Chapter 59: Boyfriends?

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(a/n: I couldn't find any happy pics of will in s4, I realised that he barely smiled in s4 oop)

Will's pov

Lucas, Dustin were waiting for us in the entrance as usual. Mike was probably with his girlfriend or something. He's not really hanging out with us anymore. "hey Will, can I talk to you?" Matt said when he walked towards us while we were talking. "um-sure" I said following him. Max smirked at me. "stop" I whispered as they laughed.
Matt seemed nervous for some reason. "are you alright? What's going on?" I asked. "um-I-ive been meaning to tell you something" Matt said kind of stuttering. My heart was racing fast for some reason. "I-um-I think I have feelings for you but-i-I just know that you will hate me or think I'm disgusting and you just broke up with Mike recently, I know you love him so it's okay if you don't feel the same way-I just wanted to get it off my chest and tell you-" he said fast. He was talking faster than usual, clearly nervous. A part of me wanted to kiss him but the other didn't. I just thought about Mike. I just said fuck it. Mike already has a girlfriend and replaced me. I leaned in quickly, I could tell he wasn't expecting it because he didn't kiss back immediately.  We were to the side of the school so no one saw us. We pulled away. We were both a blushing mess. I couldn't help but smile. So did he. "does that answer your question?" I asked. "kind of-but like-what about Mike?" he asked looking down. "I-I don't know, he broke up with me, got a girlfriend, he doesn't even love me anymore and I like you matt, so I wouldn't mind if you wanted to you know-um-date?" I said shyly. "there's um-a problem" he said nervously. "what is it?" I asked. He hesitated. "I haven't told anyone yet, or publicly came out-" he said blushing from embarrassment. "Matt-" I tried. "it's okay if you don't want to, I'm just not ready for that but I know you don't like dating in secret and-" he quickly said again, he talks fast when he's nervous. I shushed him by kissing him softly. He kissed back immediately this time. After I pulled away we both looked at each other. "matt" I softly said grabbing his cheek gently,makimg him look at me. "I'm not gonna force you to come out or anything, I would still date you, whenever you're ready, we could try it" I said smiling. "really?" he asked with a smile. I nodded. "can I tell my friends-you know they won't say anything-" I said but he cut me off. "yeah it's fine, I trust them, plus pretty sure they won't leave you alone if you don't tell them" he said slightly chuckling,so did I. "especially max and el" I said. "yeah" he said. "so?um-do you want to be my boyfriend?" Matt asked looking down, he was still blushing. I smiled. "yeah" I said smiling. No words came out, just stared at each other smiling. That's when I realised that maybe, I can be happy. Even when Mike and I were dating, he was kind of embarrassed to hold hands with me, only a few times. He says he's scared of the bullies, which it's reasonable but people already know about us, so are max and el. "I should-um-go back, my friends are waiting for me" I said nervously and smiled. "yeah-sure, I gotta go-my friend is waiting for me too" Matt said. "alright-see you" I said waving smiling, he smiled back and waved. As I turned around he grabbed my arm. I stared at him confused for a second before he pencked my lips quickly, I immediately returned the kiss and blushed. We both didn't say anything, just smiled, a blushing mess, waved at each other and walked away. I walked towards the entrance and saw that my friends were still there waiting for me. Max first noticed me coming and smirked. "hey Will the wise,why are you blushing?" she joked elbow my shoulder. "holy shit Byers, why is your face bright red??" Dustin asked laughing. I saw max and el whispering something to each other. "come on Will, tell us" el said desperately. I sighed and swallowed hard. I wasn't sure if I should've told them, but I wanted to, I wanted to share the happy news I had to my friends,so I decided to tell them. "alright-um-matt and I-" I tried. They raised their eyebrows waiting for me to continue. After a split second max gasped loudly. So did el after the two girls looked at each other. Obviously they found out before I even said it. "What? What, why did you gasp?" Dustin asked in confusion. "you and matt what?" lucas slowly asked. I looked at max and el,I kind of changed my mind, what if Dustin and lucas take it wrong or hate me? But why would they anyway, they have no reason to. Max must have noticed my nervous tension. I took a deep breath, it's now or never, they will find out eventually anyway. "Matt and I-we kissed" I said quitely. Everyone gasped except lucas for some reason. "I knew it!!" max yelled excitedly. El ran to me like a child and pulled me into a hug. I giggled at their excited reaction. "That's great Will, I knew this would happen" el said happily and pulled away with a big on her face. It's good to have friends who are happy for me. I smiled. Dustin ran to hug me too after el. "ooo buddy, I'm happy for you dude" Dustin said,as he pulled away smiling. I smiled widely. Until I saw lucas expression. I was expecting a hug from him too, but for some reason he didn't hug me. Was he mad?. The others noticed too and their smiles immediately faded. "What's wrong dude?" Dustin asked him with a confused expression. "That's great and all but-what about Mike dude?" lucas said. I heard max quietly sigh next to me, but loud enough for me to hear her. All of us frowned. "Mike made his choice lucas, Will deserves to be happy don't you think? He's waited enough for Mike" Dustin softly said trying to remain calm. "Of course he does, but-Mike loves Will, Mike is still our friend and I care about his feeling too and don't think it's right-" lucas said but max cut him off. Well let's say that it's a miracle that max had been holding her little anger. "Yeah you think it's right that Mike got a girlfriend? When he could have just date in secret?" max said raising her eyebrows. Lucas didn't know what to say. "he doesn't want a girlfriend" lucas said. "Obviously, so what? Will is gonma wait for Mike to suddenly get his shits together and get back with Will somehow? Huh? It's not that simple lucas. Sorry to say it Will,but Mike had always been ashamed of being gay and I don't blame him, but at some point he has to accept himself and live happily with his boyfriend, they barely held hands in public or in general as far as I know, even though people already knew about Mike and Will" max said. "why are you going against me right now? I'm just saying that I don't think Mike is gonna like this-Mike still loves Will, Mike got a girlfriend because he was forced to, Will isn't forced to date a guy, leave Mike and move on so fast-" Lucas immediately cut off himself when he saw me. My face fell. I wasn't expecting that from lucas. I looked from lucas to the ground and walked inside to school, I didn't want to hear him anymore I was just excited to tell my friends but he ruined it." Wait-Will I didn't mean that-" I heard lucas saying as I was walking away and max yelling at him slightly.

Max's pov

"Lucas seriously? What's gotten to you? You saw how happy he was to tell us the news, he seemed happy compared to when Mike broke up with him" I loudly told him. "I-" lucas tried but Dustin already grabbed my arm and motioned me to leave. I sighed and nodded. Lucas didn't try to say anything, he either regretted it and felt bad or just still mad. "it's fine-let's go inside, lucas shouldn't have reacted like that" Dustin calmy said. "yeah no shit Dustin" I sharply said, I immediately regretted my tune and stopped walking. "shut-I'm so sorry" I apologised as he smiled. "it's fine don't worry" Dustin said as I exhaled relieved.

Will's pov

I heard foot steps following me. I opened my locker and saw el standing next to me. I looked at her, she was looking at me with empathy. "hey Will-don't listen to lucas, it's great that matt and you kissed, he seems like a great guy" el said smiling lightly looking a bit out of breath from walking faster that normal. "yeah-it's just I don't understand why he would get mad at me" I said. El nodded in agreement. "what if-what if he's right, I shouldn't have moved on so fast-" I said looking down. "what? No-Will you decide what you want, not lucas, not Dustin, not max not me, not anyone, okay? You deserve to be happy? And who knows,maybe matt is a good guy and treats you right, if he doesn't, you got max, Dustin and I to handle him" she said smiling at the end. I laughed slightly. "yeah I'm sure of that" I said. Suddenly max and Dustin came as well as we were speaking. "dude, are you okay? Lucas made such an assholy thing earlier, I'm sure he didn't mean it, and if he did? He shouldn't have, matt seems cool so it's great you guys are together" Dustin quickly said out of breath from running, now why they were running, no clue. "yeah you're right, and please take a breath dude" I told them laughing slightly, so did el. El opened her bag and grabbed her water bottle. She gave it to her girlfriend, who was out of breath just like Dustin. "thanks" max breathed out smiling at el,el smiled back in return. My heart melts every time I see max's and el's relationship. They're genuinely together, holding hands in public, no matter the slurs and hate they get. They're just happily together,no matter what. Why couldn't i have had that with Mike. We were happy together but there are times when he looked a bit ashamed of me. It's like he's embarrassed for liking boys (and girls but yeah)  but happy at the same time. Matt looks more scared than ashamed,scared to come out in public. And I'll give him time, I know it's hard to come out so I won't force him. Just like I did with Mike. Well, when I was sigh Mike, people sort of just guessed it and found out. They were calling us faggots and other slurs anyways. "so are you like officially boyfriends or just kissed?" max asked after drinking water. "he's not ready to come out yet, in public" I said. "but I won't force him to do anything before he's ready" I said. "see, such a simple thing Mike couldn't do-date in secret-" max said but el covered her mouth. "it's fine el, she's right" I said. Max licked el's hand again. "oh come on max" el said pretending to be annoyed. Max laughed. "ugh, gross bro" Dustin said as the three of us laughed. "okay but seriously, we're happy for you will" Dustin said putting his hand on my shoulder as the girls nodded in agreement. "the bell rang if you're not aware idiots" Angela suddenly said smacking Dustin's head and messing with max's hair as she was walking past us. "you bitch-" max muttered under her breath and immediately fixed her hair. "hey, it's alright you look great babe" el softly said helping her. Max just stared at her in awe for a second. El smiled and the two girls walked away together with interwined hands. Dustin and I looked at each other and smiled. "alright let's go to class, shall we?" Dustin said with an accent that always makes me laugh. "yeah" I replied.

2119 words. I'm back!!

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