Chapter 76: Getting Ready

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Max's pov

"hello?" I heard Mike's voice through the phone. "hey, it's max!" I casually said. "oh, hi max! What's up?" he asked. "it's alright, um, el and I were wondering if you wanted to go to drink milkshakes? If you're not busy" I asked.

"uh, sure, I'm not really busy I woke up like half an hour ago" he said sleepy. "I can tell" I said laughing. I was looking at el the whole time. She was laughing quietly as well looking back at me.

"are you laughing at me?" he asked sleepy. I tried not to laugh again. "no? Definitely not" I said as el tried not to laugh again as well. "whatever, what time?" he asked. I looked at el, we forgot to arrange a time.

"uhh-" I said looking at el."4?"el mouthed to me. I nodded. "uh, 4?"i asked."yeah sure, see you in 30" he said. "alright see you" I said and hung up. It was 15:30. "now let's call maddie" I said.

"let me speak" el said walking towards me. I frowned. "why?" I asked. "cause you're closer?" I asked. "you could say that,but she just helped me-" el said. "hey, it's alright, I don't mind at all. I know she's.. comforted you when I wasn't there so it's totally okay, I'm not jealous" I said smiling to ressure.

Okay...maybe a tiny little bit jealous. That's it. "yeah.. you're right" el said smiling and as I passed her the phone. El called her and told her the exact same things we told Mike. To basically be there at 4 so we can hang out.

Neither of them know that each other will be there as well. They both think it'll be just us el and I and Mike/maddie.

"I don't know what to wear do you think I should-" I groaned annoyed searching my closet as well was changing already. My words trailed off when I turned around as I looked at el. She wore a gray 'New York' sweatshirt with a white collar and a black pair of jeans.

She was stunning. "wow.. You look gorgeous el" I said looking at her up and down. "thank you, I'm not so sure black jeans fit with this sweatshirt though" she said. "you could wear it with anything, I think blue jeans would be slightly better" I suggested. She nodded smiling taking off her black jeans to wear the blue ones I suggested.

 She nodded smiling taking off her black jeans to wear the blue ones I suggested

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I blushed and looked away for respect and continued searching my closet. "weren't you going to show me something love?" she asked confused. I gulped. "oh, yeah right, I forgot" I said nervously laughing. I blushed when I saw her because she looked absolutely beautiful.

She's always matter what she wears. Her in that outfit looked adorable.

El's pov

I noticed max getting nervous and blushing once she saw me. I wore a cute outfit and wanted to show max. She turned red when she saw me as she looked at me up and down. I was smiling and blushed. I felt butterflies seeing her blushing and smiling because of me.

I smirked when I turned back around to wear my shoes. Then realised max was about to show me something before seeing me. "weren't you going to show me something love?" I asked turning around. "oh, yeah, right I forgot" she said nervously laughing.

She picked up something from the closet. "I've thought of wearing these" she said showing me the clothes. It was a blue&white flannel, with a white shirt underneath it with black sweatpants. (a/n:she doesn't wear a white crop top like in the picture below btw⬇️)

"oh my god yes! It'll look great on you, go wear them" I said excitedly as I already knew she would look amazing

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"oh my god yes! It'll look great on you, go wear them" I said excitedly as I already knew she would look amazing. She looks amazing in everything she wears..

She smiled, nodded and changed her clothes. I couldn't help but take a quick glance at her. She noticed, I blushed from embarrassment. "sorry" I quickly said. "hey, it's okay, don't worry, you're my girlfriend" she said smiling softly. I nodded taking a deep breath relieved.

I turned around and waited for her to finish changing. "I'm done" she announced. I turned around. "oh my god.. You look amazing babe!!" I said smiling checking her out. Looking at her up and down. I was admiring her.. She looked amazing as always. "gracias my love" she said with an accent.

I gave her a 'what' confused look but laughed. "Spanish, seriously?" I said laughing. "yeah, why not? Or do you maybe prefer French?" she said smirking. I laughed. "merci my love"she said. I laughed. "uhh I would love to say 'you're welcome' but unfortunately I don't know how" I said smiling.

She giggled. "either do I" she said smiling. I looked down at her lips. I leaned in without hesitation. She kissed back. It was a passionate kiss. We've been making our for about a minute or so until we realised its time to go otherwise we would be late.

"we should go, love" max said pulling away. I looked at her sadly. She laughed. "hey, it's okay, you'll get kisses after" she said smiling. I smiled and nodded. "now.. We've got a mission to do" she said grabbing her hair brush.

"a mission?" I asked laughing. "yeah? Getting maddie and mike together, remember?" she said pausing brushing her hair and looked at me. "ohh I see, yeah we do, hurry up" I said smiling. She rolled her eyes playfully. "hey, my hair is all messy and fizzy and long, unlike yours" she said trying to brush her hair.

"they may be harder to handle, but your hair looks 100x times better. It's the best color and so wavy so stop please baby, you look great" I said walking over to her, planting a kiss on her cheek gently. She smiled. I grabbed perfume and put some on until max finishes.

Once we were finally done, we walked downstairs. We walked to the kitchen. Joyce was baking something. "hey girls!" she said smiling. "hey" we both said. "woah, where are you two going? Maybe on a.. date? " she said smirking.

We both looked at each other. "no, we're gonna go drink milkshakes with maddie and mike" el said. "oh, let me give you money give me a second-" she said washing her hands. "it's okay Joyce, I've got some from last time-" max tried. "no it's alright" she said giving us money. "thank you" we both thanked her smiling.

"what are you baking?" I asked curious. "cookies! I'm making the dough for now, we'll bake them when you're back so we can all eat. I was planning on now but seems like you already have plans" Joyce said smiling. "oh!! I can't wait" I asked excitedly looking from Joyce to max. She was smiling as well. We said goodbye to Joyce and left.

1163 words. To be continued!!!

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