Chapter 96: Truth Or Dare (Camp Trip Part 3)

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Max's pov

We were forced to sit down with everyone to play truth or dare. They started playing. Of course they did dares such as kiss someone and they were acting like kids. Or like ask who your crush is.

The bottle then landed on me.. Of course. "oh great" a girl sarcastically said. "truth or dare Dyke" the girl said. I paused not sure what to pick. "truth" I said. Everyone laughed.

"pf she's just scared" someone said. "I simply just don't care" I said. "Just ask" I said annoyed. "Hmm" the girl said thinking. "have you always been a Dyke" she asked as everyone laughed again.

I sighed. "Yes I guess" I said to get over with it. "Weren't you dating lucas" someone asked. "I thought it was only one question" I said. "Well, do I look I care" he said. "Do I look like I care, you asked and I answered" I said. "whatever" the boy said spinning the bottle once again.

After a few rounds it landed on a random boy. He picked dare. "Hmm" it was Angela who would ask the question this time. This isn't going to be good I can feel it. "Kiss el" Angela said with a smirk looking directly at me.

My heart skipped a beat as el looked at me. "KISS THE DYKE?!" the boy screamed. "Yes you dumbass" Angela said. "come on, don't be shy Ellie, he won't bite. I'm sure you little Dyke girlfriend won't mind won't she" Angela mocked.

"I don't want to" el said making everyone gasp. What did they expect? "Well, I'm afraid you misunderstantood the rules you dumb Dyke" Angela said. "shut the fuck up Angela" I said. "Oh! She spoke" Angela mocked.

"You can't say no ellie.. once you're in, you HAVE to do anything... What's the point of the game" Angela said. "but I didn't want to get into the game from the start because you forced me" el said. "Well... Too bad, now come on you idiot! Just go kiss him, maybe he will change you" Angela said making everyone laugh.

I felt my blood boil from anger. "She said she doesn't want to, what is it that you don't understand you idiot" I said. "Shut up Dyke. This is not your decision to make, she doesn't have a choice. The rules are the rules" Angela said.

"So what? Do you want to kiss a girl" a boy said, everyone laughed. The fact that they think they're funny is pissing me off. "I don't want to kiss anyone, that's it" el said. "just go" Angela told the boy of course ignoring el.

"just give her an other dare, it's not that deep" Mike said. Angela laughed. "oh my fucking god! She can't! What is it that you don't understand" Angela yelled. The boy stood up and walked towards el.

El grabbed my arm. "I don't want to" el whispered to me. "I know" I said. "Fine, just because you pissed us off. Kiss her on the cheek" Angela said. El looked at me. El shook her head. "just do it" I quietly told her even though it was hurting me a lot.

You would say, it's not a big deal, it's just a kiss. But for me it's not. El is my girlfriend and I don't want her kissing someone else. I don't want her to catch feelings and it's cheating even though I know she doesn't want to.

"Why can't just do something else Angela-" el said getting mad but was cut off by lips on her cheek. "Oooo" everyone said. That broke my heart. El frowned disgusted and immediately looked at me. "whoops" Angela said laughing looking at me to kick me.

I tried to hide my jealousy but it wasn't easy. I just saw a random boy kissing my girlfriend's cheek and that bitch Angela mocking me about it. Not everyone laughed but lots of people did.

They continued playing the game. El leaned closer to me. I noticed her but kept looking at the spinning bottle. "Max" she quietly said. "max" she repeated as I pretended I didn't hear her. I didn't say anything, just turned my head and looked at her.

She was looking at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry-" she started. "it's fine" I quickly said cutting her off. It wasn't fine to me but I didn't want to me dramatic or toxic I don't know. "Max.. I-" she tried again. "el it's okay, it's not your fault, let's just forget it and play since that's what they want" I said seriously trying not to hurt her feelings because after all it wasn't her fault.

She refused multiple times but they would still insist. After 2 rounds it landed on Dustin. He picked dare. "Hmmm, go lick the tree" a boy dared him as everyone gasped.

"What?!" Dustin loudly said. "you heard me" the boy said. "yall stupid friend idiot group don't want to have kisses dares but when I give you something else you still complain?" the boy said.

"you're asking me to kiss a fucking tree?!" Dustin said in disbelief. "that's the point of the game, all of us did some crazy stuff" the boy said. Dustin didn't say anything. "fine,kiss someone's hand" the boy said as Dustin had a disgusted look on his face.

"ugh fine, it's better than the tree I guess" Dustin said. I mean, obviously the hand may be cleaner than than the tree. The boy picked a random person and Dustin did his dare.

After 2 rounds of random people playing el grabbed my hand. I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. I looked at our hands. "You can't, everyone's here" I quietly said. "I don't care max, I want you" el said. I didn't say anything else and just let it happen.

It was Will's turn. I could tell he was nervous. "Hmmm interesting" the girl who spinned the bottle said. "So fag, you have to kiss someone-" the girl started saying but was cut off by the teacher walking towards us.

"kids, it's quite late, you have to go to your cabins and sleep" the teacher said. "we don't want to sleep, it's early" someone complained. "It's literally 22:00 pm." the teacher said making everyone laugh.

The teacher frowned confused. "what's so funny?" she asked. "22:00 pm isn't late msrs" a boy said laughing. "What time do you kids nowadays sleep??!" the teacher asked 'shocked' like she doesn't know.

No one said anything. "oh god, I understand just by your looks. Anyway, you ought to sleep early for your safety too" the teacher said. "safety? Nothing happened to us all night and now it will" another student said

"these are the rules and we ought to follow them! We have the responsibility to keep you safe, we've already talked about the rules but apparently no one listened" the teacher said disappointed.

Everyone sighed dramatically and groaned. We walked back to our cabins. Let's see what happens then. I was truly not in the mood to deal with stupid Angela and her friends at that moment, especially after the kiss

1197 words. To be continued!

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