Chapter 80: Angela

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Max's pov

It was the next day. We were having lunch. "are you guys excited for the camp trip?" Dustin asked excitedly as we were talking. "hell yeah" lucas and Mike said. "Yeah kind of" will said. "why kind of?" Dustin asked. "I'm just not really into those stuff" will said.

"are you scared?" Dustin asked. "no, I'm just-not into camping much" will said. "don't tell me you're thinking not to go" Matt said. "no I'll-come I just know that they'll make fun of me, because I'm gay" will said.

None of us said anything to that. "You have me" Matt said. "they don't know you're gay" Mike said. "I mean that I'll be there for him" Matt told Mike. "we'll all be in the same cabin, it's gonna be alright" Dustin said smiling.

Dustin's words seemed to comfort will because he smiled and nodded. "aren't you two excited?" Dustin asked looking at el and I. "yeah, if you except the fact that all the girls will be disgusted by us and remind us that we're gay all night" I answered honestly.

They didn't say anything. "damn those girls are pissing me off, I can't believe people" lucas said. We nodded agreeing. "alright, let's-stay positive, let's just go have fun!!" Dustin said breaking the awkward silence that had happened. We all smiled.

*later in class*

"how do I know she won't try to kiss me at night?!" we heard Angela saying to the principal who just got in. He was holding the papers of the trip most likely, to sign up, pay and stuff.

El and I looked at each other confused. "Angela sit down please" the teacher said. "I'm afraid I can't do what you ask for. Girls can't go sleep in the same cabin as boys no matter their sexuality because boys may not feel comfortable and you won't tell us what to do. I'm sure maxine and Jane won't cause any trouble" the principal said.

I can't believe what I was hearing. I looked over to the boys who had a disgust look on their faces in disbelief by what's going on. Principal then noticed us. He didn't know what to say so he just stayed quiet.

"oh.. Hello girls" the principal said. We both said hi, not really having a choice. The whole class looked at us. "alright, Jack can you please pass those papers please" the principal told a student.

The boy nodded and stood up. Angela was glaring into my soul. Jeez what's wrong with her. "this is unacceptable sir-" the said again. The principal sighed. "Angela! I said you gave no right to ask me to tell two students not to come to the trip!" he said louder this time.

I'm glad he was sort of supportive? Not exactly supportive but stood up for us. He could have easily do what Angela asked for. "it's the same as boys! It's like you're telling a boy to come to our cabin. Max and Jane  like girls so I personally don't feel comfortable-" Angela continued. God she's so stubborn.

"Then don't come!!" maddie suddenly said. Angela looked at her. "You won't tell me what to do!" Angela said. "then don't tell Jane and max what to do! What's your problem!?" maddie said. I was glad someone stood up for us.

I was so tired of them that I didn't say anything. I knew there was no point in going there to punch her. Especially in front of the principal. I looked at el again, I kept glancing at her to see if she's okay.

She was looking down on her notebook again. She didn't look up. "are you listening to yourself? She won't sexual assault you in your sleep jesus christ!!" a random girl said.

"how do you know?!" Angela said. I'm so sick of this. What is she saying. "Angela! I said stop it right now-" the principal said angrily. Before he could say anything else el stood up and left.

That's when I knew she was too upset. Everyone silenced, not expecting it. Even Angela. Of course I stood up as well. I pushed my desk sharply because I was so mad at that moment. Of course I made sure not to push it hard so it wouldn't hurt the person who is sitting in front of me.

I stopped at the doorway, turned around and looked at Angela. "excuse my language sir, you can put me detention I don't care but Angela-you're such a bitch" I said. Everyone booed. I left without second thought. Surprisingly, the principal didn't come after me to punish me, unless he will later but I didn't care in that moment. All I cared about was el.

On my way to the bathroom I heard a voice yelling at me. "maxine!! Please stop walking so fast" I heard the principal's voice calling me. I didn't have a choice rather then stop before it gets worse if he puts me detention.

I turned around sighing. Poor man was kind of running to catch-up on me since I was walking too fast to get to the bathroom where el most likely was. "listen-maxine-" he said between breaths.

"it's max" I corrected him. I always do. I've been in this school for years and they still call me maxine. I usually still correct them, but sometimes I'm too lazy to respond and correct them.

"right-max" he surprisingly said. "I'm on your side, I won't let her do whatever she wants with you and Mrs. Hopper. So, don't think twice about coming to the camp trip. You'll regret it after and it's a shame to miss it, you have those boy-friends correct?" he said. I nodded.

"well, you should go. If Angela insists. I won't let her go" he said. "Okay..thank you" I said impatiently. I wanted to go to el. "Can you tell Jane to come back wherever she is?" he asked. "I don't think she wants to talk right now sir" I said. "Okay-tell her to come after the break in my office. Its not something bad I just want to have a talk" he said.

"okay" I said. "now, go get her and go back to class" he said. I nodded even though I probably wouldn't do that. It depends how el is. "Okay sir, can I go now?" I asked. He nodded smiling.

1075 words. To be continued!!
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