Chapter 25: Party Sleepover

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Max's pov

We got on my bike and headed to the cabin. We grabbed everything we needed for the sleepover and left. 10 minutes later we arrived at Mike's house. Mrs. Wheeler was the one who opened the door as usual. "hey girls, come in,the boys are waiting for you in the basement" she said. We nodded and went downstairs. "finally!" Mike said annoyed. "what took you too long?" Dustin said. "we went to skate we lost track of time, sorry" El said quietly. "so everything's okay between you now or?" Mike asked. We already told them, I don't know why he's asking again. We nodded. "yeah" I said.El and I looked at each other and smiled. El gave me a side hug, her hands around my weist and I blushed. The boys smiled at us happy for us. Lucas looked at us but didn't say anything. Obviously embarrassed. Mike and will sensed the tension. "alright, lucas just apologise and let's all be good with each other already" Mike said. "I am, why did you say that, it sounds like you're making me to do it" lucas said. He then turned to us. "I'm really sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, I shouldn't have done any of that" lucas said looking down. "just dont do it ever again, and to be clear again, I like girls not boys, I love El, clear?" I said. Everyone looked at me smirking. Oh shit, it's because I said that I loved her out loud. My face turned red. "awww" will and Mike said at the same time. "yeah yeah, very clear, sorry" he said. We all turned to El since she was quiet. "okay fine, I forgive you, just stay away from my girlfriend, I don't trust you much anymore" El said. I blushed. I was proud when she said the last line. Mike and will looked at me and smirked. "yeah of course, I'll never do it again" lucas said. They shook hands. We stood there awkwardly for a minute in silence. "alright, what do yo want to do?" Mike said breaking the silence. "wanna play basketball! In the park?" Dustin said excitedly. We all looked at him confused. "what is basketball?" El shyly asked. She's adorable. "it's a sports game, we'll explain when  we get  there" I said. She nodded."so it's that a yes?" Dustin asked again. "yeah" we all said. We arrived at the park. There were bunch of kids there playing. We started off by teaching El. She was actually good at it. We played for a bit until someone pushed El from behind. We turned around to see what that sound was and saw her on the floor. "hey, you lesbo" a boy said mocking her. I regonised that boy. He's the one who made fun of us earlier. "leave her alone you bastard" Mike yelled at him mad. "or what? You're gonna hit me fag" boy said to him. Mike didn't say anything. The boy then walked to El. " don't cry fag, you're a disgusting girl, you're too pretty to be a lesbo" he said. His friends were laughing behind him. I couldn't take it anymore. I punched him hard on the face. I broke his nose. He screamed in pain. "oh you're dead" the boy said trying to hit me. I punched him again before he did. But then he managed to punch me as well. He then tried to hurt El but someone stopped him before I did. It was lucas. He punched him hard on the stomach. "get the hell away" he yelled at him. The started fighting. I immediately took El in my arms. She was crying. She hugged me tightly, her face on my shoulder. Someone called the police. Hopper came and saw that it was us who were fighting. "what the hell happened here?" he asked mad. None of us answered. The other boys tried to run away but the cops stopped them. "is anyone gonna tell me or what" hopper said. Will dared to answer. "we were playing basketball until these boys came up to us, pushed El and called her bad names" will said. "okay, what happened next?" hopper asked. Will didn't want to say that I was the one who punched first. "the boy over there tried to hurt El but I punched him in the face, I started the fight" I said quietly. Hopper looked at me. The others didn't know hop was el's father so he didn't say anything. "alright just go home kids and if you ever go near them again, you'll be in trouble, undestod?" hopper said mad. The boys were scared and just ran away. Hopper came and took El. She pulled away from our hug to hug hopper. "thanks for protecting her" hopper said looking at me and then turned to the others as well. We all nodded. "if they come up to you again just tell me and get away from them, don't start a fight, it's not worth it, don't let them let you down by their words, they're immature kids who like hurting people, okay?" he told us all. We all nodded understanding. "alright I have to get back to work, be careful" hopper said. And he left. Me and the others played a bit more and got back to Mike's house. "holy shit, that was so badass" will said laughing. We all looked at him confused. "will curses?" lucas joked. We all laughed along. " thanks for protecting me" El said. "of course" we all said. We decided to watch a movie. We sat down on the floor. Dustin went to get popcorn as usual. Will cuddled Mike and El cuddled me. She had her face on my chest while laying down facing the TV. I was playing with her hair. I really like doing that. Her hair is so soft. The movie finished and most of them fell asleep. El, Dustin, will and lucas. Only me, Mike and will were awake. Mike wanted to let us girls sleep on the couch. We told him we're fine but he insisted. I carefully picked up El. I didn't want to wake her up so I just picked her up and took her on the couch. I layed down and put her on me. Fortunately she didn't wake up. Mike and will smiled at me by my actions. I kissed her head and tried to fall asleep. I couldn't sleep. After an hour I managed to get some sleep.

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