Chapter 98: Walking/hiking (Camp Trip Part 5)

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Max's pov

It was morning. Teacher came and woken us up. "Come on girls!! Get up! We have to go" the teacher yelled. I was half asleep.

Suddenly I heard el yelp next to me and bunch of girls laughing. I opened my eyes immediately to see what happened. I looked at el. They fucking threw water on her as she was sleeping.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yelled. "oops, I'm sorry we had to wake her up" Angela said shrugging. "you don't wake someone up like that!!" I said angrily. El was slightly shivering.

I touched her arm. It was so cold too. The girls walked away laughing I leaned forward but el stopped me by grabbing my arm. "it's fine max, just let them go, nothing will change" she said. I stared at her. My face softened slightly as I realised she's right.

I looked at the girls and then at el and nodded. Maddie already grabbed a sweatshirt, shirt so el can change.

She took off her soaked shirt not caring that the other girls were there too. I mean, she did care because she's quite insecure about her body.. I just keep reminding her how beautiful she is.

But she couldn't go to the toilets like this. All soaked. I heard some girls laughing in the back seeing el. "Why the hell are you laughing?! You spilled water on her, congratulations now let her change in peace" I said. Angela laughed.

Oh my god I am so going to kill her I swear. I sighed trying not to lose it. "Max, don't get into a fight I'm fine" el said. I nodded, of course she's not fine. Her hair was still wet though. All of the girls started getting undressed. El and I without second thought we went to change in the bathroom.

El was already dressed but she came along singe the girls were uncomfortable with us in the cabin as they were changing. "are you okay?" I asked el. She nodded. She was trying to dry her hair with toilet paper since we didn't have a towel as I was getting dressed.

I wore blue light jeans, with a green hoodie on. It was cold so I wanted to dress up comfy. I mean,we're on a camp trip. We would have a 10 minute break before going hiking. We met up with the boys in our bench, where everyone was.

We bought food from the cantine and sat down. "So.. How was the first night?" will asked us. "and why is your hair wet?" lucas asked looking at el. We explained everything that happened.

"bruh what the fuck?! I mean, it was expected but like what in the world. Why would they say such things" Mike said. Then it was time to go.

As we were walking I decided to grab El's hand. Everyone knows we're together, they mock us either way. That doesn't mean I'll start kissing her in public, just simple stuff.
Even with 'normal' couples. I wouldn't like seeing people kiss each other all the time.

But even if we simply smile to each other, hold hands or just hug they will judge us either way. And they will never stop. We will never be able to be free. El smiled at me. She didn't drop it. I didn't even dare to see who was looking at us and who wasn't because I'm simply just trying not to care.

I just want to be happy with my girlfriend. Is that so hard? People are so unbelievable sometimes. The person, adult was with us. He showed us and explained stuff about nature. "Look at that flower!" el told pointing at a beautiful pink flower. "it's so cute" I said smiling.

Will's pov

As we were walking I felt someone grabbing my arm and pulling me to the side. "what the-" I said scared and confused. "It's matt" Matt said. I sighed. We were a bit far away from the others. "What are you doing? I told you that I don't want to talk" I said.

"Just-listen to me please" Matt sort of begged. "Fine go ahead, I just already know it's gonna be useless" I said. "I'm so so sorry I did that. It was so damn stupid of me. I thought it would make my parents happy but it was completely wrong and totally not fair to you. I wasn't thinking straight. I don't know what I was thinking

And I don't want to lose you-I-I broke up with the girl after. She understood fortunately, she's still upset. I didn't tell her the truth but that doesn't matter" Matt explained fast.

I was speechless. "so what?! Do you expect me to come back all haply and be in secret love? I don't mind keeping it a secret for now but stay loyal! That's the main thing you have to do in a relationship. And you didn't do that so it means you don't care about me enough" I said.

"come on will... One more chance I promise I won't do it again, I didn't mean to" he said as I stared at him not knowing what to do. A part of me believed him but the other didn't. He then leaned in

884 words. To be continued! I'm so sorry this chapter is short..

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