Chapter 62 : Comforting Mike

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El's pov *still flashback*

Max and I arrived at Mike's house. We rang the bell. Nancy was the one who opened it. "hey.." she quietly said. "hi" we both replied. "thanks for coming" Nancy said. "where is he?" max asked. "um-upstairs in his room" Nancy said.

We nodded and walked upstairs. We gently knocked on the door. "come in" we heard Mike's voice. We were both surprised on why he accepted.

He looked at us confused when he saw us. "w-what are you doing here?" he asked wiping his tears away. "um-Nancy called" I said. He sighed. "oh.. I'm okay" he said. "obviously you're not Mike,what happened?" max asked.

"um-my dad and Nancy got into an argument about Nancy and Robin" he started. Max and I looked at each other confused. "Nancy and Robin, what are you talking about?" I asked.

"He told Nancy.. Not to hang out with Robin in case she affects Nancy-" he quietly said. "what?! First of all, Nancy doesn't like girls and she's with Jonathan" max said.

"exactly... he said she doesn't Nancy to end up like me, a fucking faggot.." he said quietly, one knee up while we were sitting on the floor, resting his head in his hand. "stop calling yourself that.." I softly said. "b-but I am el" he said.

"and my mom then came upstairs hearing the yelling and everything. She broke up with him. He then glared at me when I got out of my room" he said. "the look on his face was terrifying... he said its my fault all this happened, I ruined my family and everything" he said.

"that's not true-" I said. "yes it is! I ruined my dad's and mom's marriage, I broke Will's heart, that girl's heart, she doesn't know yet but still, I almost ruined Robin's and Nancy's friendship, I disappointed everyone" he said

"you didn't ruin your parent's marriage, your dad was the one who did"max said. I nodded agreeing as Mike finally made eye contact with us.

"listen Mike, don't let your dad's words let you down, he's just stupid for saying and treating you like that, you did nothing wrong. What matters now is that your dad is gone" el said resting her arm on his shoulder.

"nothing's okay now, my dad hates me, my mom is probably like really upset, will moved on and I'm left alone" he said. Max opened her mouth to talk but he cut her off.

"I know it's my fault will had moved on. I deserve it, will looks happy with matt so there's nothing I can do about it. I don't blame him, I should have dated him but I didn't so yeah" he said looking down. He was right.

"It's fine... you'll find someone Mike don't worry, everyone does you just have to wait and be patient, the right person will come soon or not" I said then looked at max and she smiled, I smiled back. He nodded in agreement.

"I think I'm gonna break up with Emily" Mike suddenly said. "why?" I asked. Mike and max looked at each other. "well, max talked to me about it.

I've thought about it and realised she's right, I shouldn't have dated her and basically play with her feelings. I was being selfish, she deserves to know the truth before it's too late" Mike said as max looked at him.

"yeah.. I agree" I said. "I'm nervous, she's gonna kill me and I deserve it" he said. "stop saying that" I said. "you don't deserve any of this" I said. "yeah I actually do, you don't have to lie el it's okay" he said. I didn't say anything knowing that nothing would change his mind.

"thank you" Mike quietly said looking at us smiling sadly. Max pulled him into a hug first. "I can't even cry anymore, I'm just really tired of it, I have a headache" he tiredly said.

"I'll go get you a pill" I said standing up as they both nodded. I walked downstairs and saw Nancy and Mrs. Wheeler sitting on the living room watching tv.

"hi-um where can I take pill for Mike" I shyly asked. "oh-um top shelf next to the fridge" Nancy replied. "why?" Mike's mom asked. "um-he has a headache" I said. They both nodded. I could tell they were upset and nervous, I don't blame them.

I walked back upstairs with the pill and a glass of water. Mike drank it. "what time is it?" I asked. "it's 5 pm why?" I said. "just asking" he said shrugging. "wanna do something fun?" I asked. "like what?" he asked. "watch a movie, go somewhere I don't know" I suggested.

"how about we go to the mall?" max suggested smiling. Mike hesitated but agreed. "i got money with me, Joyce gave us yesterday" max said. "alright let's go" I said standing up helping Mike up.

"hold up, I gotta change i look terrible" he said. "you kinda do" max joked as Mike glared at her. "look at your hair" max said as Mike couldn't help but laugh. They're always arguing for fun.

"whatever maxine" he said as max glared at him. She hates when people call her maxine. Mike laughed and ran into his bathroom before he gets killed by her. I laughed as max rolled her eyes.

"calm down" I said giggling. "I am calm" she said. I raised my eyebrows. "yeah.. I can see that" I said as she laughed.

Mike finished using the bathroom, changed his clothes and we walked downstairs. "oh! Hey" Mike's mom said surprised seeing Mike a bit better than before. "where are you going?" Mike's mom asked.

"to the mall" I replied. Nancy and Karen looked at each other and slightly smiled. "okay, one second I'll give you money" she said standing up. "oh-it's okay I, Joyce gave us-" max said.

"no, there's no way I'm letting you here" she said passing money to max. "oh.. Okay thanks" max said. "have fun" Nancy said smiling at us, then looked at Mike. He smiled.

Mike opened the door and walked out. Nancy called max's and my name, we turned around. "thank you" she quietly said as we both nodded smiling.

1053 words. To be continued... This story is close to its end so yeah

~My feelings for her~ Elmax Where stories live. Discover now