Chapter 51: Suzie

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Max's pov

El and I finished eating. We got into the bedroom so we can change, to go over at Dustin's to meet his girlfriend he's been talking about for months. "I think I'll just wear jeans and a sweatshirt as always" el said opening the closet. "I'll probably wear one of these" I said holding a light blue and green sweatshirts. "oh! We can both wear them, which color do you want?" el said excitedly. "which one do you prefer?" I asked. "I don't mind" she said. "alright, I'll take the green one" I said. She smiled and took the other one. As I was taking my shirt off to wear the sweatshirt el pinched my weist. I squealed in surprise. "what are you doing?" I asked as she giggled. "I just thought it would be funny to pinch you randomly" el said. She does that often. "alright Teddy bear enough teasing we have to get ready, Dustin is gonna kill us" I said laughing slightly. She put her arms around my weist, hugging me from behind. This type of hug always gives me butterflies. "your hands are cold, wait you're still not wearing a shirt?" I asked. "nope" she said. "you're gonna get cold" I said giving her the sweatshirt. "calm down maxie I just wanted to hug you, I'm not gonna get cold" she said laughing, kissed my cheek and continued getting ready. She slipped off her trousers and put on black ripped jeans. I wore blue ripped jeans. (a/n: I hope you don't mind when I describe their outfits). I was brushing my hair as el was putting on her favourite lip gloss. "is it too much?" she asked turning to face me. "the lip gloss?" I asked. She nodded. "no its not too much, you look great babe" I said kissin her cheek. I then kissed her lips. She kissed back. "oh did i take it off" I joked as I pulled away from the kiss. She checked herself in the mirror. "a little bit but it was worth it" she said smiling. I smiled and carried on brushing my hair. I brushed el's hair since i wanted to, we put perfume, put on our shoes and we were ready. "let's go" el said grabbing my hand. We hopped on the bike and left the cabin.

*later at Dustin's house*

El's pov

We rang the bell. Dustin immediately opened it. "hey" max and I said. "hi" Dustin said. "is she here yet?" max asked as we walked in. "no, she said she'll be a bit late, the boys are here though" Dustin said as we walked to his living room. "hi" the boys said smiling. "hi" we said. "so, is she gonna come or what, we've been here for 20 minutes" Mike said. "she'll be here, just be patient" Dustin said. My head was resting on max's shoulder as she had her hand around my weist.

Max's pov

As el and I were chilling on the couch, I noticed Mike a bit down. He was holding Will's hand. He was next to me so I tapped his shoulder. He turned to look at me. "are you alright?" I asked. He nodded. "is it about your parents?" I asked quietly. "yeah" he said. "wanna talk about it?" I asked. Before he could answer Dustin interrupted us. "why are you whispering?" Dustin asked. "talking about how your Suzie-poo is not here yet, or doesn't even exist" I joked. His jaw dropped. "how dare you, I wouldn't invite you here if she wasn't real" Dustin said. "yeah I know" I said. We noticed el sleeping on my shoulder. "hey, it's not the time to sleep" Dustin said snapping his fingers causing el to wake up. I slapped his hand away. "what are you doing?" I asked. "Suzie is gonna think we find her boring if she comes and sees her sleeping" he said. "dude it's just until she arrives jeez" Lucas said. "alright sorry" Dustin said.

*5 minutes later*

El's head was still on my shoulder as we heard the bell ringing. "oo finally, are you ready to meet my love?" Dustin said getting up to get the door. All of us looked at each other. We heard screaming. "who do you think killed who?" Mike joked as I hit his arm playfully. Obviously they were happy to see each other. After a minute they came into the living room. "alright Suzie these are my friends" Dustin said smiling widely. He looked very happy not gonna lie, we just like making fun of him. "hi!" Suzie said smiling. "this is El, Max, Mike, Will and Lucas" Dustin introduced us pointing each of us. "I hope i remember the names" Suzie said laughing. We laughed along. She looked at me and el that were cuddling then at Mike and Will. She better not be homophobic or something. "Are you together?" she asked el and I. We both nodded as she smiled. "she's not homophobic, I already told her" Dustin reassured us. We sighed relieved. "who else is dating who? Mike and Lucas?" Suzie asked as we all immediately bursted out laughing loudly. The poor girl was confused. "No baby, Mike is dating Will" Dustin said pointing at the couple. "oh" she laughed awkwardly. "sorry, I messed up the names" she said. "no it's alright don't worry" Will said smiling. She started talking about her life and stuff. We didn't talk much about our lives since Dustin was calling her every day telling her everything. We've been chatting for a long time I would say, getting to know each other better, knowing Suzie better. "your friend group is so fun, Dustin always talks about you" Suzie said. "really?" Mike asked as she nodded. "talking about good things or bad things?" I joked raising my eyebrow. "good things mostly" Suzie said looking at Dustin. "they didn't believe me when I told them i have a girlfriend" Dustin said. "what? Why's that?" she asked frowning. We all shrugged. "are you underestimating him?" Suzie asked raising her eyebrows. "no definately not, we were just....surprised" I said. "wanna play board games?" Dustin suddenly said as there was a awkward silence. "sure" we said. We played a few games, laughing loudly. Then the boys decided to play video games. "how are you so good at this?" Suzie said surprised as she we played against eah other. I just laughed. "alright I totally suck at this" Suzie said. We laughed. She then played against el. El was surprisingly winning. I've taught her how to play. "that's my girl" I said laughing. "oh it's fine Suzie-poo" Dustin said hugging his girlfriend when the game ended. Suzie just laughed and hugged him back. Mike and Lucas faked gagged. Honestly I wanted to gag too by the nickname but I didn't want to sound mean at first. "oh come on, don't act like you don't give nicknames to each other lovebirds" Dustin said as we all laughed.

*an hour later*

"are you gonna stay at Dustin's until Sunday?" Mike asked. Suzie nodded. "Mike I already told you" Dustin said. "alright chill I was just asking" mike said defensively. The phone rang. Dustin got up to answer it. "oh Will its your mom" Dustin said motioning him to come. Will stood up. "okay" he said as he hung up. "el, max my mom will pick us up in a bit" Will told el and I. "at your house? Where's hopper" el asked. "he's there with my mom, she said they have some news but they'll tell us when we get there" Will said confused as well. "okay" el and I said at the same time.

1289 words.

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