Chapter 42: The Accident

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El's pov

It was 1st period. We had art class. It's my favourite subject. I really like drawing. Will had showed me how to draw during the summer and we used to draw together all the time. We had a project to draw a person of our choice. Obviously me and max chose each other. I was very happy to draw my beautiful girl in front of me. "stay still for a second please" I told max. She stood still and started laughing. "what?" I asked smiling annoyed. "nothing" she said giggling. She raised her eyebrow at me as I got closer to look at her eyes. "what are you doing, I feel like you're staring in my soul" max said laughing. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I'm trying to draw your eyes dummy" I said. She gasped acting annoyed. "okay then draw my eyes dummy" she said with a smirk at the end. I kept staring at them. "yeah well, you're supposed to draw them not stare at them" she said laughing. "oh.. yeah right, they're just so pretty sorry" I said as I started drawing them. She laughed and smiled. "yours too" she said. I stared at her for a second. "oh come on, brown is literally the color of poop" I said laughing. She hit my arm. "that's not true, your eyes are amazing" she said. I laughed. "okay okay sorry" I said. 5 minutes later I finished drawing her eyes. I noticed max staring at me the entire time. "you know, you're supposed to draw me not stare at me" I said smirking. "what-I know" she shuttered. "first of all, you're too pretty and I can't draw! I'm so bad at it" she whined annoyed. I laughed. "it's fine, show me what you've done so far" I said as I tried to take her sketchbook. She quickly grabbed it before I could get it. I sighed. "come on maxie, I won't judge" I said. She shook her head. "no trust me you don't want to see, it's really bad" she said. "like really bad" she repeated dramatically. I rolled my eyes and managed to grab it. "hey!" she said annoyed. She hid her face in her hands embarrassed. "its-its not that bad" I said laughing. She uncovered herself to look at me. "yes it is, friends don't lie" she said. I laughed. "we're not friends, remember?" I joked. She sighed dramatically. "stop saying that, it's not funny!" she said. I laughed. "nope, no but like seriously I'm not lying" I said smiling. She stared at me for a second with a weird expression. "okay whatever" she said. I laughed. Then will and Mike sat next to us. "oh my god, I'm so bad this, look at this" Mike said annoyed showing me his drawing. Will and Mike drew each other as well as we did. I looked at it. "eh, it's not that bad" I said, not sure. Mike raised his eyebrow. "yeah it's not that good" I admitted. "I knew it" Mike said disappointed. "I can help you" I said excitingly. Mike's face light up. "really?" he asked smiling. I nodded. "hey Mike, if it makes you feel better, look at mine" max said laughing slightly disappointed. "oh god, this is bad" Mike said as I hit his arm. "see el! You lied to me" max said. "it's not that bad, it just needs some fixing" I said. Max smiled at me. "okay" max said. "hey max I can help you" will suggested softly. "oh my god, yes, please it's terrible" max said. The three of us laughed. "why are you laughing?" max asked raising her eyebrows. "nothing, you're so dramatic" Mike said. Max gasped. "not I'm not" max said. "you kinda are" I said smirking. She hit my arm playfully smirking as well. I laughed and tried to fix Mike's drawing. "we're not gonna make it" Mike said. "yes we will, we still have one more period" I said. Art class lasted 2 periods so we have time. (a/n:at least in my school I don't know about other countries sorry). Mike nodded. Will was about to take max's sketchbook to help her but she grabbed it. Will was confused. "before I show you, promise you won't laugh?" max said as me and Mike accidentally let out a small laugh. Max saw us and rolled her eyes. Will nodded and max handed her sketchbook to him. " not that bad" will said. Max raised her eyebrows. "you're joking?" max asked. "nope" will said. "I told you" I told max. She smiled and rolled her eyes playfully. "look, the shape is kinda bad, the hair is good it just needs some"will said, he smirked at the end."what?" max asked. "you did her lips perfectly" will said smiling. Mike started laughing loudly. I stopped drawing and look up at them, mostly max. Her face was red. Will hit Mike's arm so he stops laughing. "it's because-the lips are easy to draw-" max stuttered. Mike laughed again. "or maybe it's because you're staring at her lips-" Mike said but max hit his arm. "ow jeez" Mike groaned. "shut up" max said annoyed. Me and will laughed. I looked at max and smirked. She smiled and looked away nervously. "just fix it will" max said breathily laughing. "okay" will replied laughing. "you guys like making fun of me don't you?" max asked. "pretty much" Mike said as we all laughed. Suddenly Dustin joined us. "hey" Dustin said as he sat down. "hi, where's lucas?" Mike asked. "uh, he told Sarah to come over to draw together and I couldn't handle third-wheeling, and it was so gross" Dustin said dramatically. We all laughed. "who did you draw" I asked. "I just drew a random boy who didn't have anyone since lucas was busy" Dustin said laughing. We nodded. Will showed max how to draw the eyes and she decided to give it a try. Suddenly max leaned forward and grabbed my face so I stay still. I looked at her confused. "one second" she said staring at my eyes. I understood and did as told. "aww how cute, you're drawing the dyke" Angela mocked. "so? Mind your business" Mike said. Angela laughed and drew a line on my drawing. I gasped. "whoops" Angela said as she walked away. I just stared at my drawing which was now destroyed. I heard Mike angirly sighing. As I kept staring at it sadly suddenly will grabbed it. She literally drew a big black line across max's face. I was just so tired of all this. For some reason I started slightly crying. I don't even know why. Mike put his hand on my shoulder. "hey, el, it's okay it's just a drawing-" Mike said. "yeah, we can fix it-" will said. "no, it's not just a drawing-I'm so tired of Angela, I was peacefully drawing my pretty girlfriend and she came to ruin it and everything she keeps doing-" I said annoyed and upset. Maybe I was over-reacting but I couldn't help it. "she-she keeps ruining everything for no reason" I said. "we were just having fun" I quietly said. "el, it's okay" max said grabbing my hand. I looked at her. I sighed. "sorry-that was so dramatic for no reason-" I apologised. "it wasn't apologise, you have every reason to be mad" will said. "I'll help you fix it" will said. "I can do it, thanks, I'll tell you if I need help" I said smiling at him and sniffed. I didn't cry much cause I didn't want to show Angela that I'm weak. Will nodded. After a few minutes max gapsed excitedly. "look, I did the eyes!" she said happily showing us the drawing. I gapsed. "oh my god, its so good baby" I said smiling. Mike gave her a high-five. She was so cute, she was excited and proud of herself. I managed to somehow fix my drawing. Suddenly Mike leaned forward to will. "I can't tell what color your eyes are" Mike said slowly scanning will's eyes. "you ask like you'll manage to do them" max joked. I hit her arm and she laughed. "haha funny" Mike said. "obviously brown" dustin said. "no, green-no more like Hazel" max said. "it's a mix of brown, green and gold" max said. "like el's" Mike said. "no, el's are light hazel brown, I think will's are more like green hazel, I don't know" max said. "okay okay,just do whatever, mix colors" Dustin said. We all laughed and Mike nodded. It was almost the end of the class. I finished my drawing. I held the sketchbook on my chest smiling proudly. "did you finish it?" max asked. I nodded smiling. "show me" she said. I handed it to her. Max's mouth fell open. "'s amazing el" max said smiling. She stood up and gave me a hug. "oooo it's really good" mike said. Will and Dustin nodded in agreement. "thanks" I said. "I finished too" Mike said. "same" max said. "wanna show it at the same time?" Mike suggested. "sure okay" max said. They counted on three and showed their drawings. "ooo, I'm actually impressed I thought it would be worse" Dustin said. Mike and max stared at him and rolled their eyes. "it's really good!!" I said smiling. "yeah? I tried my best" she said nervously but smiling. "yeah" I said taking her hands excitedly. "I mean will did most of the work" max said slightly laughing. "thanks" max told will. "no problem" he said smiling. "what's with the nose?" Mike asked. "what's with your nose" max said back. "actually will's nose-" Dustin said. "I mean his drawing dumbass" max said. I laughed. "stop acting like kids" will said laughing. Mike and max laughed and stopped. Art class finished. Max went into the bathroom and I went to get something from my locker. Mike, lucas and Dustin went to buy something cause they're hungry, as always. So it was just me and will. Max's and Will's locker were next to mine. Me and will were talking while grabbing our stuff for the lockers. "sup fag, where's your frog face boyfriend" troy told will getting very close to him. Will didn't say anything, just looked at him. Will was about to speak but i cut him off. "hey will, I think we better should just go-" I said. "what? You're scared, the freak can't speak for himself, so you're doing it for him?" troy said laughing. I walked forward about to make Will come with me, to leave I didn't want to cause a scene, to just ignore them. But that didn't happen. Just as I walked towards will and troy Angela bumped my head on the locker. Everything turned black.

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