Chapter 16: Emotional

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El's pov

We stayed downstairs. Max was still upstairs. We wanted to give her space and then go. It's been an hour and I decided to go see her. I knocked on the door. No response. "max, are you there" I said softly. Still no response. "I can leave if you want to" I paused waiting for a response. "okay.. I'll go" I said walking away. I heard the door opening behind me. I turned around and saw her. She looked at me sadly. Her eyes were puffy and red. We stared at each other, she then ran to me hugging me. I hugged her back tightly. "you told us to leave you alone, so I wanted to give you space, sorry I didn't come earlier" I said whispering while hugging her. "it's okay... that's what I needed, don't apologise..." she paused for a second. "thank you.." she said. "no problem" I said kissing her head. She turned to look at me. "do you.. want to talk about it" I said quietly. She nodded. "let's go in the room" I told her. "um, she was yelling at me why I did this, that I'm a piece of shit, and we basically started arguing" she started. "I've told her everything she did to me, the fact that... he was literally beating me and she did nothing about it..she just... watched me there.. I basically told her how bad of a mother she is.. she started telling me I'm a piece of shit" she paused. I didn't say anything I wanted her to let express her feelings and tell me. She paused. "and... what if she's right... I'm a piece of shit who just ruins everything? I ruined my mother's life and I took Billy's father away and-" I couldn't take it anymore. I cut her off with tears in my eyes. How could she talk about herself like that? It broke my heart into million pieces." no, max, how could you say such a thing? They.. are the ones who ruined your life and neil deserves to be in jail. Your mom is...the worst mother and you shouldn't hear what she says all the time, she doesn't know a way to defend herself so she just uses bad words to let you down.. but you won't let her okay? You're so strong max.. I'm so proud of you.. "I smiled sadly at the end. She looked at me smiling with tears in her eyes as well. We stared at each other. She suddenly leaned in. I was surprised but I kissed back. We pulled away." and... Billy doesn't hate you. Hopper told me that he was the one who opened the door. When Billy opened the door, his father asked who it was but he lied instead of saying it was the cops..not that he had a choice but then he just got in the inside and the cops got in. Hop said he was sad.. "I said." yeah, his father ruined him... its his fault of how his son turned into. Just like him. His past is bad... His dad was beating his mom in front of him and everything. But he was scared of Neil so he didn't yell or talk back to him much. But he yelled at me. I always told myself.. that its not his fault for how he is now but it still hurt. I just felt useless and a garbage every single day because of them. And I'm.. Just scared that.. " she cut herself there. I had a worried look on my face." max.. Scared of what, you can talk to me"i told her to resure her that she can trust me. She nodded and continued. "I'm scared.. that I'll turn like him.. I'm like mean to everyone for no reason-" I cut her off. "max.." I said. She was looking down so I tried to make her look at me in the eyes. "max!" I put my finger on her chin to make her look at me. She finally did. "max... you're nothing like him... nothing! You are the most kind and sweet person  I've ever met in my short life after the lab-" she cut me off. "I'm not always soft El.. I'm being a bitch for no reason sometimes" she said. "no you're not.. Its normal to feel and act like that after what you're going through.. Because we didnt understand why you were acting like this before.. and please don't say those things for yourself you're amazing and I'm so proud of you and I love you so much so please don't hate yourself about something that isn't your fault - "I cut myself off. I realized what I just said. I accidentally told her I love her. I turned red. I know it's too early to say that but I didn't mean to." love me? "she asked quietly, shocked. I didn't know what to say so I just nodded, shocked as well." I'm sorry...i didn't mean to.. I know it's too soon and I accidentally said it I'm sorry you don't have to say it back-"she cut me off by kissing me. It was a short kiss but with so much love. She pulled away. Her hands cupping my face, making me look at her. And I did." El.. I love you too.. "she said. I was so glad she said it back. I smiled happily. I leaned in for another kiss. We kissed for about a minute until I heard Joyce yelling from downstairs to go. We pulled away, looked at each other and chuckled." alright, we should go" she said. "are you okay?" I asked. "yeah, I feel better thank you so much.. You make me feel good and better" I smiled at her words. My heart melted. I followed her downstairs. Everyone hugged her and talked to her since she calmed down. She told them what happened and everything she told me before. Because they're her friends and they deserve to know since they've been here the entire day to comfort her and be there for her.

Max's pov

I appreciated the fact that they all care about me, they stayed the entire day with me to comfort me.. I don't know what I would do without them and El. It was hard for me to say all those bad things again to them, since I've already told El about what happened before with my mom. But they deserve to know and I didn't mind since they've helped me more than anyone ever did in my life. "okay, we should go" hopper said. "go where?" I asked confused. "to the cabin, your mom is mad at you and so are you so I don't know if you want to go back its fine, we just want you safe" he said. "are you sure, I don't wanna bother you...just because I left my house, since I couldn't handle them anymore -" he cut me off. "max, you're not bothering, I'm not letting you back there to hit you and break your heart even more. And I would rather you stay with us" he said serious but calmy. I just nodded. "thank you.."i said. He nodded. We were about to leave until I felt someone grabbing my hand. It was Dustin." sorry... that we didn't notice this whole time... "he said. The others agreeing in the back, behind him." it's fine, thank you so much for today "I said smiling. They smiled back relieved. We got in hopper's car and drove off.

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