Chapter 82: Matt's Acting Weird

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(a/n: it'll get a bit heated in this chapter but not smut don't worry💀😀😂)

Max's pov

We had music on the radio. "el can you come here for a second?" I asked. I was sitting on the desk chair, El was on the bed reading something.

"sure, what is it?" she asked from there. "uhh I need help with this puzzle is pissing me off" I complained. She stood up and walked towards me. "I don't think I'm smart enough to help you baby" el said slightly bending down looking at the puzzle.

I quickly kissed her cheek since her face was so close to mine as she was looking at the puzzle. She looked at me and smiled sneakily. "that's why you told me to come here wasn't it?" she asked laughing

"uhh maybe-" I said but I was cut off by her lips on mine. I kissed her back. She then sat on my lap, still kissing me. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"don't say you're not smart, okay?" I asked pulling away. "yeah okay" she said smiling staring at my lips and immediately leaned in again. Her arms were around my neck, I was holding her weist still so she doesn't fall since she was sitting on my lap.

She pulled away. "I think that piece goes there-" she teased looking at the puzzle next to us. I put my hand on her cheek and kissed her again. "you don't care about the puzzle?" she asked through the kiss.

I shook my head and continued to kiss her. We made out this long before but this time was more heated, more passionate. I decided to do something I haven't done before because I didn't want el to be uncomfortable.

I slowly started kissing her neck softly and gently. She didn't pull away surprisingly. "does it hurt?" I asked pulling away from her neck. She looked at me kind of confused by the new sensation, neck kisses.

"no, it doesn't" she said quietly. "you sure it doesn't bother you-" I asked. "I'm sure max" she said giggling. I was nervous for some reason. I didn't want to leave any hickeys or something because I'm afraid it will hurt her and obviously I haven't gaven or gotten one ever.

Just gently kiss her neck for now. Suddenly someone walked in. I pulled away immediately. It was will. He froze looking at us as el got off my lap. "I-we weren't doing anything stop staring like that-" I said as he looked at us in fear.

"you were about to though-" he said looking disgusted. "No, we weren't" I said. "oh god.. Okay whatever" he said annoyed but embarrassed. His face was red. I mean I wasn't lying, I don't think we would go further at that moment. No clue

El looked at us confused. She's too innocent but it looked like she liked me kissing her somewhere else other her lips this time for a little and gently.

"what did you want?" el asked. "uhh, get into our room?" he said. "yeah right, my bad" el said. Will awkwardly smiled and closed the door behind him

"wanna watch a movie!" el asked breaking the awkward silence as will sat down on his bed. "Uh, sure" will said. El smiled and walked over to a drawer to find the movie dvd. Will and I made eye contact.

He accidentally let out a laugh. El turned to look at us confused. I couldn't help but laugh too. That was so awkward but then we started laughing about it. "Will any of you tell me what's funny" el asked confused.

"nothing, Will's face is funny" I said. Will gasped dramatically. "I mean she's not wrong-" el said laughing. "how dare you" will said jokingly. We decided to watch ghostbusters.

We sat on Will's bed, the three of us. El and I were holding hands as we brought snacks to eat. "matt's acting weird lately" wil suddenly said after like 30 minutes of watching.

"what do you mean?" I asked. "I don't know.. He's just not himself much.."he said. "did you get into an argument?" el asked. Will shook his head. "no, that's the weird thing, what if he's mad at me? But I didn't do anything" he said.

"maybe you should ask him what's wrong what if there's something going in with his family, I'm sure you didn't do anything, I don't think he's mad at you" I said.

"okay..ill probably go tomorrow" will said smiling nervously. I put my hand on his shoulder. He smiled at me.

We watched the movie and decided to go to sleep. El was taking a shower as I was reading a comic. Will was sleeping. "max?" he called. I thought he was asleep so it was kind of a jump scare. "will? You're not asleep?" I quietly said since it was night.

"No, I can't sleep" he said turning around looking at me as he was laying down. I could tell he was nervous. "Why's that" I asked. "I'm just worried, I have a bad feeling about tomorrow" he said.

"I'm sure it's nothing will. Don't worry about it" I said smiling. Honestly, I didn't know what to say. I wasn't sure what matt was doing but I tried to comfort him the best I could. "yeah, I guess I'll see tomorrow" he said sighing. "hey Will?" I said after a few seconds of silence.

"yeah?" he said. "if something bad happens.. You can come to me, okay?" I said. "you've got a bad feeling too aren't you" he said sadly. I didn't say anything. "I honestly don't know will" I said honestly.
"yeah.. I don't blame you, I'm glad you're honest" he said slightly smiling.

El after 10 minutes finished her shower and came back. Will finally managed to sleep fortunately. "hey" she whispered once she saw will sleeping. "hi" I said smiling whispering.

I opened my arms. She smiled and walked towards the bed and gave me a hug, I accidentally fell on the bed once she quickly hugged me. She giggled. "sorry" she said. I laughed quietly. "it's okay love" I said smiling.

"did you read the other comics we bought?" el asked. "no, I've read the one we bought last week while you were taking a shower. We promised we would read the new comic when el finished her shower.

She smiled excitedly. "I wouldn't read it without you see" I joked. She laughed. We then layed down, cuddled and started reading. After about half an hour of reading I felt sleepy.

I rested my head on her shoulder. "are you tired baby?" el whispered to me. I nodded. "let's sleep then" she said. I think I already fell asleep. She noticed and layed both of us down trying not to wake me up.

I was still, half way awake so I cuddled her. I put my arms around her weist, resting my head on her chest as she wrapped her arms around me cuddling me back. I then felt myself about to turn off again and fell asleep as she was caressing my hair gently

1203 words. To be continued!!

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