Chapter 77: Maddie&mike, El And Max

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Max's pov

"I can girls drive you there you don't have to bike" Joyce said as we were about to leave.
"oh okay thanks" we both agreed.


We arrived. We walked in. We saw maddie in. Looks like Mike was late as always. She waved at us smiling once she saw us and we waved back. "hey! How long have you been here?" el asked maddie as we sat down.

"not much, for like 5 minutes at least" maddie said. El and I were planning on taking an order once everyone is there but Mike didn't seem to appear and maddie doesn't know that. So we stood up and got our orders.

El wanted to get a crepe, maddie and I got milkshakes. After like 5 minutes Mike finally arrived. He froze when he saw maddie there. Maddie was sitting in front of us so she didn't see him yet.

He gave us an extremely confused look. He slowly walked towards our table. Maddie looked at him. She looked confused as well. "what? Uh, I don't want to be rude but why is Mike here?" maddie asked.

"well, el and I decided to hang out!" I said smiling. "I didn't know you were coming either" Mike shyly told maddie. "sit down, are you shy?" I smirked. He glared at me before sitting down.

Mike went to order something for him as well. "what's going on?" maddie whispered to us when Mike left. El and I looked at each other. "what do you mean?" I asked. "why didn't you tell me he was coming?" she asked. "do you mind?" el asked

"I-no, you just had to tell me before" she said. I smirked looking at el. "why? So you can dress up nice for him?" I teased. El laughed. Her face turned red. "w-what no?!" she said almost immediately.

"hm.. Okay" I said taking a sip of my milkshake. After a second maddie gasped. "is this what you both are doing?" she asked in disbelief. "what are we doing?" el asked as she had her mouth full. "are you trying to set something up with me and Mike?" she asked

I swallowed. "sort of, I mean it's obvious you like each other so we had to make the move for you" I said. Maddie sighed. "but there's nothing going in between me and Mike?!" she said defensively.

"oh there is.. I can.. we can both feel the tension" I said. "what? There's no-" she said but cut herself off once she saw Mike walking back to our table.

"what did you get?" el asked changing the subject so he doesn't suspect anything. "um, I got a chocolate milkshake" he said. "hm cool" el said. "what did you get?" Mike asked looking at maddie specifically.

"oh um, I got a vanilla milkshake" maddie replied. "nice" he said as they kept making eye contact then stopped nervously. I used to be like that with el and I find it adorable. Making eye contact then get nervous about it. Except us we basically had a gay panic attack during it but it's basically the same thing.

"aren't you gonna ask what I got?" I joked as el hit my arm. "ow! Babe!" I said as el giggled. "jeez, what did you get maxine?" he asked rolling his eyes. Even maddie laughed. "I'm just joking wheeler and I got a  chocolate& vanilla" I said.

"can I try?" el told me quietly. "sure" I said smiling. She smiled back and took a sip of my milkshake. "wanna share?" I asked. "It's okay, I've ate my crepe" she said. "it's fine I don't mind sharing it" I said softly.

"aww, the couple sharing a drink" maddie said smirking. "you guys are cutest couple" she said. "you should share with Mike" I said. They both froze. "in joking" I said laughing. I wasn't joking but alright.

"um, can I talk with you max for a second?" Mike asked. "sure, I'll be back" I said. El and maddie both nodded. I stood up and we went outside to talk. "Okay what the hell are you doing?" he asked slightly annoyed. "what?" I asked.

"what are you trying to do? I didn't know maddie would be here" he said. "well, she is. We wanted you two to hang out since you're too scared to ask her out" I said.

"you can't just set me up with someone without me knowing!" he said. "why not? It's working perfectly so far, all you have to do now is ask her for another hangout or a date, it's simple Mike" I said. "it's not that simple! She doesn't feel the same way, stop imaginating things" he said.

I sighed. "ugh, just do it! I know it's not easy and that you're afraid of rejection but you have to do it either now, or in days, months! You have to do it before is too late!" I said. "we've only hang out for like once or twice at school when we were helping out el when you two were arguing those times" he said.

"exactly! Show her that you want to hang out with her just the two of you! Not just to help el and I or anyone, she feels the same I can see it. She's been blushing the moment you came and so did you!what other proof do you want?" I said.

"she is?" he asked calmer this time. "yes! Don't be stupid!" I said. "do you promise to do it? It's now or never" I said. He hesitated but nodded. "I'll give you an advice, just.. Don't break her heart if she says yes which is definitely a yes, if you're not over will or something just don't" I said.

"I'm over will-i will not break her heart as long as she doesn't break mine" he said. "I'm sure she won't, if any of you do. I'll take care of it" I said. He laughed. "what are you gonna do exactly?" he asked. "I don't know, maybe get Nancy's gun and shoot you?" I said. His eyes widened. "I'm just joking wheeler, now let's go inside it's cold" I said l laughing.

"yeah, let's go" he said. When we got inside we just started talking about random things until it was time to go. I pulled out money from my pocket Joyce gave us.

El and I made eye contact and smiled. I noticed maddie taking money out of her pocket as well. I kicked Mike's leg under the table. "ow! What the hell max-" he said. I looked at max and then at him. It took him a few seconds to process and realise why I kicked his foot.

"oh um, I'll pay for you maddie" he quickly said. Maddie looked up at him. "no it's okay, I've brought money-" she said blushing. "no, I insist please" he said smiling, blushing as well. "oh okay.. Thanks" maddie said smiling. I looked over at el, she was already looking at me smiling. I smirked as she gave me a high five under the table

Mike's pov

After we left, maddie was about to get in her mother's car but I stopped her. I was so nervous to do it. We've been waiting outside, all of us for our parents to get us but I was too nervous to actually make the move. Max and el were whispering to me to do it but I couldn't.

At the last minute I finally got the courage to do so. "hey maddie!" I said just as she was about to leave. She turned around. "yeah?" she asked. "um, I was wondering if you like-wanted to hang out with me sometime?" I asked nervously

She smiled but didn't answer right away which stressed me out because it was exactly how I thought it would be like, that I'll get rejected-

"yeah, sure I would love to!" she said smiling. I noticed her blushing. She's so cute. I felt my cheeks burn. "Okay-great! Um so you have any plans for tomorrow?" I asked. "no, I don't think I do" she said.

"would you like to go to the cinema tomorrow? At 6 pm?" I asked. "sure, I would love to" she said smiling. I couldn't help but smile like an idiot. "Okay.. Great-thats great, um, see you tomorrow" I said. "see you!" she said.

1328 words. To be continued!! Hey sorry I hadn't updated this story I was working on the other one,

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