Chapter 13: Come Out

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El's pov

We didn't have a sleepover this time. I woke up and saw Hopper getting ready to go somewhere. "good morning" he said smiling. "good morning, where are you going?" I asked. "oh I'll go over to Joyce's since I don't work today I got a day off, wanna come too?" I thought for a second. "yeah sure, can I eat first?" I asked eating cereal. "yeah of course". He sat on the table with me eating as well. "so, how are you and max?" he asked. I knew where this was going. My heart started racing. "um, we're good" I replied. "are you two, like you know... together?" he asked. "I-I I like her.." I said scared by his reaction. "oh,I'm happy for you kid, max is a good girl" he said smiling. "you're - you're not mad?" I asked confused and cried. "no of course not, I mean I could tell by all the cuddling and all, we already knew about max you know and I assumed you felt the same way, I'm just glad we got rid of Mike" he said laughing at the end. "heyyy, he's a good boy we just broke up hop" I said laughing. "yeah yeah whatever,why were you scared to tell me?" he said sadly. "I was afraid by your reaction and I just realised I like max and everything is confused to me and-I don't know who I am" I said crying. "hey its alright, I love you so much and nothing will change that. And liking girls it's normal. It's like, I like pancakes but you like waffles. Do people get mad at each other for not liking the same thing?, I don't understand why people are like this El, I know it's going to be hard, because people won't like you. If people really like you and love you they'll love you no matter what so stay focused on that. Don't listen to the others, live your life with whoever you like and right now it's max and don't care what people say. If you're happy why care right? "he said. His words made me cry even more." yeah thank you so much "I said smiling still teary eyes. He hugged me in response. " alright enough emotional time, how about you go get ready? "I nodded and went in my room to get ready. I wore light blue ripped jeans with a simple yellow t-shirt and my white converse. We drove off to Joyce's house. I already know why hop and Joyce are hanging out a lot, I know they are dating or something but they didn't mention anything. We arrived there. Will was the one who opened the door smiling. "oh hey, um my mom is cooking right now so I opened the door. Hopper told me to go upstairs with Will. And we did." so how's life"i asked Will starting a conversation. "oh um pretty good the usual" , he said smiling a bit. I could tell something was wrong. "is everything okay? You can talk to me you know" I told him. He hesitated as always. Will never talks about his feelings. He stays quiet. "oh um it's just one thing I never told you but I'm sue you'll hate me if I tell you and I don't want to-" I cut him off. "hey whatever it is I would never be mad at you okay?" I said smiling a bit to make him feel better. "it's Mike.." he said. I was so confused. "what about Mike,is he okay?" I asked. "yeah, it's jist- i-" he was nervous about telling me. I put my hand on top of his. He calmed down a bit. "I-I like him" he said nervously looking down. I could tell he's jealous of our relationship we had but I didn't know why, I mean I didn't even think about people liking the same gender so I didn't think about it, now it makes sense. He thinks I'll hate him. "oh, why would I hate you?" I asked. "El, he's your ex, it's right to do that to you" he said. "okay look, it hurts but you know, I'm with max at the moment and-" he cut me off yelling. "YOU'RE WHAT?!" he wasn't mad. He yelled excitedly. "shh stop yelling and let me finish, just because I'm with max it doesn't mean I never liked Mike, I still care about him, not in a girlfriend way anymore, so if you're happy and Mike is happy too of course I wouldn't mind, I would feel bad to see you sad just because you have feelings for someone, you can't control feelings. I still feel guilty about having feelings for max, you know for Mike but I feel like he likes you, a lot"i said. He started tearing up. "oh my god thanks I thought you would hate me, he doesn't feel the same El, it was always you and sorry for being jealous and all I didn't mean to" he said quietly. "it's alright i understand, Mike was so chill about our breakup so there's a chance will" I said smirking. He rolled his eyes chuckling. "thanks but don't give me hopes, I know he doesn't" he said. "okay, just try I'm sure he feels the same. You'll thank me later, I know you're scared but it's fine. It's normal, thanks for telling me." I said smiling. He smiled back. "I think max was on the same boat as me when you and Mike were dating" he said laughing. "shut upp" I said laughing. "sorry I've always wanted to say that, it was cute. I could tell from the start that she likes you but I didn't say anything to anyone of course to not embarrass her or to her in private. I felt bad for Lucas but I'm happy he's not mad about Max liking girls" he said., "yeah me too, I didn't realise my feelings for max until she came out" I said. "that's great, did you tell anyone about it?" he asked. "oh um, only Hopper. I didn't exactly tell him, he asked me about it and I decided to tell him and he accepted me" I said smiling. "that's great!!" he said smiling as well. "I at least know my mom isn't homophobic" he said relieved. "yeah of course she's the best mom ever" I said smiling. We then got in his room. We decided to draw something cause we were both bored.

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