Chapter 29: The Pool (part 2)

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Mike's pov

When I heard my name I turned around. It was my mom. I didn't know she was at the pool. She was with her friends. I knew she weren't at home but she said she would go shopping, I guess not. "one second" I told will. He nodded. I walked towards my mom. "yeah?" I asked acting cool even though I was so nervous. She stood up and took me somewhere so we can be alone. "Michael what in the world was that?" she asked mad. "what are you talking about?" I asked playing dumb. "you know exactly what I'm talking about, why were you holding hands with will?" she said. I didn't know what to say. "cause-um-we're friends mom, he was scared so I took his hand to help him get out of the pool since he was struggling" I lied. I'm a terrible liar,God I'm so screwed. Of course she didn't buy it. "friends don't just hold hands, first of all, i saw him getting out of the pool just fine before holding hands, secondly he didn't look scared, I saw you jumping and having fun normally so don't lie to me" my mom said angrily. I just stayed silent. She clearly knew I was lying. "get your stuff, we're leaving" she said. "what?! Why" I asked. She didn't say anything just gave me a death stare and walked away about to get her things. I walked away not saying anything. The others looked at me confused. "where are you going?" the others asked. I just looked at them sadly. "she saw me and will, I gotta go, sorry" I said. "oh shit, sorry man" lucas said, the others nodded in agreement. "good luck" max said. I nodded. "you can come over to my house if things get bad okay?" El said. "okay, thanks" I replied. "Michael get over here" my mom asked walking towards me still mad. I waved to my friends and they waved back sadly. My mom took my arm. "let's go" my mom said.

Max's pov

Mike's mom saw him and will. I feel so bad. His mom looked mad, so this isn't going to be good. You could clearly see she's homophobic. "damn, that sucks" Dustin said. "yeah, I feel bad for him" lucas said. Me and El nodded, agreeing with them. "she'll definitely tell my mom" will said. "your mom isn't homophobic" I said. "yeah I know, but what's if its different because I'm her kid I don't know" will said. "will, im 100% sure she will accept you, she's proven it with El and max, don't worry about it" lucas said. Will nodded. "El, wanna go get ice cream" I asked her. "ice cream?" she asked confused. "oh, the thing we've eaten at the startcourt mall at scoops ahoy where Steve and Robin works-" I said. "oh!! Yeah I remember, I want to let's go" El said excitedly. I laughed. And took her hand and got out of the pool. Lucas and Dustin came as well. We left after eating the ice cream. We weren't really in the mood to have fun since Mike left, also knowing he's probably getting yelled at at home. We said goodbye to lucas and Dustin and headed to the cabin. Robin firsy dropped off lucas and then Dustin. During the ride me and El were talking. Robin was just listening to something on the radio. "did you like the pool?" I asked El,smiling. "yeah!! It was amazing, can we do it again?" El asked excited with puppy eyes. How can you say no, not that I wanted to say no. "of course, anytime my darling" I said slightly laughing. She chuckled. "you really like the word 'darling' don't you?" she asked. "yeah, cause you're my darling" I smirked jokingly. She raised an eyebrow. "of course I am and you're mine" she said smiling. I suddenly layed on her lap. "are you okay?" she asked. "yeah, just tired, the sun always gives me a headache for some reason and I ran out of energy eveytime" I said laughing a bit. "oh, baby, sleep until we get there, we have time, I think 10 minutes away, right Robin?" El said. Robin nodded.

El's pov

"when we get home, you'll take a nice shower and we'll either watch a movie and cuddle or sleep right away" I said softy caressing her gorgeous red hair. "sleep right away with no cuddles though?" max asked in a kind of baby voice sadly. I chuckled. "noo, of course with cuddles" I said. Robin randomly changed a song on the radio and started singing. The previous song was a chill one, the next one she just put on was a more hyper one. She also turned the volume up a bit. She put on 'running up that hill' by Kate Bush (s4 hehe, if you watched it, you know) She started signing. Me and max laughed. Robin looked at us from the mirror above. "are you girls making fun of my singing?" she asked offended."noo,definitely not, why would you say such a thing?" max joked. Robin even got more offended. "okay I see, anyways I'm done third-wheeling kiddos, I can turn off the radio if you want to sleep max" Robin said. "uh I don't mind if you got it on low volume" max replied. "okay then" Robin said. 10 minutes later we arrived. "thanks Robin" we thanked her and got out of the car. We knocked on the door, waiting for hopper to open it. "oo hello, welcome back" hopper said smiling. "how was your day kiddos?" hopper asked. "it was amazing dad, thanks for letting me go, it was max's idea" I said. Hopper and max laughed. "of course it was" hopper joked. "alright dad, we're gonna take a shower" I said. "okay, tell me when you finish, ill make dinner" hopper said. "okay!" I replied as we got in my room. "alright you can go first if you want" I told max. "you don't mind?" max asked. "nope" I replied smiling. "okay" she said. We both took a shower, dried out hair, brushed them as usual and went to eat. We sat down on the table and started eating. "so, was it just you two and the boys at the pool?" hopper asked. "oh, Robin stayed with us after all" I said. I paused for a second. "did you tell her to stay?" I asked. "what? No, I was worried about you getting out in public but I didn't tell Robin anything, I trust you kids" hopper said smiling. Me and max looked at each other smiling. "thanks" we said, hopper nodded. He asked about how our day was. Me, max and hopper get so well along with each other. We tell him almost everything. He's a good listener not gonna lie. I see that max is comfortable about sharing stuff with both of me and hop and I like that. "did something go wrong?" hopper asked after we told him about our fun time. I looked down. "oh, um, it's just some boys called us bad names when max was holding me" I said. Hopper didn't say anything, clearly mad. "but max defended us, he shut his moth with just some words" I said giggling a bit, proud of max. Max laughed as well. Hopper smiled. "I see, you're taking care of my girl, protect her" hopper said proudly, took max's hand. "yeah of course" max replied. "you chose a badass girl El, that's really cool" hopper joked. We both laughed. "come on, she has a soft side too" I said. "yeah I know" hopper said laughing. We finished eating. We got to bed. I took max in my arms, cuddled her as promised, like we always do. "I'm tired, do you mind if we don't watch a movie and sleep instead" max asked apologetic. "no, of course I don't mind, I'm kinda tired as well, let's just get sleep" I said smiling. She gave me a cute smile I love. Her nose scrunches as well when she gives me that different smile. I find it so adorable. I smiled and blushed. I booped her nose for fun and she giggled. She then fell on my chest quickly falling asleep. We got to bed and slept

1397 words.
Also, how do you feel that we got 0 elmax in season 4, season 4 was amazingg though. I like lumax as well but I prefer elmax, even though we all know elmax isn't happening but I like writing about them.

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