Chapter 74: Making Plans

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(a/n: pls don't mind the pictures I add recently, I don't have any good suitable ideas..)

Max's pov

I woke up cuddling with el. She was spooning me. I carefully tried to get up. Fortunately I got up without waking her up. I walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth.

I walked back to the room. El was still asleep. She looked so cute. She was slightly shivering, hugging herself. She just be cold. The blanket all over her body, except her face. I smiled.

I quietly walked over to the closet,grabbed an extra blanket, wrapped it on el so she won't get cold. I gently kissed her forhead.

I then decided to walk downstairs. "hey max" will said. It was Saturday morning. "good morning" I replied walking towards the fridge.

"Is it just you awake?" I asked as I grabbed the milk. "yeah, I think Jonathan woke up to hang out with Nancy" will said, his mouth full. "this early?" I asked sitting down on the counter island opposite him.

"Yeah they said they'll go eat breakfast somewhere, I didn't listen where exactly because I was sleepy when Jonathan told me" will said. "oh okay, interesting" I said. He nodded. "very" he said as we both laughed.

"is el asleep?" he asked. I nodded. "so um, are you two alright now?" he asked. "yeah" I said smiling staring at my bowl of cereal.

"that's great" he said. "what about you?" I asked curious. "what?" he asked. "what about you? You and matt?" I said looking at him. "oh! Um, we're okay" he said smiling.

"that's amazing will, I'm so happy for you, you know" I said smiling. He smiled back. "so am I" he said. "we should go on a double date sometime!" he said excitingly after a minute of silence as we were eating.

"yeah! Sure, that's a great idea" I said. "I don't think matt will mind" will said. I frowned. "wait, what do you mean? Is there any possibility he might mind it?" I asked confused.

"No i don't think so-it's just-he's shy so I don't know if he would feel comfortable doing it" he said. "but he knows us? We're all homosexuals, we won't judge you guys" I softly said.

"yeah I know, it's just-we're not really out yet, so we can't act freely in public"he said. "I know, you can still come, people won't know. That doesn't mean you won't hang out" I said.

"yeah I know, you're right. We still hang out, we just can't-be a couple" he said. I felt bad. "I'm sorry about that. We'll be there with you and have fun" I said.

"yeah, you're right. I shouldn't be over thinking" he said smiling. "yeah" I agreed. "I'm gonna go get ready, matt told me to be there at 12" will said standing.

"oh! You're going over at his house right now?" I asked. "yeah" he said. "oh okay, have fun!!" I said smiling. "thank you" he said smiling and walked upstairs to get ready.

After 10 minutes, will left. I decided to go to the living room to watch some tv, but I instead read a book. It was colder today to be honest. I was wearing El's over sized purple hoodie with black sweatpants but I was still cold so I put a blanket half way over me.

Someone then kissed my head gently. I looked up, it was el. She was behind me as I was sitting on the couch. "hey, I wasn't expecting you, how did you sleep love" I asked as she sat down next to me.

"good, what about you?" she asked smiling Her morning voice though. It probably sounds weird but I liked it. It's so gentle and calmimg.

"I slept alright" I said smiling. She gently kissed my cheek. "I think you missed" I joked as I was expecting a kiss on the lips. She rolled her eyes playfully and pecked my lips.

I looked at her when we pulled away. She frowned. "what are you watching?" she said laughing. "cartoons?" I asked. She looked at me trying not to laugh again. Clearly she couldn't hold it in. She bursted out laughing slightly.

I was slightly confused to be honest. "What babe?" I asked laughing confused as she was dying laughing next to me.

"sorry-I just didn't expect you as a type of person to watch cartoons" she said through laughs. "Why not?" I asked chuckling.

"I don't know" she said laughing. "because I'm badass?" I asked smirking. "maybe" she said smirking back matching the energy.

"It's just the 'smurfs'" I said. She giggled. "I'm just kidding love, I love cartoons as well" she said smirking. I smiled. "soo wanna watch together!!" I asked excitedly.

She smiled softly. "hell yeah!" she said. I laughed. "hey, i can only talk like that" I joked. She raised her eyebrow. "It's not my fault I have max mayfield as my girlfriend" she joked.

I pretended to be sad. "are you saying that I'm a bad influence on you?" I joked with puppy eyes. She stared at me for a second, while smiling. "No, the exact opposite" she said as she looked down at my lips.

I smirked. I teased her by facing the tv with a smirk. "you're a dork" she said playfully. "I am?" I said. She paused 'thinking'. "Nopee but-" she said but before she could respond I pressed my lips against hers gently.

I felt her smiling through the kiss, so did I. We've been making out for a minute. "wanna watch?" she said through the kiss. "just one more kiss" I said. She smiled and leaned back in. She then cuddled up to me and watched the smurfs together.

961 words. To be continued!! This chapter is short I'm sorry.

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