Chapter 1 : Mad Max

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Chapter 1 : Mad Max
Max's pov

It's been a few months since el came back in Hawkins.It was now summer, me and el aren't on good terms at all. I'm pretty sure she hates me and the worst part is that I don't know the reason and it's killing me.

I've always wanted to talk to her. I tried to introduce myself when she came back but when I reached my hand she walked past me. It hurt me a lot I would say.

I genuinely just wanted to be her friend since lucas has told me all about her.Lucas is my boyfriend. Him and Dustin were the first people who talked to me when I came in Hawkins.

At first I thought they just wanted to make fun of me but then I realised that they might actually like me and I decided to give them a chance. Although they seemed kind of nerdy and stuff but I find them really cool.

I would rather hang out with them than any other popular girl or something. Everything was okay when we started hanging out. But Mike for some reason hated me a lot, he didn't want me in the party.

The boys tried to convince him but he kept saying that they don't need any party members. And that made me feel more like a freak.I was always like a tomboy girl, who plays video games which apparently "girls can't play video games" which is not true. People shouldn't be judged just because of what they want to do or like.

It's completely unfair because at this point you can't do anything without being judged. So I just decided to ignore everyone and do whatever I desire. Back in california they used to make fun of me because of how I dress and that I skate since I'm a girl. I just didn't like girly things like other girls.

I don't understand why it's bad but I didn't care anymore I just got used to them gossiping. My mom always tried to convince me to act like other girls my age, dress good, wear skirts, dresses but I just didn't like it and my mom always judges me about it. Some popular girls used to make fun of me because I have red hair.

I just hated myself because apparently everything I have is gross and weird. I've always had hard time at home. This is why I always go to the arcade. It clears my mind. Billy's dad is abusive and hits Billy.

He only slapped me like 2-3 times but he mostly just yells on my face and then I just run upstairs and cry myself to sleep while Billy is downstairs getting yelled at too because he sometimes defends me.

Billy is a jerk most of the times but when it comes to his dad trying to hurt me he tries to protect me.

He doesn't want what happened to him to me as well but he still acts like a jerk. It's hard to read Billy's mind to be honest. He's sometimes good and protect me from his dad and the other times he just yells at me because that's how he learned.

His dad used to beat his mom every singe day and he was only 10 years old and I can't imagine how hard that must have been. But then his mom left them so it's just him and his father now. My mom for some reason married this man and brought us here in Hawkins, not caring that I won't see my dad anymore and just expect us to be a "happy family".

Billy is a bully, beats up people for no reason. His father always told him not to be a pussy and fight since he was a child but he didn't know it wasn't right. He's terrified of his dad. So whenever he's mad he yells at me like it's my fault. It's alright though I've gotten used to it.

It was really hard indeed but I understood why he did all of those things. When lucas and Dustin came to talk to me I felt wanted. They made me think that moving in a small town like hawkins wasn't so bad after all. Until Mike...i don't understand why he doesn't want me.

I didn't do anything to Him. We didn't even get the chance to talk to each other. He just decided to hate me the day he first saw me. I couldn't care less about Mike it was just unfair.

One thing that it was so weird is that they have secrets which apperantly I can't know. Will didn't hate me fortunately but because Mike was his closest friend, best friend he tried to tell him that it's no big deal that I joined the party but Mike still hated me so I just hung out with lucas and Dustin.

They told me that will was lost in the woods, they had a funeral for him and people at school call him zombie boy. Which doesn't really make sense since he just got lost in the woods, maybe because of the funeral.

I have no idea,they don't tell me much because "secrets". I told them they can tell me anything but they kept saying its not safe. One day Dustin found some kind of a new species in his trash can and he thought it was so cool so he brought it at school to show it to us.

It was such a weird animal or whatever it is. It's like a slimey frog. We've decided to show Mr. Clark the new species Dustin found. While we were there and Dustin was about to open the ghost busters trap he had for Halloween which the species who Dustin named "dart" Mike and will bursted in and said we had to go immediately.

They were all going in a classroom to discuss whatever Mike wanted to say but as I was about to get in Mike pushed me and said "party members only" it hurted me a lot I would say.

He was pissing me off. Dustin and lucas apologized, went into the room and I waited outside. They were acting like 5 years old who keep secrets. Obviously they don't think I'm their friend since they basically left me out.

I kept nocking the door but they wouldn't let me in. I managed to open the door and then I saw dart running towards me. Yes I've seen it before but it was 2x times bigger and I screamed. Dart left the room and Mike of course immediately blamed it on me.

We seperated in the school to look for dart. I don't understand why that animal was so important but they wouldn't tell me so I just agreed to help. I was looking at the basketball field and Mike suddenly came in and scared me.

He rolled his eyes when he saw me. I told him "it's not my fault you came here" he just rolled his eyes again and walked away saying "I'm just looking for dart". I then asked "why do you hate me so much" he said

"I don't hate you", "of course you hate me you literally roll your eyes every time you see me, you're the only one that doesn't want me in your party and I want to know why. I'm tired of this bulls hits" "BECAUSE WE DONT NEED ANY PARTY MEMBERS" he yelled at me.

I flinched cause I thought he was going to hit me. He noticed and for once he apologized. "I'm sorry, I'm not gonna hit you". "it's fine. Just forget about it" then the others came in and I was so mad about to leave until lucas grabbed my hand.

"where are you going" "home" I said annoyed. He stared at me confused. "why we gotta look for dart" I lost my patience. "WHY DO YOU CARE, YOU ACT LIKE YOU WANT ME TO BE YOUR FRIEND AND THEN YOU JUST TREAT ME LIKE GARBAGE" I held back tears. "what are you talking about of course we want your friends.

" it doesn't look like it, why do you always keep secrets like some 5 year olds or something, I'm out " I was walking away until will suddenly talked" I want you to be my friend " everyone was surprised cause he's always calm and doesn't really speak in these kind of situations.

Mike frowned. I turned around confused. Will continued" there are just some things we can't tell you about for your safety but we know you won't believe us" some part of me wanted to believe them but the other no.

I said "my own safety?! What are you talking about".Mike spoke "See she doesn't understand will let's get out of here". Will insisted "no Mike let's give her a chance, I trust her.

We'll explain everything but you have to promise not to tell anyone for yours and our safety" at this point I don't really have a choice so I just nodded.

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