Chapter 9: Party Hangout

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Dustin's pov

I've been gone for some time in camp but my friends stayed in Hawkins. I came back and I noticed that Mike has been distant from us. With El. They were always hanging out with each other. We are happy for Mike and El but sometimes not too far. Lucas and Max are together but they still hang out with us. There are problems with those two actually. They don't even look like a couple anymore. They keep breaking up and getting back together. But I decided to not talk to them about. I don't want to make things worse yet. I had an idea to make the party come back ALL together. Even Steve and the others. Jonathan, Steve, Nancy and Robin maybe be a little older than us but we've been together from the start. We all worked as a team with the upside down and all. Sometimes our parents are wondering, why are you hanging out with 17 year olds when you're 15. Only if they knew. I don't get why wouldn't we be. I can be friends with anyone. My idea was to hang out all of us for a picnic. I know it's casual and people say it's boring but if you have good company anywhere is fun with your friends. I took my walkie. "hey, its Dustin,does anyone copy" there is silence. "yeah I copy" I heard Mike and dustin's voice. "oh I have an idea and I would like to meet up, like all of us the party and ill tell you about it!" I said smiling and proud by my idea. I could tell they were a little confused. "um okay, but not everyone asnwered" Mike said. "well, they're probably sleeping" Lucas said. "okay well, just come over to my house and we'll try to call them, I'll call Steve too,he might bring Robin with him" I said. "oh okay ill be there in 10 minutes" Mike said. "yeah me too in probably 15 cause I just woke up" Lucas said laughing. "alright see you" I said and hung up. I called Steve. "hey Steve!" I said. "what do you want Henderson" he said annoyed. I know he loves me deep down. "wanna come over to my house? We'll meet up all together to tell you an idea I have. We'll some of them, lucas and Mike answered so far" I told him. "uhh okay I guess" he said confused. "you can bring Robin too" I told him. "okay" he replied and hung up.
*20 minutes later*

Still Dustin's pov

Mike first arrived, then Steve with Robin and then Lucas. "soooo where are the others" Robin asked. "oh um, I think they're sleeping cause they didn't pick up the phone but we'll try calling them again" I said."um what if they don't come and we just came here for nothing?" Steve said annoyed. "then we'll just go to their houses its not big deal." I said. "one by one, are you crazy you think we're in the mood to drive all the time Henderson" Steve said. "stop calling me Henderson I have a name" I told him annoyed. "Henderson is kind funnier not gonna lie" Lucas said laughing. Mike laughed too. "shut up 'stalker'" I mocked the nickname max is calling him. His smile faded. "dude shut up" he said. "aww only your girlfriend can call you that" I mocked him again. I made him laugh a little but he was still annoyed. "wait you have a girlfriend?!" Robin asked surprised. "yeah" Lucas replied. "you didn't know?" Steve told her. "no, you're not telling me everything about your kids dingus" she said. He turned to her annoyed and confused. "what's her name" she smikred. Lucas rolled his eyes by Robins smirking knowing that their relationship isn't so good lately. "max" he said. "Max Mayfield?!" she said almost screamed surprised. "yeah why are you so surprised, am I this bad?" he asked her. "oh-um- no no you're not bad I just thought she was-" she cut off her sentence all of us were wondering where it was going to but she cut it off. "I mean, that's nice" she said smiling looking like she's trying to save something she was about to say but we didn't say anything about it we just nodded.

Robin's pov

When this boy Lucas, one of Steve's kids told me that his girlfriend was max I didn't believe him, I honestly thought she was into girls. By her clothes, so many rainbows. Maybe she just likes rainbow and I misunderstood her but I can feel it. She's always staring at that weird telekinesis girl. I think her name is eleven. We haven't talk to each other actually I just know her by Steve. I could see how she looks at her. And to be honest, I can feel it but maybe I'm wrong. I never actually looked at Lucad and Max and thought they were dating. I mean I saw that they're close but I thought it was just a friendship but alright.

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