Chapter 38: School Sucks

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El's pov

We got up. I wore a casual light blue hoodie with light blue jeans, max wore light blue jeans with a light brown hoodie. We arrived at school. This time me and max held hands, cause they already knew we were dating. I was nervous about coming back here, I don't like school. I thought it would be fun. But people bully us, I was warned but still. I at least have max and my friends with me. I can just use my powers but I don't want to hurt people. I'm not allowed to, hopper demandedf for my safety. Mike and will arrived at the same time as us. Lucas and Dustin weren't at the entrance where we meet up before the bell rings. "where are they?" max asked. We shrugged. "maybe they skipped?" I said. "on the second day, I don't think so" Mike said. "I think we should get in, the bell rings in a few minutes" will said. We nodded and got in. As we walked towards the lockers for some reason lucas and Dustin were already there. "oh you guys came, we thought you guys skipped today-" Mike said. Dustin and Lucas were covering my locker for some reason. I frowned confused. "what are you doing?" I asked them. They looked at each other. "nothing, we're good.. we're good" they said kind of nervous. All of us were confused. "okay.. then why won't you let me open my locker?" I asked. They didn't say anything. I sighed, rolled my eyes as I tried to push them away. "what are you guys doing?" Mike asked as Lucas and Dustin gave him a glare, Mike frowned confused. "is there something wrong, come on guys don't be annoying" max said as she tried to push them away with me. "jesus christ guys it's 8 in the morning, not in the mood for pranks and all-" Mike said as he pushed them away. Mike cut himself when he saw my locker. What I saw shocked me and felt hurt. Why would they do this.

Max's pov

Mike managed to push Dustin and Lucas away from el's locker. I had a bad feeling when I first saw them covering it but prayed it wasn't what I was thinking. I thought they were just messing around for a second. Typical lucas and dustin. But they weren't. There was a big 'dyke' word written on her locker sprayed. With a drawing of a a vomit emoji. I felt my body filled and burned with anger. That's why Dustin and lucas tried to hide it. Not that it could do something. My locker was next to her but mine always had papers with slurs on it so the me and the boys got used to it. It was the first time for El. We felt so bad for her. El just stared at it. I could feel she was sad but hid it. After a few seconds El just casually opened her locker to get her books acting like nothing happened. Me and the boys looked at each other, not knowing what to do. As El was taking her books I saw angela, troy and their friends walking by. Of course they saw us and laughed. "nice locker, it suits you" Troy said and his friends laughed. I sighed angrily and walked forward to them but Mike grabbed me. "Mike let go I'm not gonna hit them-" I said as I tried to lease myself from his arms. "yes you will" Mike said. Will grabbed my other hand. "max, they won't stop, it's not worth it" he said softly. "but-" I said. "max" El said. I turned to look at her. "let's just go to class" she said and grabbed my hand. Mike finally let go off me. I have her a confused look still mad. She stood in front of me making eye contact. "it's fine, okay? Let's go" she said before motioning the boys to follow us. "it's not fine-" I said. "please, max, there's nothing to do about it" El said slightly smiling squeezing my hand. I smiled and nodded accepting it. "alright let's go" she said. The boys followed us. It's not just the word they wrote, it's the fact that I know they'll do worse than that. It's always worse when they have a new 'victim' they bully. Me and the others still had some but not much as other years. Last year they thought I was a dyke because of how I dress, but I guess it's confirmed now. Everyone knows. To be honest, even if El and I weren't dating they would still think we were and bully us. We walked into the class. I can tell our physics teacher is homophobic. Whenever he looks at will mad Mike he makes a disgust face. The period finally ended, it feels like 10 hours. As we waited for the teacher to arrive for the second period I was explaining El something in physics she didn't understand. I suddenly felt some pull my hair. I turned around. Of course it was Angela. She laughed. "oops" she said. I glared at her, ignored her and went back to El. El glared at them angirly. I put my hand on her cheek to make her look at me and not them. "I got used to it, I don't care anymore" I said smiling to resure her. She nodded. Next period started. I rolled my eyes and heard El giggling next to me. I turned to look at her. I smiled. "it's not funny I hate maths" I said. She silently laughed. "you groan in every period, you hate all the subjects?" she asked raising her eyebrows. "sort of" I said. She laughed. It's been 10 minutes and I'm already dying of boredom. I rested my head on my right hand. I was so bored and already tired. I never understood maths,like never. I was staring at El next to me. She looked confused. However she was paying attention. I just stared at her. Admiring her features. Her confused expression made me want to laugh but I couldn't. She noticed me staring. 'what' she mouthed smiling. 'nothing' I said back smiling. She blushed and smiled. "Mrs. Mayfield pay attention" the teacher suddenly said. I rolled my eyes and turned to take notes. "yeah dyke pay attention" I heard someone saying as the class laughed. "enough" the teacher said and they stopped. After I payed some attention trying to figure out what we're doing I frowned confused and turned to El. She must have thought the same thing and turned to look at me with the same expression. I gave her a 'what the hell is this' look and she shrugged laughed quietly. I smiled and continued taking notes. We had to copy from the board fast cause the teacher is fast and not petient to wait for us to copy. It's so annoying. I almost fell asleep a couple of times but El shook me and brought me back to reality as she laughed while doing so. She's acts like a mom sometimes but I love it. I rolled my eyes. A few minutes a pencil got thrown on el's desk. El didn't say anything. I heard the others laughing behind me. I took the pencil and turned around. "how funny, thanks for the free pencil" I joked. They didn't know what to say and I heard mike, will, lucas and El and a few other students laughing. I casually just started using the pencil to write instead of the pen I was holding. The whole class was looking at me. "what" I said looking back at them. They said Nothing. The teacher didn't know what to say so he just ignored all of us. El looked at me and laughed quietly. I smirked at her and continued writing. It was now lunch. Me and the boys sat down to eat. "that was so cool" Dustin said. "yeah" El said smiling at me. "I casually just took the pencil I didn't do something incredible" I said laughing. "yeah but it shut their mouths" will said laughing. "I guess so" I replied. "madmax always has something to say back" Dustin mocked. "it's maxie not madmax" Mike said giggling. I threw a frie at them and they laughed. "so funny" I said sarcastically. Lunch was the best part of school, where we just chill out, chatting with my friends. Except when the bullies are in the mood for something again. Troy suddenly came. "sup idiots" he said. "what do you want?" Dustin asked him annoyed. "shutup toothless don't talk to me like that" troy said. "and why would we do that? Are you a king or something" Mike said. I laughed. Troy looked at Mike angrily and then at me when I laughed. "if it's so funny why dont you date him" troy said. "cause she's a dyke" another a friend of Troy's said and they laughed. "just leave troy" lucas said. "oh yeah? And why would we do that?" troy told lucas. "no one asked you to come" I said. Troy hit Mike's head and left. Angela throw ketchup on my hoodie. "you bitch-" I cursed as she left laughing. I stood up but troy punched my stomach. El stood up angilry but Dustin got up to stop her. "El don't-" Dustin said. Troy and the others laughed. "what? Are you gonna hit me or something you little dyke?" troy said. "she's too weak, look at her, she looks like a little scared teddy bear" Angela said. "Do I look scared?" El said seriously. "oh no I'm so scared" Angela joked. "El it's fine" I said walking towards her. Troy suddenly took me and laughed. "let go of me bastard" I said. "what did you say dyke?" he said, kicked me in the stomach again and threw me on the floor. Mike went and kicked troy on his leg and he fell on the floor. "you're dead frog face" he angilry said. El came over to me to see if I'm okay. She helped me stand up. "El, whatever happens don't use your powers right now"i whispered at her." but they're hurting you and the others-"El said whispering." it's fine, it's risky if you do" I said. I turned my head to see troy punching Mike. I immediately ran over to them and kicked Troy's leg on a spot that he fell on the ground. "are you okay?" I asked Mike. He nodded. Troy stood up about to hit me but El stood between us. She glared at him. "is your arm okay?" she asked him whispering. He was so confused. "what?" he asked. She stared at him angrily. "it's you.."he said whispering. I was so confused. She nodded." don't make me embarrass you again"she said. All of us were confused. They were whispering so only the ones close to them could hear them a bit. "I don't want to hurt you, I'm not like you so stop before I do so" she said. He looked scared but angry at the same time. He didn't say anything. El came over to me. "let's go" she said grabbing my arm. The party followed us. All of the students were confused on why troy didn't do anything else. "okay hold up, stop walking" I told them. "what did you say to him and made him stop? Did something happen?" I asked. The boys looked at each other. "uh, long story" lucas said. "i don't care tell me" I said. "uh, when will went missing and we found El, we went to school to use the big radio in the AV club at school to contact will from the upside down and stuff. As they were speaking of Will's fake death we heard troy and his friends laughing" Mike said. "and?" I asked. "hold on he's not finished" Dustin said. "after when it finished I went to troy and pushed him and he fell on the floor, because of what he did earlier. He was about to hit me but el next to me stopped him with her powers" Mike said. I was shocked. They never told me about this. "and made him pee himself, got embarrassed and everyone laughed at him, it was pretty awesome" Dustin said. I laughed. "really?" I asked. "badass El huh?" I said looking at El and she laughed. "not to mention that another time when troy and his friend came for 'revenge' she broke his arm" lucas said. "broke his arm?" I asked shocked. They nodded. "troy wanted to know how El made him pee his pants, so he threatened us, saying that if Mike doesn't jump off the cliff to wet himself he would cut Dustin" lucas said. "what" I asked shocked. "and Mike jumped, but suddenly El came and saved him before and flew him back to the ground from the cliff he jumped, broke Troy's arm and of course they got scared and left" Lucas said as the others nodded proudly. My jaw dropped. "yeah so many stuff happened" Mike said. "that was before you came" Dustin said. "woah" I looked at El still impressed. "wait-so now he regonized you? And knows you have powers?" I asked. "yeah, I reminded him" El said. "I told him, don't make me embarrass you again, I told him I didn't want to hurt him either" El said. "so what happens now?" Mike asked. "I don't know" El said. "he's either going to stop bullying you since he knows who you are and what you're capable of-" will said. "no, he'll most likely tell his parents" El said. "I mean, hopper told me that he came by the police after I broke his arm, but hopper acted like he didn't believe them so yeah" El said. She basically started saying what. "okay.. wow" I said. "I'm impressed actually" I said smiling at El. El smiled back. "alright, let's go clean this hoodie before the bell rings" El said. The boys nodded. Me and El went to the bathroom. She tried to take off the ketchup off my hoodie with water. "it's not gonna come off" I said. "I mean it looks better than before, it's just a wet spot now, like you spilled water on it, not ketchup" El said. I laughed. "yeah thanks" I said. "you're pretty badass" I said smirking. El laughed. "so are you" she said. I looked around, no one was in the bathroom with us. I slowly leaned in to kiss her. Suddenly the bell rang. We pulled away and got out of the bathroom to get to class. As we were walking Angela came over. A boy dragged me as Angela pinned El against the lockers. Suddenly troy came from behind. "Angela stop, I'll handle her" He said. "what?" she asked. "just go, meet me in the class" He said as all of them left. Now it was us and troy. "alright, you little dyke, it was you who broke my arm with some weird shit powers huh?" he said. "you've grown up, you saved your little boyfriend mikey, now you're with this dyke" he said referring to me. "You made Mike jump off the cliff, of course I would break your arm" El said. She was an innocent badass, woah. Troy scoffed. "I'm not scared of you dyke" trot said. "then why didn't you react earlier in lunch?"mike said. Troy didn't know what to say. Suddenly a teacher came." where were you, the bell rang if you're not aware, get in class now, all of you"the teacher said angrily. We all followed him. They threw papers at will and at El like usual. Mike told them to sto but they wouldn't." zombie boy is a faggot" another boy said as the class laughed. "stop" Mike tried. "or what frogface" the boy said. The teacher interrupted. "Marcus, enough or you'll go to the principal" the teacher said. "why is this my fault?" the boy said. "I said stop" the teacher repeated. Marcus stopped. It was now finally the end of the day. We go back to the cabin by bikes since Hopper is working. "so what do you want to do?" I asked El as we were riding. "I don't know, I think I prefer go home and chill" El said. "yeah" I said.
*at home*
When I got in, I jumped on the couch. "ugh I'm so tiredd" I groaned. "so what should we do?" I asked. El shrugged. "do you need help with homework or anything you don't understand?" I asked her softly. El didn't say anything. She then shook her head. "hey, I can help you, don't be embarrassed" I said. "just so you know, I can't help you with maths, I suck at them" I said laughing. "yeah I could tell, maybe if you payed some attention" El joked. I gasped. "I was paying attention" I said. El laughed. "no, you weren't, you either stared at me or fell asleep" she said. I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'm sorry, you looked adorable I couldn't help it" I said. She laughed. "adorable? Okay" she said. I suddenly pulled her on me to lay down with me on the couch. I hugged her tightly. "i missed hugging you" I said. "me too, sucks we can't even hug at school" El said. "yeah, we're literally next to each other and make fun of us, imagine if we kissed in front of them" I said as El laughed. "I would love to give you a kiss to piss them off" I joked. El hit my arm. "you're pretty badass at school" she said raising her eyebrow. "yeah, you too" i said. "you can easily shut their mouths" she said. "yeah, we have to make them shut up" I said. "you're hot when you do that not gonna lie-" El said. She immediately cut herself off. I raised my eyebrows and smirked. "oh? Really?" I smirked. "shut up, it was an accident" El said laughing. "suree it was" I joked. She hit my arm playfully. We stopped laughing. "How's your stomach?" she asked. "oh, um, it's alright" I said. "does it still hurt?" she asked. "a little but I'll be fine" I said. She looked at me concerned, not convinced. "they punched my stomach only two times El it's fine, it didn't leave a bruise don't worry baby, it's not like Neil's" I said. "okay.." she said. I leaned in. We made out for a few minutes. Suddenly she pulled away. "can you help me with English?" she asked. "can't it wait, I want to cuddle and kiss you" I whined. She laughed. "not now, we can cuddle when we watch a movie after and sleep" she said. I rolled my eyes. "okay finee" I said. She laughed and stood up. Then hopper came back from work. He asked how our day was, we told him it was fine but didn't believe us so we had to tell him what happened. We also mentioned that troy knows about El. "oh.. I remember him, he came to the police" he said. "yeah that's him" El said. "okay, we don't know what's going to happen, he might leave you alone" he said. "also thanks max for protecting her" hopper said smiling at me. "yeah of course, she protects me as well" I said proudly referring to El. "yeah, that's cool" he said smiling.
"I love you soo much max mayfield" El said while cuddling me. I looked at her smiling. "I love you too darling" I said. She pulled away from the hug to kiss me. She put her hand in my cheek, my hands around her weist. We then pulled away. El stared at me smiling. "what?" I asked laughing. "nothing.. you're just so pretty" she said. I blushed. "you too baby" I said hugging her. She put her arms around my neck, my hands around her weist and we layed down and fell asleep cuddling.

3360 words.

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