Chapter 32: Normal Day

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Max's pov

We arrived at the cabin. "thank god things have changed I felt so bad for them" El said as we got in. "yeah same" I said. "wanna do something?" I asked. "do what?" she asked. I smirked. "make out?" I asked with puppy eyes and smirking. She giggled. She booped my nose, she loves doing it, I do too to be honest even though I pretend I don't. "we can do that later baby, how aboutt-" she said thinking. "wanna cook together since Hopper is not here?" she asked excited. She's adorable as always. "hmmm, I'll think about it l" I said joking. She looked at me with puppy eyes. "please this is gonna be fun, we can cuddle and make out later" she said. I giggled. "I'm joking of course let's go cook before hop comes back" I said. She cheered and hugged me. "what do you want to cook we don't know much of that" I said giggling. "uhh-Joyce gave hop a crepe recipe a few days ago to make us but since he didn't yet we'll try ourselves!" she said smiling. "oop I see, interesting let's do it" I said smirking. We both put our hair up. "alrightt, let's start, okay it says we need 2 eggs and break them and mix, okay we can do that l" I said reading the recipe. El looked a bit confused trying to process what I just said. I giggled. "here, go bring the eggs from the fridge and I'll show you" I said looking at her. She nodded and did. "we need 2 right?" she asked as she bended down to find the eggs. "yeah" I said. She finally found them. I cracked the eggs carefully and put them in the ball mixing them. "ooo you're good at this" El said impressed. I laughed. "I know" I said jokingly proudly. After we put in milk and mixed it, it was time to add flavour. I was about to add some in the bowl put I threw some on el's face for fun. She gasped and stayed still offended. "oops, sorry, my bad" I said jokingly and laughing. "oh you're gonna pay for this maxine" she said taking the flavour from my hands and doing the same to me. We messed up the kitchen a bit, oops but we had fun at least. After we finished having a little fight. We couldn't stop laughing. These are the little things that make me happy. Genuinely just hanging out with my girlfriend and having fun. Suddenly we heard the door unlocking. Me and El looked at each other, knowing it was hop since he has keys obviously. "uh oh" we both said looking at each other and burst out laughing as hopper appeared, looking confused at us. "what's going on here?" he asked. "uhh-" I said. "we're cooking!" El said smiling. We both knew he would a bit mad but we didn't know what to do. I mean it's reasonable since we messed up the kitchen. "you girls messed up the kitchen" he said a bit mad. We just looked at him apologetically. "we'll clean it, sorry" I said. El nodded agreeing. "okay, it's fine, I'll do it, just don't do it again without my permission, you could have burn the house down if you kept going" he said jokingly. He wasn't so mad after all. We laughed. "okay, we won't" El said. "okay since you started doing uh-" he said. "crepes" I said. "yeah yeah crepes, I'll do them for you" he said. We smiled. "okay thanks" we said. We got into el's room. When we got in we started laughing uncontrollably. "I can hear you" hopper said from the kitchen. That made us laugh even more. We finally stopped since our ribs and jaws were hurting for laughing so hard. As we stopped me and El looked at each other having an intense eye contact. We smiled at each other and leaned in. We started making out. Suddenly hopper bursted in,without knocking as always. "dad! Can you knock jeez?" El said. Hopper was just standing there a bit awkwardly. "uhh, sorry to interrupt but stop making out, I'm gonna go get Nutella from the supermarket, I just realised we don't have any" he said. "and syrup" he finished. When we eat eggos, El prefers chocolate syrup on them, and me and hopper prefer Nutella, random fact but okay. "wanna come with me?" he asked. We know deep down he wants to spend time with us since he's working all day and we don't see him. We usually always agree cause we feel bad. Me and El are together 24/7 so it's fine, we can go with him. We nodded. We got changed since we were wearing shirts and over sized t-shirts. I put on black ripped jeans with just a white t shirt. El wore her favourite white pants with a light blue jacket. We arrived at the supermarket. During the ride, hopper asked about how are day was and everything as usual. As we were walking in the aisles of the supermarket we saw lucas with his mom. They saw us and walked towards us. "oh hey madmax and El!" lucas said smiling. "hey" me and El said. "ohh, maxine I haven't seen you in a while, how are you?" she asked kindly. I was about to speak when lucas interrupted. "mom, call her max, I told you so many times" lucas told his mom. "it's fine, um, I'm alright, how are you Mrs. Sinclair?" I asked to be polite. "I'm good" she said. Me, El and lucas talked a bit since Hopper and luca's mom were talking about random stuff. You know, parents.. Haha. They finally stopped talking. And we just went to get what we needed and headed back home. Me hop and El chatted during dinner and stuff and went to sleep. Well, hopper did.

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