Chapter 70: Buying Gifts

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El's pov

"guys I have to go my mom wants me at home" maddie said standing up after we took care of the stuff I bought for max. "Oh" Mike said. "Okay" he finished disappointed.

"okay maddie! Thank you so much for your help I appreciate it" I said giving her a thankful smile. "no problem, good luck I'm sure she'll forgive you with no second thought" she said.

"I hope so" I said. She then left leaving Mike and I alone. "Alright! Final step is... outfit you should definitely wear something else" he said with a smile.

"like what? I'm not going to propose or something" I said chuckling. He rolled his eyes. "no dummy, let's just put something else" he said laughing.

"Here, wear this flannel" he said after searching his closet. "I couldn't find anything more interesting since my clothes are basically just shirts, hoodies and sweatshirts" he said. "It's fine" I said.

It was a black and red flannel. It looks like the one max has. It's her favourite too and she looks-amazing in it.

"I should probably keep the shirt I have under the hoodie right? Since I'll button up the flannel" I said. "Yeah definitely" he said. "Should I keep these jeans" I said looking down. I had a pair of light blue jeans.

"No, black and red flannel wouldn't look so good with blue jeans so I think-black is a better option, actually both are fine but I don't know" he said searching for a pair of black jeans.

"Okay" I said as I waited patiently for him to find it. He eventually found them since his closet is all messy. "Here! I finally found them" he proudly said passing them to me.

"thank you" I said. "alright go change, you gotta go to your house, she's probably there" he said. "yeah right" I said as I rushed to get changed.

Max's pov

*flashback while Mike, maddie and el were shopping plus at Mike's house*

After I left Steve's and Robin's apartment I got on my board and left. I didn't know where to go. I thought of going to the park to calm down. Maybe I was over reacting I don't know.

I suddenly heard a car as I was skating on the road. "Max!" I heard Joyce's voice. I looked on my right seeing Joyce driving to catch me. "Can you please stop honey? Get in the car, it's probably going to rain soon" she said. Great excuse.

"I-I'll go to the park thank you though" I said. I didn't want to be mean. It's not her fault after all. "come on max, please? Just come home and we can talk, I'm here for you" she softly said.

"Okay fine" I quietly said as I stopped riding and got in the car. We then arrived at the house. We sat down on the couch.

"Alright... what el did was wrong but I'm sure she didn't mean to be mad at you for what the Bullies did trust me" she started. I nodded in agreement. "yeah but a part of her made her say that" I said honestly.

"said what?" she asked frowning. "when she wanted to break up with me, she didn't say it but she was stuttering a lot, I got the hint" I said.

"it was probably because she was nervous and upset about what just happened and sort of blamed it on you which is not right I know, I'm sure she didn't mean to, el truly loves and cares about you, I know you're denying it right now but it's just the facts" Joyce softly said.

"yeah.. I don't know, I hope she doesn't hate me. I should probably let her talk to me, I'll go back to Steve's" I said. "Okay! That's great! I'm sure she's going to apologise" she said smiling.

"yeah I hope, we're just going to talk and figure this out" I admitted. "yeah talking is always the best way" she agreed.

"here I'll drive you there" she said. "no it's okay, it's not far, plus I want to clear my mind a little while skating it makes me calm" I said. "Okay then! Good luck sweetheart" she said smiling. I smiled back and left.

I skated to Steve's and Robin's apartment. Steve was the one who opened the door. "oh! Mayfield hi!" he said with a relieved smile. "are you okay?" he asked but I ignored him. "hey yeah you may come in" he joked annoyed that I just walked in.

"Where's el" I asked. Robin was on the couch with Nancy watching tv. Robin had her arm around Nancy's shoulder. She quickly pulled her hand back after seeing Steve and I walking in.

That was suspicious but I was too focused on el to really care at that moment. I just needed to talk to her. Maybe it was just an misunderstanding. The only way to figure it out is to talk.

"Uhh" Robin said. I raised my eyebrow confused. "yeah?" I asked. "She's um" Robin stuttered. "Robin just spit it out I just want to talk to her, I won't kill her" I said getting annoyed. They were for some reason hiding something from me. I had a bad feeling.

"Fine! Maddie, Mike and el went to the mall" she said. "why?" I asked. "I think they went to Mike's place after to set the sur-" Steve said as Robin slapped his arm since he was standing next to her.

"At Mike's?" I asked confused. "setting up what?" I asked. None of them said anything. "What are they doing? Did they just go out to hang out, the three of them?" I asked.

"no! It's definitely not what you think but trust me, el doesn't hate you and she feels really sorry about what she did to you so please forgive her" Nancy said.

"Why are you acting like this? Is there something I don't know" I asked. "Just go find her at Mike's I guess alright? We don't know what exactly happened, el just wants to apologise I don't know anything else" Steve said annoyed.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't know what to expect. The only thing they told me is that el wants to apologise. But how? Get me something from the mall or something. I don't know

I just nodded and skated over to Mike's.

*later at Mike's* (now)

Mrs. Wheeler opened the door for me. She told me Mike's in his bedroom with el. She didn't mention maddie which is a bit weird but okay.

The door wasn't fully closed to I tried to see from the gap a little. I saw something weird. Mike was buttoning up El's flannel? What the hell?

I opened the door without knocking. "What's going on" I asked confused, slightly mad. "Max! Hey um-" el said nervously. "Why are you dressed up like this, and why is Mike so close to you, plus buttoning your flannel? Robin told me maddie was with you" I said.

"I know-she just left, I'll explain, we went to the mall to get you-" el said. "That's crap! You're probably went to have fun, and you're wearing his clothes wow" I scoffed.

"Max-it's really not what you think" Mike tried. "yeah right" I said annoyed as I tried to walk away. El grabbed my hand to stop me

1239 words. To be continued!!

~My feelings for her~ Elmax Where stories live. Discover now