Chapter 30: Family Issues

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Mike's pov

I was in the car with my mom after we left the pool. My mom has been quiet for some time which is weird. She suddenly started speaking. I was about to cry. She was mad at me so she didn't say anything during the ride. She even called my dad,telling him to come home because of that. I was so nervous. I am screwed and I don't know what to do. I'm just waiting to get home and get yelled at. I hate this. Just as we were about to arrive home my mom suddenly stopped the car by the rode. I was confused, is she gonna hit me or something or yell at me. Whatever it was I knew it wouldn't be good. "look, I've been thinking, I knew you and will were best friends, like closer than lucas and Dustin but I never thought you would he gay" she started. I was confused cause she seemed calm. I patiently waited for her to continue. "of course I don't really like that but I still love you, I just never thought my son would be like that, but I realised I'm wrong, I just have to get used to it" my mom said. A tear fell on my face. "then-why did you react like this?" I asked about to burst out crying. "I-i was learned that being gay isn't normal and I didn't like it when I saw it but I regret it, I was embarrassed that my friends saw it too but its all wrong-I know you hate me now I'm sorry-" my mom said crying. I couldn't help it, I cried too. "it's fine-if you still love me, I'm fine I forgive you" I told her. "of course I still love you, I was acting stupid, cause you know, being gay is considered 'not normal' but I think that's wrong" my mom said, I nodded agreeing. "what about dad? I'm 100% sure I'm gonna die when I get home." shit, um, I'll talk to him "my mom said." he's not going to listen mom-"I said crying." I know, we'll try, okay? "she said. I nodded. We arrived home 5 minutes later. I exhaled nervously. We got inside." go to your room, ill try to talk to him before you"my mom said. I immediately went upstairs quietly.

Karen's pov

I walked into the living room, seeing Ted sitting on his armchair as always." where is he? "he asked furious. He normally doesn't care about our kids but as soon as he heard what I told him he didn't like it. I shouldn't have called him,i was mad at that time. I feel so bad for Mike. I am a terrible mother." look ted, I've been thinking, he's our son and it doesn't matter who he likes-" I tried. "MIKE GET DOWN HERE NOW" he started yelling, not even listening to what I was saying. "NOW" he repeated since Mike didn't come. "Ted-just let me talk to you" I said. He still ignored me. Then Mike came downstairs scared. "Mike I tried-" I said. Ted cut me off yelling. "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE DISGUSTING, YOU CAN'T LIKE A BOY, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LIKE GIRLS" he said.

Mike's pov

I came downstairs so scared. As soon as he said that I started crying. "I DIDN'T RAISE A SON TO BE A FAG" he said. His words hurt more than anything at that moment. "like you ever cared" I said quietly. "what did you say?" he asked, he for sure heard it. "WHATEVER YOU AND WILL ARE, FIX YOURSELF AND GET YOUR THINGS TOGETHER, I DO NOT ACCEPT THIS, YOU'RE JUST CONFUSED" my dad said. "what?! Why? I'm not confused that, I love him, fix myself? I can't change who I am-" I said. "Ted stop-" my mom said trying to calm him down. "NO I'M NOT GONNA STOP KAREN, do you accept him being like this? People like that shouldn't exist, God made couples to be a man and a women, THAT CRAP ISN'T NORMAL, HE'S DISGUSTING" my dad said. "yes I do accept him, I still love him Ted, he's our son-" my mom said. "My son can't be gay! He's just not thinking right, he's a man not a fag" my dad continued. I couldn't stop crying. "but-" I tried, he cut me off again,like my mom. "NO BUTS, CALL THAT BOY YOU 'LOVE' AND BREAK UP WITH HIM BECAUSE THAT THING IS STUPID" he yelled again. "why?! I don't want to-" I said. "DO IT OR I'LL KICK YOU OUT" he yelled. I was in shock. "Ted, we can't kick him out-" my mom said. "yes we can, now go and call him, if I see you with him you're leaving" he said. I just walked upstairs upset. I got into my room and started crying and crying. I started talking to the walkie. "will? Are you there?" I asked. No response. A minute later I heard his voice. "Mike? Are you okay?" he asked. "no, I am far away from okay, I-my dad yelled at me about me and you, and my mom supports me after all but we can't change my dad's mind" I said crying. "He's making us break up will, otherwise he'll kick me out and he's not joking" I said sobbing. Will stayed quiet for a minute, that made me cry more. "will? Say something-" I said nervously. "Mike, I'm-I just-I don't want to-" he said. I could tell he was about to cry as well. "I don't want to either, I'm so sorry-" I said. "hey, don't apologise I know it's not your fault, I guess we will have to, but we'll see each other right?" he asked crying. "we'll try, yeah" I said. My mom then knocked on the door. I ended the call with will. "can I come in?" she asked. "no" I said back. "Mike, I'm sorry, can I please come in?" she asked again. "fine" I replied. She came in. "I'm so so sorry Mike, I shouldn't have told him in the first place-" my mom said, about to cry. "I was going to tell you and him anyways so I was expecting that reaction but I was so scared" I said. I started crying again. "I broke up with him, dad ruined everything" I said sobbing. My mom pulled me in a hug,comforting me. "I'm sorry-I tried to talk to him but he's not changing his mind" my mom said with tears in her eyes.

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