Chapter 39: The Fight

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Max's pov

I put on a light blue sweatshirt el gave me and she wore my light brown hoodie that had a small white heart on the side.
*at school*
Me and el walked in and saw a bunch of people in a circle. Me and el looked at each other worried. We immediately ran over there and saw Mike punching troy and Dustin, lucas and will trying to pull him off. I tapped willy's shoulder. "what happened?" I asked him. He looked at me worried. "troy and his friends put a drawn dick on el's locker and had 'this is what you should be liking' under it" will said angrily. My jaw dropped. How the hell and why would someone do that. "they're so sick in their minds Jesus" I said furious. "yeah I know" will said quickly and ran over to pull Mike off troy. I looked over el and saw her staring at her locker shocked as the whole school was focused on the fight. I felt so bad. I walked over her. "I'm so sorry, don't look at it, it's fine " I said hugging her. "no, it's not" el said as a few tears fell and ran away. I stood there shocked and immediately ran to her but she was too fast.
Will's pov
Me and the others finally managed to get Mike off troy. "Mike stop" Dustin told him. "what the fuck is wrong with you! You are so sick in the mind! Why the hell would you do such a thing" Mike yelled at him. I've never seen him this mad before and upset, no one did. Everyone just stared at him pretty shocked. So did troy. Mike didn't usually react back to his bullies, maybe say bad things bad but never reacted this bad. He never had the courage to hit troy back. Something happened to him again. "ayo calm down frog face" troy said shocked. "no I'm not gonna calm down troy, I'm so freaking done with you and your shitty friends hurting and bullying me and my friends, so many years, aren't you tired?! Huh? Do you actually like this or are you just mentally ill? I don't care if what I said it's mean, it's the truth, I'm so done with you, leave us alone for once in your damn life" Mike yelled at him. There was a big silence in the hall. No one spoke, we were all shocked. "yeah congrats, you made her feel like shit because she doesn't like dick? Are you crazy? And why the hell do you care??" Mike yelled at him as troy was still on the ground not moving from shock. "Why are you so protective over her, are you in love with her or something? Aren't you a fag?" troy asked. Mike glared at him. "no I'm not, she's been my friend since I was eleven years old and i care about her so much so fuck off and leave us alone" Mike yelled. The principal came. "what the hell is going on!! I could hear your yelling from across the school" the principal angrily said. He paused when he saw Troy's bruised face. "what the hell happened, who did this?" he asked. No one said anything. "he did" troy pointed at Mike. "come to my office, both of you" the principal said as he grabbed both of them. Me and the party looked at each other worried.
*meanwhile the argument, max and el *
Max's pov
I ran after el. I could hear Mike yelling at troy but I didn't pay attention. El got to the bathroom and immediately locked herself in the toilet. "el open the door please" I said. She didn't say anything. "I'm so sorry el, please open the door" I begged. "just leave me alone please" she said quietly. I could hear her silently crying. It broke my heart seeing her like this. All I wanted was to get out and beat the hell out of troy but I wanted to stay here to el. Mike already did beat him up, which is pretty shocking. I could hear him yelling at troy from the bathroom. El started sobbing. "max, I'm serious, please leave" el said. I shook my head and sat down against her door. "no I won't leave you" I said. "please" she whispered. "I'm not leaving you alone" I said. She didn't say anything. It's been a few minutes until 3 girls got in the bathroom. I sighed annoyed, knowing they'll say something mean like everyone does. I decided to just shut up and wait until they leave. I was too mad to care. "hey" the girls said. I just looked at them. "I'm sorry about what happened" the girls said. I wasn't sure if they were joking. "we're not here to mock you, I swear" one of the girls said. "where's el?" another girl asked. I pointed behind me, to the door. They nodded. "um, the principal wants el, but we came to check on her as well" a girl said. "why do you care?" I asked. I'm not falling for this. I know everyone at school hates us. "We don't like seeing people getting hurt, I'm sorry for what troy is doing to you" a girl said to me and el who was still in the toilet in silence. "yeah thanks" I said. "my name is maddie" the girl said. "and this is Anna and Caroline" maddie said pointed at her two friends behind her as they waved. I nodded. "you already know my name" I said. They lightly laughed. "yeah" maddie said. "el, I know you just met us but can you please open the door?" maddie said. El didn't say anything. "I tried, she wouldn't open it" I said. "el, please open the door" I said. I was so upset about all this. "come on el, your girlfriend is worried about you, we are too" Caroline said. I looked at them confused but they weren't wrong. I wasn't used to people being nice with us. "are you girls here to mock us or prank us?" I asked. "no, I swear we're not" Anna said. "well, even if we were, pretty sure you would beat us up so we're not risking that" maddie joked. I sadly chuckled. "el please open the-" I said as el opened the door. She was sitting on the floor. Her eyes red and puffy. She was crying. We stared at each other and el quickly hugged me as we were both on the floor. She buried her head on my left shoulder, not daring to look at the other three girls we just met, probably ashamed and embarrassed. Her hands around my weist, hugging me tightly. I put my arms around her hugging her back as tightly. I looked up at the girls and saw them looking at us sadly. I don't understand why they came here but okay. It was weird. I still wasn't so convinced they like us because I don't trust anyone much anymore but I decided to give them a chance and let it happen. I could hear el quietly crying on my shoulder as I rubbed her back. "you're such a good girlfriend to her" maddie said smiling. I looked at her. "I'm not making fun of you, we're not homophobic i swear" maddie said. "okay, thanks" I said quietly and they nodded. I heard a knock from the outside. "max, el are you in there?" I heard Dustin say. Obviously they couldn't come to girl's bathroom. "oh it's your friends" Anna said. Anna walked outside and talked to them. Anna came back. "Dustin said that the principal wants el" Anna said. "el? For what, she didn't do anything" I said confused. "you're right, I don't know" Anna said. I tried to pull away to stand up but el stopped me and hugged me more. "el, sorry but we have to go" I softly said. She pulled away after a second and I helped her stand up. She looked at the three girls confused. "is it okay if we hug you?" maddie softly asked. El nodded. I was glad these three girls were nice to us. I hope it was real though. They hugged her one by one. We turned around to walk out of the bathroom but maddie suddenly hugged me. I hugged back confused. I didn't want to be a bitch. I could feel she felt bad. I sadly smiled at her. We all got out of the bathroom. The party was waiting outside. "are you guys okay?" I heard the boys saying. We nodded. "where's Mike?, does the principal have him?" I asked. They nodded. We walked in the office but they didn't let all of us in. I insisted I go with el and the boys left. The boys were told to go to their class, so did the girls. We walked in and saw Mike and troy sitting in front of principal's desk. Troy's and Mike's parents were there and hopper. Why did hopper come?. And why they want el. We walked in confused. Hopper ran to us and hugged el as soon as he saw us. "so Mrs, hopper sit down" the principal said and el did as told. I stood next to hopper and he hugged me. "so, you walked into school and saw that... thing on your locker, is that correct?" he asked calmy. El nodded. "were you there when that happened?" he asked. El shooked her head as a no. "what happened after you got in?" he asked. El hesitated. "Mrs.hopper, I'm talking to you" he said. "I went into the bathroom" el quietly said. The principal nodded. Looks like Troy's friends immediately left so they wouldn't get in trouble. Great friends, they just left troy on his own even though they were involved too. "so you're telling me, that troy put that thing on Jane's hopper locker and Mike wheeler punched troy about it?" he asked. The boys didn't say anything. "Mike answer, he's speaking to you" Ted said. "yes, that's right sir" Mike forcefully said. Troy nodded as well. "okay, Mike wheeler you will get 3 days detention and troy you get 1 week detention" the principal announced. It was Troy's fault why would he get punished too?. "what, why do I get 1 week he's the one who punched me-" troy said angrily. "You put that inappropriate thing on Jane's locker-"he said but Troy's parents cut him off." that boy punched my kid, that's not fair-"Troy's dad said angrily." yes the boy did, but I do not accept this behaviour in my school, negative slurs and homophobic insults, 1 week detention, am I clear? "the principal said. He lost his patience, he always tried to stay calm." but-"troy said." not buts, do you understand, am I clear? "he asked louder this time. Troy nodded." now go to class and that thing will be off Jane's locker, understood?"he asked. Troy nodded as Mike and him walked out of the classroom. Me and el stayed. We weren't sure if we were supposed to leave." are you girls okay? "the principal softly asked tired of all this. We nodded. He knew we weren't." sorry about what happened Mrs, hopper"he said. I was surprised the principal wasn't homophobic and stuff. "you may return to your class" he said. The parents already got outside. Only hopper stayed. We nodded. "thank you" we said as we left. Hopper looked at us when we got out. "I'm sorry kids" he said and hugged us both. "I was holding the urge to punch that kid troy this whole time" he said as el and I laughed. "alright I have to go, try and stay out of trouble okay?" hopper said. We nodded. He kissed el's head and walked away. He stopped when he saw el's locker. He sighed angrily and walked away. He looked disgust by this. We all were. That thing troy did was so disgusting. El hugged me." I'm sorry"i whispered hugging her back. She pulled away." for what?"she asked frowning. I looked down." about all this, this wouldn't happen if I wasn't here"i said. "no, max, its not your fault, thank you for comforting me, I don't deserve you" she said smiling sadly. I smiled back. She gave me another quick hug. "we should go to class, the principal will notice" I said. "yeah" el said and took my hand. I smiled to myself and blushed. I was so happy when she held my hand. I could see her smiling too. We got in class. Everyone looked at us. Like all of them. We immediately sat down. I could hear people whispering. I turned to el and saw her looking lost in her thoughts staring at her notebook. She was clearly embarrassed of all this. It broke my heart. I wish she didn't come to school to face all this. During the lesson I could still hear people whispering and laughing. I was so done with them. I wasn't in the mood to argue. I tried to ingore them. Angela threw paper ball on el's desk. El just looked at it and ignored it. I could tell she was upset. I saw maddie, one of the three girls we met in the bathroom earlier who was sitting in front of el taking the paper and stood up throwing it in the trash can. Angela and her friends looked confused at her actions. After a few minutes Angela did it again. I sighed annoyed. "drop it" I said quietly. "or what dyke? You're gonna hit me to protect your little dyke girlfriend, you're disgusting" Angela said laughing, so did her friends. I lost my patience. "shut the hell up Angela" I yelled. The class went silent. The teacher looked at me. "miss Mayfield!" the teacher said annoyed. "sorry" I mumbled. It was the last period. The bell rang. We walked outside. The party followed us. El turned to Mike and hugged him. "thank you Mike" she said. Mike smiled and hugged her back tightly. "of course" he said. Me and the boys looked at each other smiling. "I didn't know you could punch" Dustin said laughing. Lucas hit his arm. Dustin groaned. "neither did I" Mike said. "so you got 3 days detention?" lucas asked. "yeah, troy got a week" Mike said. The three boys smiled. "hell yeah, he deserves it" Dustin said. "honestly Mike, you kind scared me,I never saw you this mad and yelling like that" Dustin said smiling. "I lost my patience with them, I'm so tired of them bullying us and what they did to el's locker was so disgusting and sick" Mike said. "yeah" will said. Me and the others nodded in agreement. A few minutes later of chatting hopper arrived. We got in the car. We stayed in silence for a minute. "are you girls okay?" he asked looking at us from the car mirror. "yeah" we said. Of course we weren't. "I know you're not, I'm sorry about what happened, he deserves many punches" hopper said. El layed on my lap, I was playing with her hair. "we met three girls today" el said after a few minutes. "really? When?" hopper asked curiously. "in the bathrooms" el said. We basically told him everything that happened. "that's good to hear" hopper said. "they were nice, i wish they're not pulling a prank on us or something" I said. "don't worry, I don't think it's a prank, but be careful" hopper said. We nodded and got home.
*at home, after dinner*
It was time to sleep. We were both so tired. Especially el after crying. She cuddled me. "my head hurts" el said. "same, I'm sorry about today, Ellie" I said. "it's not your fault, and I'm sorry I didn't open the door" el said. "it's fine, you needed space" I said. "but you didn't leave" she said. "I'll never leave you" I said. She got up and pulled away from me. Looked at me in the eyes and smiled. I smiled back. She gave me a kiss. It was fast but with many emotions. "I don't want you to think that I only wanted to open the door because the other girls came-" she said nervously. "el baby, I know, don't worry, I'm glad the other girls came" I said. "you're not jealous?" she asked. I frowned confused. "no, of course not, they just hugged you" I said. She nodded. "I don't want you to think I like any of them" she said. "yeah I know, me either, we have each other" I said. "and we trust each other" she finished for me. "yeah" I said smiling. She hugged me tightly and we layed down again, el cuddling me. Me talked about how Mike reacted today and chatted for half an hour. After we got tired and went to sleep.

2836 words.
I'm thinking of staring a new elmax book. I already thought of scenes, ideas and started writing it. I don't have many other ideas for this book so far so I might stop writing this story.

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