Chapter 85: Matt Part 3

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Max's pov

"what's wrong will?" I asked. He just kept crying on my shoulder as I hugged him tightly. After a minute he pulled away. He sat on the bed. "Matt cheated on me" he quietly said.

My eyes widened. "HE WHAT?!" I asked loudly. He hurt looked at me with pain in his eyes. "Oh I'm so going to kill him-" I said angrily. El put her arm on my shoulder to calm me down.

"would you like to talk about it?" el asked him softly. "there's not much to say actually.. He just-he I-I walked in and saw him kissing a girl and then-" he slowly and quietly started saying but then trailed off as his voice broke

I felt so bad. He looked so upset. "what is it will?" el asked. He took a deep breath. "The girl even had a fucking hickey on her neck.. He says they didn't do anything just making out-" he said but I cut him off. "sex or not its still cheating what the hell?!" I said angrily

I knew el was most likely going to ask questions about sex. We learned about it at school but el doesn't know much, and it has to be this way because she's way too innocent for that

"Exactly, that's what I told him. He said his mom insisted on him having a girlfriend, his dad accused him that he is a fag so he basically got a girlfriend to prove his parents wrong" he said

"what the fuck-" I said. "prove his parents that he isn't gay?" el asked for reassurance. Will nodded. "that is so crap" I said. "max calm down" el said. "I'm not going calm down, this is getting out of control. He can't just go cheat and tell that excuse" I said

"I completely agree with you babe" el said. Suddenly we heard the bell ringing. "it's probably matt, he ran after me when I left but I ignored him" will tiredly said. "I'll go" I said standing up.

"max just leave it it's okay" will said. "it's not okay, you're not okay will. I'm just gonna go talk to him" I said. "Okay" will said sighing. "I can come with you" el said about to stand up. "not it's alright el, I can go deal with him" I said. "max you better not start a fight or something" will said

"no don't worry, I might hurt him but just a little and I will not keep promises or anything" I said. Before they could even say anything I walked out of the room.

El's pov

Max went downstairs to go get the door and talk to matt who was probably the one that was there. "I'm so sorry they happened to you will" I said grabbing his hand. He nodded looking down

"thank you.. I just can't believe he would do such a thing" he quietly said looking, fidgeting with his shirt. "me either" I said.

Max's pov

I opened the door. Of course it was matt. He looked out of breath. "oh look who it is! The cheater" I sarcastically said. He looked at me. "max i-" he tried but I cut him off by slapping him across the face

He yelped. "what the fuck max" he said covering his cheek with his hand in pain. "how could you matt?! You know how will got his heart broken, has been through stuff and you do that shit to him?" I angrily said.

He didn't know what to say. "Look I only did it because my mom and-" he said but I cut him off again. "I heard! That is a lame excuse and a pretty damn dumb one! That is such bullshit matt? Do you hear yourself?

You can't just go make out or wherever disgusting thing you did with a random girl just to 'prove' you're not a fag to your parents" I angrily said. "I didn't have a choice! They said they would literally kick me the fuck out! You don't understand" he said

"you think I don't understand? Did you forget I'm a lesbian? I don't want to compare but, in my case my step father would not just kick me out, he would kill me and I am not joking, you know the whole story matt and its not the same. And dating a random girl won't help at all" I said.

"It's just for now, I'm not ready to come out yet! You know exactly how it feels" he said. "Yes I do! I so do matt, at least I didn't fake a boyfriend" I said. "because you know Neil would maybe kill you for that too" he said. "I guess we'll never know. But what matters is what you did" I said.

"I already explained the reason! I don't feel anything towards that girl, I love will and only him!" he said. "When you are in a relationship matt, you do not make out with other people! It means you're not loyal to your partner" I said.

"This is different" he said. "HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT?! he loves you, you idiot! And you broke his heart. And the worst part? You don't even know that what you did was wrong" I yelled. He just stated at me.

"can I just-talk to him?" he asked. "No, no way, he's upset enough. He just calmed down a little. He's been sobbing because of you dumbass.

915 words. To be continued!!

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