Chapter 4: Her

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El's pov

*flashback *

I once sneaked out of the cabin because I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to see my Mike. I got out and asked a lady where the Hawkins middle school was. She told me and I went there. I was so happy and excited until I saw her.i saw a random girl with Mike skating around him both smiling at each other. She was really pretty but seeing her with Mike made my jealous so I had an idea. She used her abilities to pull max's skateboard. Causing her to fall. The redhead was so confused on how she fell and mike went to help her out. I started crying and left.
*now *
Max's pov
Afer eleven closed the gate.She hasn't said a word to me. It was summer. Me and Lucas are together. I like him but I don't think I love him. I don't even know what's going on between us. We're together but we keep breaking up. Because Lucas sometimes lie. I always forgive him though. El and Mike are together.We try to hang out as much as possible but Mike is almost every day at el's cabin since she's not allowed to go out for her safety. Mike just goes there and makes out with her all day. Gross. I don't know every time I see them holding hands, laughing, it pisses me off. Am I jealous. No I can't be jealous I'm with Lucas. I can't like a girl.One say Mike and El finally agreed to come with us. We usually just hang out on Mike's basement playing board games. Me and El still didn't talk to each other. Well I tried, but every time I walk to el to talk to her it seems like Mike notices and finds a way to get el away from me. Of course he still hates me. I don't get why. I didn't do anything to her or him. He just hated me. Now he has his girl, I don't understand and I honestly don't care about Mike. I just wished I could at least talk to her. I just give up. I've come to the conclusion that El will never talk to me.She sometimes looks at me, but I pretend I don't notice her. I keep staring at her. I'm good at hiding though. She doesn't really catch me staring. I don't do it on purpose I just do it. I admire her beauty. How could such a pretty girl like El date Mike wheeler, the immature stubborn boy who doesn't care about anyone except her and himself anymore. His own friends noticed that he's not the same anymore. It's because of El but they never blamed her they were just a little bit disappointed at Mike. We all love El. She's done nothing wrong.None of us would be here if it wasn't for el. I know I wasn't in the party from the beginning but of what the boys told me she literally saved them.I feel bad for her because she's just stays at home most of the time. Of course she has her boyfriend over by the cabin and sometimes at each others houses. Hoper wouldn't let her go anywhere else. She couldn't live her life even though we're quite sure she's safe but hopper won't risk that.One day Dustin wanted to show us something he built while he was in camp. We were all sitting on the floor listening to him.I wasn't really paying too much attention tho. I had my eyes on eleven for some reason. She looked so confused by dustin's words and it was cute.She still was interested about this new thing Dustin was showing us. I was lost in my thoughts. I then realised I was staring at her. I felt stupid. She looked at me for a second and then she looked away. Lucas started talking to be but I zoned out again. He waved hand in front of my face. "hello earth to max what are you thinking about"."what-oh-nothing.sorry what were you saying". Lucas asked again since I didn't hear him. "We're gonna go to the arcade will you come with us?" I saw the others waiting by the door for me. I looked at el, she looked at me. We keep looking at each other but I'm quite sure she still hates me. I just nodded and stood up. Lucas held my hand. I was supposed to like but I don't. I don't know why. Ugh what's wrong with me. Lucas is my boyfriend and I care about him, but not in a romantic way anymore?! I don't know what I'm feeling at the moment I'm so confused. I don't want to hurt him though.

796 words

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