Chapter 64

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Mike's pov

It's been a few weeks since my last  hangout with max and el. The day we saw matt and will at the mall. I had to accept the fact that will and I will never get back together. I guess he deserves better than me. Matt is a better guy...

Max's pov

We were at school and it was lunch time.
"I asked hopper and he said we can go ice skating this weekend!!" el excitedly said. My eyes light up as well. "Wh-really?" I asked smiling widely.

She nodded happily. We've been trying to convince hopper to let us go ice skate. "but.." el said. "what?" I asked as my smile faded away. "he said we can boys with us" el said.

I raised my eyebrows. "What? Why" I asked. "I guess to protect us? I don't know" el shrugged. I accidentally let out a laugh. "But it was supposed to me just us, as a couple" I asked disappointed.

"Me too but you know hop" el said. "Who should we bring then?" I asked. "I don't know, I guess Mike or luc-" she said but I cut her off.

I accidentally let out a laugh causing everyone to look at me. I gave them a 'what do you want' look and they continued talking to each other.

"First of all, Mike can't even walk straight when we even walks, how is he gonna ice skate with us?" I said laughing. "AND protect us from falling" I said.

"max.." el said seriously. I kept laughing. She couldn't help but laugh along with me. "how about will and matt?" I asked. "Mike is gonna be jealous" el said. "he won't know, plus if we asked Mike he wouldn't want" I said.

"why wouldn't he" el asked. "seriously babe? You don't know Mike? he's always complaining that we're gross when we're around him. Saying he's a third-wheel" I said. She giggled a little.

"see" I said smiling. "wait.." I said after a second. "never mind, I kinda feel bad for him" I said. El raised her eyebrow. "did my girlfriend max mayfield just said that she feels bad for Mike wheeler who is a guy she argues with all the time" el said.

"I guess so" I said as she laughed. "let's just ask Mike and lucas" el said. "alright I agree" I said. "anyways we'll ask them later, so wanna go to the park later? Just us sitting on the grass watching the sunset-" I said but I got interrupted by Dustin.. Ugh

"hey hey guys" Dustin said trying to get our attention since all of us were talking at lunch. "Guys!" he said snapping his fingers finally getting our attention.

"what is it Dustin" I  asked annoyed. "We should definitely have a sleep over tonight! You can come over to my house" Dustin said with a smile. "sorry we can't max and I will go to the park after school" el said.

I smiled at the thought that el chose me over the guys. She's your girlfriend max it's not a big deal. Well I guess little things like this make me happy.

Dustin's smile faded. "oh come on! You're together all the time, why won't you hang out with us?" Dustin said. I rolled my eyes. I looked at el. She nodded. "okay" I said as I sighed. "fine" I said. Dustin's smile came back.

"great! What about you guys?" Dustin asked the boys. "Sure" Lucas, will and matt said. We all looked at Mike who didn't answer. "um-I think I'll stay home, my mom needs help cleaning" mike said. Oh god that's the worst excuse. We all know why he's avoiding us. Because of will and matt.. I mean I don't blame him.

If I had a crush on el while she was with some other girl or boy I wouldn't want to be in this sleepover either. "is it because of me?" Matt asked. "No, I just can't come" Mike said, clearly lying again.

"Oh..are you sure? I can just not come, I'm not really in the friend group anyway-" Matt said. Not gonna lie he's a good guy. At least he's nice to will. Will looks happy so that's something.

"yeah I'm sure" Mike said faking a smile as he made eye contact with will. There was an awkward silence for a moment but fortunately the bell rang and cut it. "alright see you later" lucas said standing up.

El took my hand as we walked through the halls. I smiled to myself. We can finally be comfortable around people. The bullies don't really care anymore which is weird but alright. Of course that doesn't mean they like us, everyone is still disgust by us. That hadn't ruined our relationship and I'm so glad for it.

We had French class. The teacher literally doesn't give a damn about anyone so she basically talks to herself because no one pays attention. I feel bad for her but at the same time I don't really care because she's pretty boring.

El suddenly drew something on my arm. I looked over confused. She drew a smiley face. That was so cute, I don't know why. (a/n: i find it cute when someone does that I don't know about you)

I gently took her hand, drew a smiley face and a heart. She smiled. I smiled back. I lightly blushed. God I love her. Everything about her and every little thing she does is perfect.Even this.

926 words. I'm so sorry for not updating this week, especially in this story😶 Btw... Chapter 67 is the last chapter in this story.. 😭Not sure how I feel about that
Also it's the Netflix tudum event today!!

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