Chapter 40: Too Far

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Max's pov

It was the next day at school. Troy didn't do anything yet which is weird. The three girls we met yesterday came to talk to us. I could tell el was nervous so I held her hand. She looked at me and smiled. Angela started mocking us again. We went to hang out with the party but Mike didn't come cause he's grounded by his parents. Well, Mike's mom was proud that he stood up for his friend but Ted was furious. A girl we didn't know came over to us while we were eating at lunch. Me and the party stopped chatting and waited to see what she wanted. "um, Jane, Mr. Clarke wants to speak to you" the girl said. We looked at her confused. "why?" el asked. "he just wants to talk to you about a thing in class I don't know he didn't tell me" the girl said
El nodded and stood up.

El's pov

I stood up and followed the girl. "over there" the girl said pointing at a class. "okay, thank you" I said. She nodded and walked away. I went in. I didn't see anyone though, not the teacher. I frowned confused. Then I saw someone. It was troy. "what do you want?" I asked him. He scoffed. "you're here to learn a lesson" he said. "yeah?" I asked seriously. He nodded. "I know you can't use your powers, you wouldn't dare" troy said. I glared at him. "oh trust me I would" I said. He laughed. "I literally got a week detention because of you" he said walking towards me. "you put that thing on my locker-" I said. "so? Are you scared? You know it's not true" he said. He then slapped me. He laughed. I held my cheek in pain. "you're not allowed to use your powers, do you know what might happen if you do? Exactly you have no idea, no one does, so.. You can't, or I'll tell me, so keep your mouth shut" troy game me an evil smile. He disgust me. "I can literally kill you in a second" I said glaring at him. "yeah sure, I don't care what you can do" he said. "you made me piss my pants a few years ago, you know how embarrassing that was?" he said. "that was the purpose, you hurt my friends" I said. He laughed. "the whole school keep mocking me about it, do you understand little dyke" he said punching me and broke my nose. My nose started bleeding. I held back the urge to use my powers. I left the room. I walked into the cafeteria and saw something really bad. I saw one of the bullies punching and kicking max while the party were held by other boys so they couldn't help her. The whole school came to see the fight. Max couldn't move, another guy held her while getting hurt. I saw Angela there mocking her. I knew max was strong but I won't let her get hurt. She got used to Neil hitting her but that doesn't mean anything she needs to be safe no matter what. My face was red full of rage and god so furious. I couldn't stand seeing my girl getting hurt. I walked towards them but a guy grabbed me. I made eye contact with max before Angela slapped her. "NO, LET ME GO" I screamed trying to release myself from him. "MAX" I yelled still kicking him. More and more slaps hit max. I couldn't control myself no more. I heard the party yelling at them to stop. Max's nose was broken, her cheeks red from slapping. I felt the guy's nails gripping into my skin hard. I was so furious I couldn't control myself. I screamed and pushed the guys that was holding me away with my powers. I did the same to Angela who was still slapping max. Everyone gasped. Even the guy who was holding max still was scared and shocked and let go off her before I do something to him so did the others to Mike and the others. All students were shocked. I immediately ran to max to see if she's okay. "stand back" I said. They did as told clearly a bit scared. I already feel giult about how many guards and people I've hurt in the lab so I didn't want to use them against anyone except the monsters. My girlfriend was in danger so I had to. I couldn't just leave her like that. Even though she begged me not to use my powers no matter what. I didn't listen. The situation has gone way too far. I hugged max tightly. The whole cafeteria was quiet. "thank you" max said. She felt dizzy by all the punching and hitting. "are you okay?" I asked looking at her. That was a stupid question. "yeah" max said. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" Angela yelled. I looked at her and then at troy who was angry and shocked. He knew I would use them at some point. What did he expect that I would just listen and not use them. "I warned you" I said referring to troy. Angela and everyone turned to look at troy. Troy didn't say anything. "Can someone tell me what in the actual fuck is going on" Angela said. "She has powers you idiot how else do you describe yourself getting thrown in the air" A boy said. "what, how, that impossible" Angela said. "woah that's so cool" a guy said. Everyone looked at him. "she could have killed us and you say that's cool?" troy said mad. "she freaking broke my arm in middle school and made me pee my pants, I got embarrassed in front of everyone" troy said. "did you tell them why though?" I asked him. "cause you made Mike jump off a cliff, and he did but I saved him, you made me do it, I wasn't gonna let you hurt him" I said. There was no point in lying. Everyone just found out. "what? That's not true" troy said. "it is and you know it, you said it yourself troy" I said. "you literally just used.. Whatever you have on us, you thrown me across the room" Angela said annoyed. "she didn't hurt you, she had to make you stop and release max you idiot" Dustin suddenly said. "shut up toothless" troy said. A few teachers came but didn't dare to move as soon as they saw the scene. Then a teacher informed the principal about what happened and came. "what's going on?" he asked. No one said anything. Hopper arrived. The principal must have called him. Hopper ran to us and hugged us. "how did you do that Mrs. Jane hopper?" the principal asked calmy as usual but shocked and scared at the same time. I never wanted them to find out but I didn't have a choice. "my daughter has powers, something like telekinesis" hopper said. Everyone laughed. "why are you laughing, you literally saw the scene" maddie said. No one said anything. "can you please explain better Mr?" the principal asked. "yeah of course, but before that just so you know el doesn't and didn't want to hurt anyone, as long as you don't hurt and her friends she won't even touch you, if she wanted to hurt you she would have already but now you've gone too far" hopper said pointing at max. Her face was a mess. The principal gasped. "who did this to you Mrs. Mayfield?" he asked. "I saw the scene, all of you who hurt Mrs. Mayfield will get detention, what you did was very inappropriate, bad and not right" he announced. Everyone complained. "if I'm right I saw you throwing 2 people away with your mind?" he asked still confused. El nodded. "are you okay?" he asked Angela and the boy who was holding me. They nodded. "okay, um, we can handle this differently" he said. "all the people who were involved to Max's injuries will get one week detention, Mrs.jane hopper will get 5 days detention" he said. "but, your father will explain everything and why and how you got these powers or whatever you just did, I will go over to talk to her father and I will be back with my final decisions, clear? All of you will stay here until I come back. Teachers will look after you, don't start another fight, understood?"the principal said. All of the students nodded. Him and hopper left the cafeteria. No one dared to say anything for a minute. Mike went and got ice for Max's face. Everyone was around us. " can you stop looking at us please "I quietly said. No one said anything." I'm not gonna hurt you" I said. "what are we gonna do until the principal comes back?" a student asked. "why would we know you idiot" troy said. "can you show us stuff?" another tall boy asked me. I looked at him confused. I knew what he wanted but I played dumb. "what do you mean?" I asked. "she's not a robot or a machine so stop it" max said. "sorry, I thought it would be fun if she moved an item or something for fun not hurt anyone" the boy said apilogetically. I didn't say anything. "yeah" everyone said. The party looked at me and smiled. "want to do it?" Mike asked. "only if she wants" Mike told everyone. I shrugged. Max looked at me and smiled. "okay fine" I said. Everyone smiled. "okay can you like move this school bag from that table over there across the room and bring it here?" a boy asked. I nodded. That was the easiest thing to do actually but I don't want to flex or anything. I don't like the fact that I have powers. They're the reason I was locked in the lab my entire childhood. I picked it up and brought it quickly towards me and caught it with my hands. "woah" I heard everyone saying. "wait can you lift someone like make him fly?" the boy asked. I hesitated but nodded. "bro are you crazy what if she drops you?" another boy said. "she said that she lifted Mike when he jumped ofd the cliff earlier, forgot?" another boy said. "okay all of you chill, I'll do it, I trust Jane" maddie said smiling. "why do guys want me to do it so badly?" I asked. "because, it's cool we've never seen anything like this" someone said. "yeah you bullied her since day one and now you think she's cool when you found out she has powers" max said. "I didn't bully her, they did" the boy said pointing at the bullies. "max it's fine" I said looking at her. She nodded. Maddie stood in front of me, not so far away from me but not so close. I slowly started lifting her, I didn't want to scare her. Everyone gasped as maddie laughed. "holy shit im flying and levitating" maddie said smiling. Suddenly the principal came back. I slowly let go off maddie so she lands safely. "did you seriously just used your powers again?" he asked. "we asked her to" maddie said. He looked at all of us. "is that true?" he asked everyone. They all nodded. "alright here's what's going to happen, all of the bullies they hurt max and the others will get 1 week of detention and Jane will get 5 days. We can't kick you out of school, I've heard your tragic back story and I believe we can handle this. You must not use your powers, only for small things that won't hurt ajyome"he said as I nodded. "if someone tries to hurt you or your friends again, come over to my office immediately, if it gets too far just gently push them away so no one gets hurt, and no one will ever touch Jane and the others again, understood?" he said. Everyone slowly nodded. "alright go to class now" he said. Hopper came over to us as the students started walking away. "I'm sorry" I said. He looked at me. "it's fine l, they took it too far, you're lucky the principal is nice" hopper said. "I mean look at max,they really hurt you, I would do the same thing el so don't feel guilty and sorry" he said. "just follow the ruled and we'll be fine, okay?" he said. I nodded. He then hugged max. "you'll tell me everything at home" he said. "okay hop" max said. Hopper left. During the lesson people were asking me so many questions. I told them to stop at some point. They stopped immediately. They thought I would hurt them. "oh my god, I only hurt when you hurt the ones I love, I hate my powers" I said and turned back around. "but they're so cool" a boy said smiling. "you don't know what she's been through because of them" will said. No one said anything else.
*after school *
Max's pov

We sat down to eat dinner. Hopepr wanted to know everything before and after the incident. We told him everything. "yeah they basically stood us up to we get separated" I said. "jesus christ, I'm proud of you, both of you" hopper said smiling. We smiled back and chatted a bit more. We then went to sleep.

2248 words.

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