Chapter 44: Visiting Susan

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Max's pov

Hopper woke us up at 10 am to go see my mom at the hospital. "good morning" el said. "good morning" I said sleepy. "are you feeling better?" el asked giving me a kiss and hug. "a bit better" I said. The three of us sat down to eat in silence. I wasn't ready to see my mom. It feels weird to see her after such a long time. We aren't on good terms. We just decided to live our own lives without each other since she ruined my life. But she's still my mom. I might hate her but I still love her.
*at the hospital*
Hopper was talking to the receptionist in the hospital as me and el sat down waiting. I was biting my nails nervously. El noticed and took my hand. "hey, it's gonna be okay" she said. I nodded trying to calm my nerves. After a few minutes the nurse allowed us to get in. I saw my mom. I didn't know what to say. She smiled at me tiredly. I went and give her a hug while she was on the hospital bed. Hopper and el left to give us privacy. "how are you?" my mom asked. "I'm-I'm good" I said. "I know we aren't on good terms but I wanted to see you on my last days" she said. I started crying. "why didn't you tell me?" I asked. "I didn't think you would care, you were-so happy in your new home, I-I didn't want to ruin your life again, I love seeing you happy with your girlfriend and your friends and hopper who is like your dad now-" she said. "Of course I care, you're my mom" I said as I took her hand. "yeah,I'm so glad you forgave me last time, I know you're still hurt and I am sorry, its not your fault" she said. Tears kept falling our of my eyes. She wiped some tears away with her thumb, struggling. I nodded. "you still should have told me" I said. She shook her head."even if you do love me and hate me at the same time, I didn't want to-what is the point if I told you earlier, you would start worrying, I let you be happy with your friends, I was going to die anyways so I didn't want to ruin this for you" she said. "that doesn't make sense-" I said crying. "yes it does-just let me do something right for once please, I care about you max" she said. She was low-key right. But I would go visit her. "I know what you're thinking, don't feel bad, it was my choice not to tell you, I did it for you and I'm glad you came today" she said. I nodded. "how-how many days do you have?" I asked. "4 days" she said. "but hop-hop said a week" I said shocked. "I lied-the doctors said I'm-I'm getting worse, that's why I wanted you here as soon as possible" she said. I started crying again. "please don't cry" she said rubbing my arm. "can I-can I talk to el?" she asked. I nodded and got out of the room to get her. I walked out and el immediately stood up. She saw the tears in my eyes and ran to hug me. We stayed like that for a minute. She pulled away and kissed my head. "my mom want to talk to you" I said quietly. She was confused but nodded.

El's pov

I walked into the hospital room. I saw max's mom. I haven't seen her in months. I waved awkwardly. She smiled at me tiredly. "hey el" she said. "hey Mrs. Mayfield" I said. She slightly laughed. "call me Susan please" she said smiling. I nodded. "sit down" she said. I did as told. "thanks for staying with my daughter, I know you hate me, you have every right to" she said. "I'm thanking you because-you gave my daughter something I never" she said. "I promise I'll keep her safe no matter what" I said. "thank you" she said. I nodded. She started crying. I didn't know what to do. "sorry-its just-you make her so happy and loving her is what she needs, and she loves you so much, I can tell so don't ruin it, I know you won't, you both deserve each other" she said. "yeah I know mrs-uh-susan, I love her so much and-she loves you, even after what you did she loves you, I just wanted you to know that" I said. I don't know how to comfort people. I can't find the right words. "I know, she's very lucky to have you" she said taking my hand. "so am I" I said smiling. She nodded. "let's talk about something not emotional" she sadly laughed wiping her tears away. I nodded. "how's school? It's your first year right?" she said. I nodded. The thing is, nothing was good at school so it wasn't really a happy conversation like she thought. "it's-its good" I lied. She looked at me. "I know you're lying, can you tell me what's going on, i want to know" she said. "why are you asking me?" I asked. "because max might lie to me just because I'm sick but I want to know if that's okay" she said. I didn't really have a choice so I just nodded. "it didn't start good-people bully us, hurt us" I said. "mostly mocking us, max always has my back and shut their mouths" I said. She laughed. "of course she is" she said smiling. I smiled back. "what did they do?" she asked. "if you don't mind telling me" she said. "they call us dyke and other slurs, they throw stuff at us, max always talks back though, I'm so proud of her, I can't really stand up for myself" I said. "I don't think that's true, you're brave-" she said but someone got in. It was max. "hey, is it okay if I come in?" she asked. "no problem" her mom said. Max sat next to me. "what are you talking about?" max asked taking a deep breath. I looked at her mom. "I told el to tell me about school, I know things are hard" susan said. Max said. "el told me about the slurs and stuff, did they ever hit you?" Susan asked. At this point I let max talk. Max looked at me not knowing what to say. "please he honest" Susan said. Max nodded and took a deep breath before speaking. "a boy who knows about El's powers drew something bad on El's locker, our friend Mike got so mad he started punching him-"max said." you stand up for each other"susan said. We nodded and she smiled proudly. "uh-that boy once stood us up, separating us so they can hit me, not el with me since she has powers, his friends started hurting me and stuff as troy was in a classroom with that boy then el came, saw the scene and wanted to use her powers but she's not allowed to, so no one knows-"max said." but you were getting hurt" Susan said. "I didn't finish-but she did use them and I was okay after" max said. Her mom smiled at me. "then the principal put rules about El's powers and the bullies and stuff but 2 days ago a girl bumped El's head on the locker" max said. "what, are you okay?" she asked. I nodded. "it still hurts but it's not serious" I said to resure her. She nodded. "where were you?" Susan asked. "I was in the bathroom, they always find a way to hurt us when we're not together cause they know we protect each other but it happened" max said. "I'm sorry about that girls" Susan said. "it's fine" we both said.

Mike's pov

El and max went to visit max's mom after the news. I felt so bad for max. We are going over there after school. We walked into the class. "where are the dykes?" troy asked. We ignored them. Troy didn't like that and stood in front of me. I rolled my eyes. "I asked you a question" he said. "why do you care? Do you miss them" I said. Troy made a gag noise. "ew, no, just wondering" he said. "they're probably fucking each other or something" Troy's friend said. Everyone laughed. "shut up" Dustin said. Troy scoffed. "obviously it's the reason I told you troy" the same boy said laughing. Troy nodded laughing. He smirked. "come on frog face, we all know it's true, what else would it be, plus it can't be a coincidence" troy said laughing. "you wanna know why troy?" will stood up angirly. I was surprised. Troy just looked at him and laughed. "max's mom has cancer and they went to visit her today!" Will said. Troy scoffed. "okay" he said. "her mom is literally going to die and you're laughing?" Will yelled. Troy didn't say anything. Everyone stared at troy. Troy still stayed quiet.

1545 words.

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