Chapter 43: Bad News

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Max's pov

Its been 2 days after el's accident.Me and el didnt go to school,i stayed with her.The boys come over every day to give us the homework and help us for school. "What happened to Angela?" i asked.Mike sighed."she got two weeks detention and she never bothered us again,troy is still the same"Mike said.My eyes widened,so did el's."she did?" el asked.The boys nodded. "oh! We have good news!" Dustin said excitedly. "what is it?" el asked. " Lucas finally has a girlfriend!"Dustin said. " oh really,i didn't know,who is it?" i said sarcastically. "haha funny,its Sarah " Lucas said." yeah it was pretty obvious,i thought you were dating this whole time" i said. "no,we were just hanging out,i asked her to be my girlfriend yesterday"Lucas said. "i thought you already did,poor Sarah she was waiting for you to make a move" el joked. "why would i make the first move?" Lucas said. "wait,do girls prefer boys to make the first move?" Lucas asked surprised. "Dude yeah,most of the times" Mike said. "wait how do you know el,you're dating a girl?" Lucas said. "well,you're right, I'm saying in general" el said.I laughed. "you're confusing me" Lucas said as all of us laughed. "wait,who made the first move?" Dustin asked us. Me and el looked at each other. "uhh,it's kinda complicated" i said. "well I knew about max's feeling for me first,well because of Mike" el said looking at Mike. " yeah" Mike said quietly. "but I made the first move after Mike exposed Max,I kissed her" el said smiling. " but you said you prefer the other person to make the move" Lucas said. "well,I kinda wanted Max to make a move..but because I wasn't sure about my feeling for her,I didn't do anything about it,until I found out that Max liked me" el said. "it doesn't really make sense,sorry" el said. "no,it kinda does" Will said.Will and Mike looked at each other and smiled. "aww" I said. "who made the first move when you and el were dating" Dustin asked looking at Mike and then at el.The thought of the past made me feel jealous but I didn't say anything. "look-I'm just curious,I'm not trying to ruin anything" Dustin said."hey,calm down Dustin,it's fine" I said as Dustin nodded. "well,I did" Mike said. "so the boys make the first move!"Lucas said loudly. "well yeah,I didn't even know what love was,or relashionships back,it was right after you guys founded me in the woods"el said and held my hand. "I kissed her I think at the school before the demogorgon got her"Mike said. "oh! I remember,the night we founded the chocolate pudding"Dustin said.Mike nodded. "oh that's why you didn't come with us to eat the chocolate pudding,you were busy talking to el"Lucas said smirking.Me and Will looked at each other. "where were you?" I told Will whispering. "in the upside down" he said sadly. "oh" I said quietly and nodded as I heard the others arguing. "why do you say it like that Lucas,we were like 11 year old or something,we were just talking about snow ball and i kissed her,basically asking her to come with me,that's all,see you got the answer" Mike said kind of annoyed. "okay okay,chill I just asked" Lucas said throwing his hands in the air defensively. "and I answered" Mike said. Lucas nodded. Suddenly they noticed me and Will whispering to each other. They stopped talking and we looked at them,saw them staring at us. "Why are you guys whispering?" Mike asked. " they're planning el's and Mike's death" Dustin joked and Lucas hit his arm. "nothing"I said. "are you guys mad?jealous? Sorry we shouldn't have brought it up-" Lucas said. "No,it's fine,it's all in the past,it's not a big deal"I said and they nodded.I felt el sqeezing my hand,I looked at her and smiled. "alright now it's time to show you what Mr.John gave us for homework" Dustin said sarcastically.Me and el rolled our eyes and he laughed. "oh come on I hate maths"I complained. "come on,they're not that bad"Will said. "yeah easy for you" el said. "I'll help you" Will said. Me and el nodded. "okay finee" I whinned.El laughed
Hopper's pov

I was at work but then Joyce called me. "hey" Joyce said in a low voice. " hey,are you okay? You sound..sad"I said. " um,yeah,it's just-I got a call from max's mother" Joyce said shakily. "what?Is she okay? you don't sound so good,how about you come over here and explain eveything"I said. " yeah,okay i'll be there in 10"Joyce said and then hung up.I began to feel worry.
Joyce arrived and immadiately ran to hug me."hey,what's wrong?" I whispered hugging her back."here sit down" I said."um,max's mother called.." she started.Whatever it was I knew it was bad.I waited patienty for her to continue.She was struggling."hey,it's okay,take your time"I said softly kneeling down to look at her. "she-um-has..cancer"Joyce said shakily.My heart dropped. "what?"I said quietly. "yeah it's been a long time"she said. "how long has she known?" I asked." uh-a few months ago,she didn's say specifically" she said. I looked down."is she-gonna?"I asked scared of the answer.Joyce slowly nodded."oh damn"I started pacing.How am i going to tell max."I-I we have to tell max,but I-I can't"I said nervously. "hey,we'll tell her together"she said taking my hand. "it's just-she's been much"I said."I know.." Joyce whispered pulling me into hug. "how long does she have?"I asked nervously ."uh,a week.." Joyce said crying. I was speechless. "I-I think the boys are at the cabin,they-uh come every day to bring el's and max's homework"I said."i think we should go tell her,she better go see her mom"Joyce said. "yeah,yeah of course"I said quietly.We drove over at the cabin.We were about to get out of the car but I couldn't. Joyce looked at me sadly. "I-I can't do it"I said shakily.I couldn't hold my tears.Joyce hugged me. "I either..we have to"she said. "I know"I said.Max is like my daughter right now,and seeing hurt hurts me as well.She has to know,it's her mom.After a minute we calmed down and got out of the car.I took a deep breath and opened the door.El's pov

After we finished homework,we decided to play bored games."Dustin I told you,I'm not cheating"Max said loudly.All of us laughed. "you so are"Lucas said complaining. We were playing monopoly.We were in teams again.Dustin and Lucas who were in the same team lost all of the money.They think we cheated. "it's funny how every time you lose you blame us"Will said laughing.Dustin rolled his eyes.Lucas rolled the dices.He went to jail. "are you serious!!"Dustin and Lucas laughed.Me and the others laughed loudly.Max fell on my lap from laughing too much.We couldn't stop laughing. "Max stop you're making me laugh even more,I'm gonna pee my pants" I said through laughs.Max didn't stop.Suddenly we heard the door open,we assumed it was Hopper.

Hopper's pov

We got in.All we heard is the kids laughing loudly in el's and max's room.Me and Joyce looked at each other sadly.Little did they know,all of this will be ruined right now.We softly knocked the door.

El's pov

Hopper knocked the door."come in"I said as the door opened.Joyce was with him.They looked sad.I frowned. "is everything okay?" I asked confused. Hopper shook his head.They both took 2 chair and sat in front of us who were sitting on the floor playing monopoly."uh-max sit down please"Hopper said shakily.Max looked at me confused and sat on the edge of the bed in front of them.The boys were still sitting on the floor as I sat down next to Max."so-um-I-"Hopper stuttered. "hop you're scaring me,what's wrong?"Max asked nervously."I-I can't"he said as Joyce took his hand.I assumed it was something really bad by his reaction."I'll do it"Joyce told Hopper quietly.I took max's hand. "your-your mom called"Joyce managed to let out. "why?"max asked. "she-uh-she told me she has-uh can-cancer"Joyce said shakily.I looked over at max with wide eyes.She just stared at Joyce. "she's gonna die isn't she"max quietly said schocked.Joyce said as she started crying. "I'm sorry"Joyce said as she tried to take max's other hand.Max refused. "What-why didn't she tell me-how long has she known-I don't understad-"max said panicking and crying. "I don't know why she didn't tell you-"Joyce said but max cut her off.I was holding max's hand tightly. "how-how long does she h-have?"max said through small sobs.Joyce didn't say anything.Hopper saw her struggling and spoke up for her,just like Joyce did for Hopper earlier."uh-a week-I'm sorry max,I wish we knew earlier,we-we just found out"Hopper said.I saw max trying not to break down.I immediately hugged her.She let out a loud sob she must have been holding back this whole time.She started crying in my arms,I held her tightly rubbing her back in circles.I saw the boys in shock.Hopper was rubbing her arm sadly.It must be really hard for him as well.Seeing max in pain,hurted me a lot.All I can do is support and comfort her.After about 20 minutes she managed to calm down. "it's um-late,we'll visit her in the hospital tomorrow,okay?"Hopper asked max and she nodded sniffing.He pulled her into a hug for minutes,so did the boys after. "we'll come with you tomorrow at the hospital"Will said."it's fine,I'll go with el,your parents will be mad if you skip school"max quietly said."are you sure?" Dustin asked.Max nodded.We'll come after school"Mike said putting his hand on her shoulder.Max smiled at him sadly."thank you" she whispered as the boys nodded.Joyce left with Will as well.Hopper called Flo at work anf informed her that he won't come.Max was laying on my lap in a big silence.Suddely max spoke."why didn't she tell me?"she said quietly."I-I don't know,maybe she didn't want you to worry"I said."but I'm her daughter,yes I hated her for what she did but I-I don't want her to die"she said quietly as she started crying again.I slowly caressed her hair gently. "I-I know maxie,you'll talk to her tomorrow and I'm sure she will explain everything"I said."you're right,thank you for being in my side"she said as she sat up to look at me."of course"I said.She smiled sadly,kissed me and then hugged me tightly.Hopper made dinner. "hey it's time to eat"Hopper said as he got in the room. "I'm not hungry thanks"max said. "max you have to eat"I said softly."not now,I'm not hungry.Hopper looked at me sadly,so did I."okay"I said kissing her forhead.I stayed with her until she fell asleep.

1935 words.

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