed at that night after Robin dropped us off, I got out of the car just to kiss max. That time I didn't care if it was cold, or that I might catch a cold. I was desperate to kiss max. It's when I realised my feelings for her.

It was magical. I've felt a million butterflies. "It was a great night, I was so not expecting it not gonna lie" max said. "why not?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "Because you knew I had feelings for you and I was quite sure you were straight and in love with Mike so i hadn't thought of it and it surprised me a lot" max said.

"well, I'm full of surprises I guess" I said giggling. "I guess so" max said smiling. She looked down at my lips. I saw Mrs wheeler coming outside after Mike told her before we could kiss.

"hey girls! Come in" she said said as we nodded and got into her car. "looks like it's about to rain again" Mrs wheeler says as she was putting her belt on. "Yeah" we both agreed.


We arrived back home. We thanked Mike's mom and walked inside. We walked in and saw Joyce looking at us confused. She smiled when she saw us. "Oh my god! I'm so happy to see you back together" Joyce said smiling.

I totally forgot that the others still think we're broken up. "oh..yeah, we're back together I apologised" el said smiling. I couldn't help but smile too. "That's great! Why are you dressed up so nicely?" Joyce then asked out of curiosity.

"oh um, long story" I chuckled. Joyce was still looking at me waiting to hear what happened. "Mike maddie and I went to the mall to get max a skateboard and flowers, we went to Mike's house to prepare something on max's skateboard, I was basically prepared to go surprise max so she can forgive me but she came first. Soo yeah that's what happened" el said.

I nodded as she was telling the truth. "oh! That's great, it's a cute outfit when did you buy that flannel?" Joyce asked. "oh um, Mike let me borrow it since I was at his house"el nervously said.

"oh okay, well it looks great on you, I'm so glad you two are good now" Joyce said smiling. "same" max and I said in sync. We looked at each other and smiled.

We went upstairs to our room. I pulled max into a hug as soon as we got in. She gasped, not expecting it, laughed as she hugged back. "I missed you" we both said.

We pulled away and laughed. "why do we keep saying the same things?" I said laughing. "Maybe because we're lovers?" max said smirking. I giggled. She smiled and kissed my cheek softly.

"we should tell Robin that everything is alright now, we totally forgot her" max said. "oh my god yeah" I said laughing. Max grabbed the phone. "Hey, I was just calling to tell you that everything is alright between el and I now" max said. I heard Robin cheering through the phone.

I couldny help but laugh at her reaction. "What happened?" I heard Robin saying on the phone. "hey how about we tell you tomorrow, we're kind of tired" max said. Robin groaned. "Okay fine" Robin said. "alright goodnight Robin! Goodnight from el too" max said as I told her to tell Robin goodnight too.

Max and I got changed into our sweatpants and hoodies. We layed on the bed. "I'm so tired" I said sighing. "You're tired of me?" max joked. I looked at her quickly. She laughed.

"I'm joking love" she said. I sighed and laughed. "I know" I said laughing. Suddenly max cuddled up to me. She wraps her arms around my neck as she layed on top of me.

"You're so cute" I giggled putting my arms around her weist cuddling back. "no you are" I said as she burried her head in my neck, making her voice vibrate.

"you are the cutest person alive" I said. She giggled. "we should sleep" I said. "Noo don't let go of me" max said as she thought I would leave her. "I'm not going to leave, I'm just going to go brush my teeth, then we can cuddle and sleep, how does that sound love?" I said

She dramatically groaned. "fineee as long as I get cuddles after" she said smiling. I laughed and got up to brush my teeth. Max then cuddled me and we both fell asleep.

1016 words.

Should I make it until 100 chapters for fun? Then end this story. The chapters will most likely be shorter though depends on my thoughts when I write the chapters. I've written some ideas in titles so far, just thoughts and it went up to 90 so I don't know. I just feel like it'll be boring so I might not

~My feelings for her~ Elmax Where stories live. Discover now