Chapter 72: You Should Tell Her

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Max's pov

The three of us stayed at Mike's house a little after what happened. We suggested we could leave but Mike didn't mind so we stayed to keep him company as well.

We were sat down on the floor playing uno. El looked really good in that outfit. I really love that flannel. It's one of my favourite ones. Black and red. But on her.. It's way better. She's.. Perfection

I'm so lucky. The thought of her buying me flowers, a skateboard with a cute 'forgive me' paper sign on it and a heart melted my heart. I've misunderstood all this.

I even blamed Mike. I feel bad but I was so jealous. But the moment I saw them close to each other, my heart skipped a beat.

Now I don't know why I was jealous over maddie too. Maybe it was just the time I don't know. I guess I'm just afraid that she might leave me. Maddie is really pretty so I hope she doesn't leave me.

For anyone in general. I guess I feel insecure? I kept thinking, out of everyone, why me? Not only because we've been friends for more than a year before dating. But because we got into school after, I was afraid she would meet new people.

Meeting people, since she's never been in a school or basically in public. I thought she would like catch feelings for someone else when school starts. But that didn't happen yet. It was my biggest fear before school started.

"Alright, we should definitely talk to maddie" I suddenly said as we were playing, dropping my cards. They looked at me confused for a second, processing. "Wh-no! You're not telling her anything" Mike said. "Why?" I asked.

"She doesn't feel the same, plus I don't even know what I'm feeling!" he said. I rolled my eyes. "obviously you have feelings for her" I said. "i tell you Mike, she feels the same. I felt the tension. No one blushes randomly. It's because you looked at each other

Or when you bought flowers and had to fake that you would buy the flowers for her-" el said. "Wait what?" I asked. "oh-when we went to get flowers for you, I couldn't go buy since I'm a girl, Mike did and the lady there asked who they are for with a smirk so Mike told her it's for maddie" el explained.

I sort of blushed I don't know why. "El! Why do you have to tell max everything, I'm embarrassed and I did that because-I had to-okay?" he stuttered. "she's my girlfriend so I tell her everything" el said to Mike back. I chuckled.

Mike rolled his eyes. "yeah yeah we're aware" he said. "you're just jealous" el said. Mike frowned. "I'm not jealous!?" he said offended. "You obviously are and it's reasonable" I dramatically said. "And! This tis why we should set you and maddie up" I said with a proud smile.

El laughed a little next to me. "hey! Just because your relationship worked immediately and easily, it doesn't mean it's that simple!" he said.

"Who said it was simple? You know how it feels, we had to figure things out, you were here the whole time but it worked out perfectly, except today's argument but we skip that because we're totally okay now" I said.

"you're making me have hopes for no reason, why would she like someone like me? There's line tons of hot guys in our school so why would she pick me? The ugly nerd?" he said annoyed but you could feel sadness in his voice. I can relate

"We wouldn't have told you that maddie feels the same if we didn't sense it. And you're totally fine, stop talking bad about yourself, she likes you for who you are" el said.

"okay..I don't know" he said looking down. El smiled at me. I smiled back. I think she was afraid that her sentence might have sounded flirty by her to Mike but I didn't see it that way. I'm not that jealous.. Right? I'm just kidding I know she didn't mean it like that

He's our friend, so are the others so I would have done the same. It's not like she started calling him cute and stuff. "yeah I agree-look Mike-we're just gonna talk to her, leave it to us and we'll update you. We won't tell her you told us anything okay?" I said.

"you'll do it anyway" he shrugged. I mean he wasn't quite wrong. After playing for a little more we decided to go home. We've been there for an hour or so.

"where should we go?" I asked when we were outside Mike's house ready to leave. "home?" el said. "Yeah Joyce is probably there. I don't know if she's waiting at Robin's apartment for us since they know we broke up" I said.

"let's go at Robin's to tell her the news and we can go home" el said. I smiled, she smiled back. "yeah, it sounds great" I said.

She smiled and kissed my cheek. I wasn't expecting it. She giggled seeing my surprised, confused expression. "sorry I wanted to" she said

"I don't mind at all, do it again" I said as I couldn't help but look down at he lips. "We can't, there are neighbours around"el said. She thought for a second before I could even reply. "No, I'm not making that mistake again" she said without second thought and pressed her lips against mine.

I wasn't expecting that. To kiss me in public. In front of Mike's house. I mean, not exactly in public but anyone could see us, if they're passing by the road or someone looking out of the window. Which is creepy if anyone does to be honest

I couldn't help but kiss back. We both blushed as we pulled away. "im sorry about what happened" she said staring at my eyes as I stared back at hers.

Those brown eyes.."el-baby it's okay, you don't have to keep apologising. I forgive you, there's nothing to worry about too. I was over reacting too" I said. She nodded and smiled.

1041 words. Guys, this story might end in like 1-2 or 3 chapters later😭I wish I could make it to 100 chapters haha, wouldn't that be cool? I like the number ngl.

~My feelings for her~ Elmax Where stories live. Discover now