Chapter 65: Horror Movie Night (sleepover)

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El's pov

We arrived at Dustin's house. Everyone was there except max and I. Dustin had a disappointing look on his face. "what?" max asked as we got in. "you're always late what do you mean what?" Dustin said.

"we're not late, it's only been 20 min-" max said but cut herself off. We looked at each other. He was right. "Sorry we lost track of time" I said. "doing what?" lucas suspiciously asked.

"Oh god lucas! We were just hanging out and done the homework" max said. "don't act like my mom didn't catch you making out 2 hours earlier" Will said. Everyone gasped.

Both of our faces were red from embarrassment. Dustin laughed,so did matt. "We weren't making out-" max tried. "Fine you were kissing" will said. "what's your problem will?" I asked him. "just telling the truth" he shrugged.

"congratulations?" max said. "Once my mom caught me kissing a girl and then I was grounded for a week" Matt said laughing.

"what?" we all said slightly laughing. "why were you grounded?" Dustin asked frowning. "I have no idea, I guess because they wouldn't let me get a girl over because i was like 12 or something" Matt said.

"wait-are you bisexual?" max suddenly asked. "I think so" Matt said looking at will. He seemed a bit jealous. "I'm not into that girl anymore" Matt quietly told will. He nodded forcing a smile.

"alright enough with the awkward conversation, what should we do?" Dustin asked. We all shrugged.

"Steve gave a really good horror movie to watch!" Dustin excitedly stood up and walked over his dresser. "have you watched it?" matt asked. "nope" Dustin said still searching for the movie going through his stuff.

"then how do you know it's a good movie?" lucas asked. "Because Steve told me it's a good mov-oh! I found it!" Dustin said. "el doesn't like horror movies Dustin and you know that" max said. I looked at her. She looked back at me.

"El it's not so scary" Dustin said. "She doesn't want to-" max said. She's way too protective over me. They think I'm always scared because of my trauma I had in the past but I am scare to watch them.

Most of the times I say no but I decided to do the opposite this time. I don't wanna seem like a 'pussy' like Dustin and some people say. "It's fine, let's watch it" I said cutting off max. She looked at me confused.

"are you sure? You don't have to-" max said. "We-we can watch something else-" Dustin said. Why did he suddenly change his mind. I guess he felt bad for something?

"Yes I'm sure, we've watched one before, I have max so I can just cuddle her for protection" I said smiling at max. She smiled.

Max's pov

That was cute not gonna lie. It's not that type of protection but yeah. "Alright then" Dustin said. The others made a gag sound. "don't act like you won't cuddle too" I said. "yeah you used to be like that every time you and mik-" lucas said but Dustin immediately covered his mouth. Oop.

Luca's eyes widened releasing what he would say himself. Matt cleared his throat as will looked down, his face red. It was silent for a few seconds but it was a really awkward one. "Alright! Let's just watch the movie" Dustin smiling said trying to light up the mood.

We all nodded and settled ourselves on the couches. Matt and will sat beside each other holding hands. El cuddled up to me as we put the blanket over us. It was so comfortable.

Lucas and Dustin sitting on the other couch. During the movie there was a jump scare. We all screamed. I don't really get easily scared so I don't mind watching horror movies.

Of course there are a few times I get scared like everyone. I mostly try to hide it because I wanna seem tough to el you know. El buried her head on my hoodie scared.

I smiled a little and caressed her head in comfort as she hugged my waist tighter. "it's alright baby" I said smiling.

Els pov

Fun fact i wasn't as scared as I acted like. Of course it was scary but I had been through worse and let's just say I wanted.. well attention. It was my chance to cuddle max even more. I felt safe with her.

I still get some nightmares about the lab and stuff. It's rarer though. When it happens max is the only one who knows. She keeps telling me that we better tell hopper but I insist they we would tell him only if it gets worse.

We screamed a few times after. Suddenly max started laughing after a loud scream we all had. We looked at her confused. "what's so funny that was creepy as fuck" Dustin practically screamed.

"sorry its just-lucas screams like a little girl" max said through laughs. Lucas looked ashamed and rolled his eyes. "yeah so did your girlfriend" lucas said. "don't talk about her like that" max said. "okay" lucas said.

Another scary scene showed up as we screamed again even louder that we meant to. After a few minutes of silence so was in a movie. I was gripping on max's hoodie. She said she didn't mind. We heard a voice.

We all turned around and screamed in fear. Oh.. It was Dustin's mom holding a cat sleepy. "Jesus Christ mom we thought you were a killer" Dustin loudly said, his arm on his chest in fear.

"I'm sorry but I heard screams and got worried" Dustin's mom quietly said. "we're watching a movie" Dustin said.

"yes I can see that dusty, you woke up the cat and I! And I told you to stop watching scary movies, you have nightmare-" she said.

"it was only one time mom when I was 10"Dustin said defensively. "still" she said. "you okay?" max quietly asked me. I nodded. I smiled at her and hugged her tighter as she rubbed my back in circles.

I love cuddling her. It's like the best thing ever. I can't explain it. (a/n: it must be nice.. Jk jk, ill shut up sorry). "anyways just don't be so loud or watch something else!" Dustin's mom said. We nodded.

Dustin unpaused the movie and we continued watching.

Mike's pov

I was laying on my bed watching tv. I felt lonely. I was thinking about how my friends were having a sleepover and having fun. Probably watching an adventure or horror movies like we always do.

I wish I was there even hearing luca's annoying screams and max making fun of us for screaming even though she screams too a little, just likes to seem 'tough' or something. Most likely to impress el. I mean I don't blame her.

All great. I was invited but I couldn't go, I just can't. I can't stand seeing will and matt cuddling watching the movie when that used to be me. We used to cuddle just like el and max while watching movies. Now I had been replaced by matt..

I kept thinking about how they're cuddling and basically having fun even though they might be scared if they're watching a scary movie. I felt... jealous. I hadn't even realised that I was crying until I felt tears streaming down my face.

I put the blanket all over me, only my face was uncovered. I was like a burrito as I kept crying silently. I didn't want anyone to hear me. I should be strong, not crying but I couldn't help it. I then after half an hour I stopped crying and fell asleep..

1297 words.

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