Chapter 60: Divorce?

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El's pov

I heard max talking while she was sleeping. Then she started moving and talking. She was having a nightmare. "no! Stop!" she yelled. I shook her trying to wake her up. "max! Max" I tried. Will heard us and woke up. He immediately stood up and opened the lights. Max finally woke up. She gasped. She was breathing heavily, she was sweating. "hey, it's okay, it was just a dream.. you're okay" I said pulling her into a hug. She was hugging me so tightly. She was scared and shaking. "it's okay" I kept saying rubbing her back as will sat next to us and rubbed her arm. Hopper bursted in the room worriedly. "What happened?" he asked. "she had a nightmare" Will quietly said. Hopper sat down on the bed. I pulled away so hopper can talk to her but she pulled me back in, not wanting to let go off me.

Max's pov

I woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. As soon as I saw el I hugged her tightly. I feel safe in her arms, I already had. Then hopper came into the room. El tried to pull away from me but I stopped her and hugged her tighter so she wouldn't leave. "okay babe it's okay.."she whispered rubbing my back again and caressing my hair comfortably. After a minute I pulled away. Hopper hugged me. "what happened kiddo?" he asked softly after pulling away. "I saw a nightmare" I said quietly. "do you wanna talk about it?" he asked. "it-it was about Neil" I started. "he-he got out of jail and-and hurt el, killed her and I couldn't help her-i-" I said, my voice breaking with tears in my eyes. El pulled me into a hug. "oh.. maxie I'm right here don't worry" el whispered. "It felt so real" I cried out. "hey, it's okay, it's all gone now. El is okay" hopper said rubbing my arm. "I know" I said sniffing after pulling away from the hug. "sorry for waking you up" I apologised. "are you seriously apologising honey?" Joyce said. I didn't say anything. She hugged me. "alright how about we got downstairs and make you your favourite toast with cheese and bacon" Joyce said smiling. My face light up. Joyce makes the best toasts ever I swear to god. I nodded happily and got downstairs.

*later at school*

Will's pov

Matt and I were walking together to our lockers. Mike was walking past us. We made eye contact, I ignored him though. "so what are you two like together now?" Mike asked standing next to us. I looked at matt. "yeah, is there's something wrong with it?" Matt asked. I wasn't sure if matt wanted to tell Mike about us. But Mike would find out anyways since he's in our friend group. "You moved on fast huh?" Mike said. I stared at him confused. Matt made a move forward but I stopped him. "you're the one talking? Seriously Mike?" matt said. "I was forced to date a girl" Mike said. "Will isn't" he said looking at me. "just leave Mike" Matt said. "or what Matthew" Mike said walking closer to him. I pushed Mike away. "My name is matt you idiot wheeler" Matt said getting mad. "Oh really?" Mike said pushing matt. "come on, are you scared or something?" Mike pushed him again. Matt is always calm. "Mike leave now" Matt said glaring at him. Mike scoffed. "why? Are you scare that I'll beat your ass?" Mike said laughing. "I'm not scared of you" Matt said. "Yeah? Leave Will alone! I don't trust you" Mike angrily said pushing matt harder. Matt couldn't handle it anymore and punched Mike. Mike glared at him in shock and leaned forward to attack matt but I stopped him. "Mike just stop!! Leave us alone" I said. Mike was breathing heavily, his face red from anger. Suddenly max pulled Mike by his shirt. El was behind her. "go to class, I'm gonna have a little talk with Mike" max told us. We nodded. "you too babe" max told el. El hesitated but nodded. "don't kill him" el said walking away. "I can't promise that" max said. "are you okay?" I asked matt. "yeah, I'm sorry I punched him, I was mad and-" Matt said. He seemed nervous for some reason. "it's okay" I said smiling at him. "I wish I could take you hand" he whispered. "it's okay.. Take your time" I said smiling to reassure him. He nodded and smiled.

Max's pov

"what the hell do you want?" Mike sharply asked. "I should be asking you! What the hell do you want Mike?" max asked. Mike didn't know what to say. "I get it, you're jealous but you're the one who started it Mike-" I said. "I was forced to!" he loudly said. "Will is now dating that stupid fluffy haired boy, who is probably playing with his feelings-" Mike said but I cut him off. "Play with his feelings?" I scoffed. "Mike, tell me the truth, do you even like that girl? Even a little bit?" I asked as he looked down. "no" he said. "so you're playing with her? Does she know you're being forced to" I said. His face was red for some reason. "n-no but I-" he stuttered. "Oh!Great, not only you refused to date will in secret, you play with a girl's heart, how nice of you Mike" I said angrily. "What, do you expect me to just go say 'oh hey my dad forced me to date a girl so I chose you' ?" he said. "No!! You either find a girl you like or not date anyone at all, why are you so scared of your dad" I said. "because he'll freaking kick me out maybe?" he said. "you could have just lie to him-and will deserves better" I said. "Yeah, he moved on so fast with that idiot-" he said. "that idiot at least cares about him! You didn't care about will's feelings. You just did exactly what your dad told you and left will alone. You don't even talk to him anymore, because you're scared your dad will find out Mike" I said. "So what, are they dating in secret or something" Mike said. "why do you care so much? And yeah they are dating in secret-and don't you dare say anything, matt isn't ready to come out yet" I said glaring at him. "Oh I see" he mocked. I rolled my eyes. "he at least isn't embarrassed to be around him" I said. Mike stared at me confused. "What do you mean? Are you implying that I'm embarrassed around Will?" he asked. "Yeah! You barely held hands in public-" I said but he cut me off. "like matt and will are too? I don't see them holding hands" he said. "are you dumb? I literally just told you that matt isn't ready to come out yet! And that's different because when you two were dating, everyone knew about your relationship and you were still embarrassed to hold hands, matt isn't" I said. "People are literally bullying us max" he said. "I'm aware. They bully el and I as well. But did we break up because of them? Did we stop holding hands in public? Did we stop caring or loving each other because of the bullies Mike? Huh? Did we Mike?" I loudly said. "Matt and Will can date in secret and be happy, something you couldn't do!" I said. He didn't know what to say. The bell rang. "You will go break up with that girl, tell her you don't feel the same way anymore because she doesn't deserve to be played okay Mike?" I said walking away, not even giving him a chance to answer.

*later in class*

"is he alive" el joked as I laughed. "yeah we just had a little talk" I said. "thank you" Matt and will said. I nodded. "are you okay?" el asked me after a while. "yeah" I said. I knew she was talking about the nightmare I had today this morning. El took my hand and I smiled.

Mike's pov

Max was right. I shouldn't be playing with that girl's heart. I ripped the paper of my notebook to write something on it and passed it to my girlfriend Emily.

⬇️Mike's note to Emily⬇️

"Hey, can we meet up after school? At the park? We need to talk"

She frowned reading it. She put her thumb up. I then started thinking about something that happened last night


Nancy's room is next to mine. I heard my dad and Nancy arguing. I overheard their conversation. "Listen, I don't want you hanging out with Robin anymore" Ted said. "what? Why?" Nancy asked. "I don't want you to end like Mike! A freaking Dyke, she's gonna affect you" Ted yelled. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My dad doesn't know Robin likes girls, he just said it. "I have a boyfriend dad! Jonathan! Did you forget?"

1521. Sorry for leaving it like that, I'll continue this tomorrow because I'm kinda tired. I'll update the other story tomorrow as well💪

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