Chapter 54: The Fight (Eden And Max)

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Max's pov

It was afternoon Sunday. We went to buy a bed, it took us a few hours cause we couldn't choose. "no it's the wrong way" Murray yelled annoyed. Okay here's the thing we all offered to help but.. we didn't do much cause we had no idea what we were doing to he honest. "the instructions are different though" Joyce said. "this is the right way" Murray yelled. "red head pass me the screws please" Murray said. "I have a name" I said. "yeah how am I supposed to remember you, there's lots of kids" he said annoyed. I just rolled my eyes. He likes getting in our nerves. After an hour we managed to build it. "alright done, try it out" hopper said wiping his sweat away. El layed on it and smiled. "yeah it's great" she said as I layed next to her. "oo it's comfortable thanks Joyce and hopper" I said. "no problem" they both said. "thanks for helping us Murray" hopper said putting his hand on Murray's shoulder. He nodded. The adults left the room so it was just el, Will and I. "does anyone copy?" we suddenly heard Dustin's voice in the walkie talkie as will stood up and grabbed it. "yeah it's will.. well el and max" he said slightly laughing. "ooo yeah you're living together now, anyways wanna hang out at the skate park?" Dustin suggested. "yeah sure" Mike said. "are we gonna eat ice cream?" lucas asked. "dude yeah that's 100% sure, just like every time" Will said. "alright just making sure, just so I know to bring money" lucas said. "alright see you in half an hour?" Mike said. "yeah sure" Dustin said. "alright let's go get ready" Will said. I wore my favourite red flannel with black jeans as el wore blue ripped jeans with a light blue sweatshirt. "where are you going?" Joyce asked as we walked down the stairs. "uh to the skate park" Will said. "okay be careful" she said. "okay" the three of us said and left the house.


We arrived at the skate park. All of us were there except Mike. "hi" we all told each other as we frowned. "Where's Mike?" Will asked. Lucas, Dustin and Suzie shrugged. "he's not here yet" Dustin said. "Did you manage to do an ollie?" max asked turning to face Dustin. "no" he said as max sighed. "can you teach me again because I literally have no clue how to do it" Dustin said. "I've showed you so many times" max said. Dustin just stared at her. "okay finee" max said as Dustin smiled widely and they both walked away to skate. "do you want anything to drink, Will and I will go get something cause we're thirsty" lucas said. "just water" Suzie replied as lucas looked at me. "oh, same just water" I said as they both nodded and walked away. "is your dad okay with you liking girls?" Suzie suddenly asked breaking the silence. It was an awkward one too. "um-yeah he's totally fine with it fortunately" I said smiling. "oh! That's great" Suzie said surprised. I nodded. "it must be hard though" she said after another minute of silence. "being gay?" I asked making sure I understood her correctly. She nodded. "once my mom invited her friend over, and I started hanging out with her daughter. Since she's been coming at my house often I decided to become friends with her" Suzie started "it's been like a month or something until her mom told my mom that her daughter likes girls, her mom was perfectly fine with it, so was my mom but my dad wasn't okay with it when my mom told him" she said as I looked down. "so he's homophobic?" I asked and she nodded. "after that he doesn't let me hang out with her, in case she affects me or something which doesn't make sense" she said. "yeah they're acting like we're a disease" I said quietly. "did you stay away from her after all?" I asked. "no, I've been secretly hanging out with her without my dad noticing until a stupid neighbour told my dad who apparently is homophobic too so I was grounded for like two weeks or more I don't remember, it's just so stupid and unfair, I'm not gay but I don't like seeing you guys go through this stuff" Suzie said. I was shocked and surprised. That story was terrible. I know my friends and hop support me no matter what but I still know how it feels, the world outside is so mean and homophobic that you're scared of even standing next to your lover because they're glaring at you in disgust once they know you're gay. And the fact that I know other people have it worse than me. Not only they get bullied by people at school and life in general but getting hate by their own family. I can't imagine how hard that must be. Staying in a house knowing that everyone hates you, disgusts you or even doesn't love you anymore just because you like a different gender must suck. Then you go to school to face all the other people around you. "hey are you okay? Sorry I didn't mean to upset you I just wanted you to know that I completely support you and I would like you to be my friend if you want to" Suzie said slightly smiling. "thanks I appreciate it, and yeah you can be my friend" I said smiling, so did she. Suddenly I saw someone sitting next to me. Oh hell nah. It was Eden. What the hell does she want here. "hi cutie" she said smirking as Suzie raised her eyebrows confused. "who's that, are you cheating on your carrot hair looking apparently perfect girlfriend of yours?" she said mockingly. "No I'm her friend" Suzie replied before I could even respond. Eden raised her eyebrows. "hmm okay interesting" she said. "now come with me" she said grabbing my arm to stand up as I fought back. "leave me alone" I said. "oh come on, the carrot is quite busy at the moment with toothless, I'm sure you don't mind if I give you a kiss" she said smirking as Suzie's eyes widened. "what did you just say? First of all my boyfriend's name isn't toothless, it's Dustin and her name is max so just leave" Suzie said as Eden laughed with a devil smile. "oh! The toothless has a girlfriend, how so? How did he pull you off?" she laughed sarcastically. Eden tried to grab me again but Suzie grabbed my other hand tightly. "just leave us alone" Suzie said. "really? Why?" she mocked and suddenly pulled me up sharply catching my off guard. I gasped loudly and I saw max and Dustin looking at us. Max immediately ran to us.

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