Chapter 45:The Argument

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Max's pov

Me, my mom and el still chatted. "tell the boys to meet us at the cafe" I said. "okay I'll tell them." hopper said. We were in the car. El let me lay on her lap. "thanks for coming today with me" I said. "of course I would come maxie" she said. I smiled. "your mom loves you" el said. "yeah?" I asked. "yeah, she should have show it back then" el said. "someone who loves you wouldn't do this" I said. "yeah-you're right sorry" she said. I sat up and kissed her. "stop apologising, okay?" I said. She nodded. She hugged me. "I love you so much max" I whispered. "I love you too" I said still hugging her. "is it okay if we visit her tomorrow as well?" I asked. "of course" she said smiling. "she likes me at least, she hated me at first but it's fine" she said. I laughed. "yeah, but then she saw how good you are" I said. She nodded. "alright I told them girls" hopper said. "okay" el said.
We walked into the cafe. The boys were already there since its closer at school. They waved at us smiling. We sat with them. "ill pick you up later" hopper said and left. "so.. how are you max" will asked. "I'm, feeling better, we talked with my mom a lot today" I said. "oo that's nice" Dustin said. "what did she tell you?" Lucas asked. "well she told me how much she loves me, saying she's sorry and that she's-uh-glad I have el and you guys" I said. I looked at el. "she basically said the same things, thanking me for being with you and loving you, saying I'm good, kind and brave-" el said but Mike cut her off. "she's right, you really are brave-kind and beautiful" Mike said slightly smirking. We all looked at him confused. Why did he say it like that. "sorry continue" Mike said. "u-thanks-she then wanted to know how's school" el said. "did you tell her the truth?" Will asked. "I said it was all good but she didn't believe me, so I told her, then max got in and we talked about it together" el said.

El's pov

After telling the bots everything that happened at the hospital we ordered. Max got coffee, I got a milkshake, so did Mike and will, lucas got coffee and Dustin wanted a cupcake.

Max's pov

Dustin was telling us something random he found excited. As we were speaking I heard Mike leaning forward to el and whispered. "you look really cute in this outfit" Mike said smiling. El just looked at him and smiled. "thanks, you too" el said. I felt jealous. Come on its just a compliment max, jeez. I tried to ignore that feeling in me for now.

El's pov

As Dustin was talking to us suddenly Mike leaned forward me and said I looked cute in this outfit. I was confused. I just decided to he nice. He's my friend. I hope max doesn't think the opposite. After a minute while i was drinking my milkshake, Mike ran his fingers on the corner of my mouth. I was confused. He was acting weird today. "what are you doing?" I asked laughing going along with it I guess. I don't want to be rude. "you got some whipped cream" he said whipping it away.

Max's pov

I saw Mike whipping the cream that was on the corner of El's mouth. Why would he do that. He could have just give her a napkin. Both of them laughed. I felt jealous. I cleared my throat. Mike and el turned to me. I ignored them. I felt el staring at me confused. She grabbed my hand. But I dropped it. I don't know why I acted like that. I was so jealous over the smallest things. I keep doing that,but I can't help it. El looked at me sadly. She wouldn't stop staring at me so I finally looked at her. I didn't say anything, just looked at her trying to hide my anger and jealousy. "Can I try?" I heard Mike asking el whispering after a few minutes. El was focused on Dustin talking so Mike tapped her hand and repeated the question. El nodded. Mike took El's milkshake and drank some. I looked at them sadly and angry. "ooo, it's really good" Mike said smiling. "do you want to try mine?" Mike asked. "no I'm fine, I don't like coffee, thanks" el said. "come on just a sip, you won't regret" Mike said trying to make her drink. El laughed a little and backed up away from him. "come on Ellie" Mike said laughing. Now I'm even more mad,why would he call her Ellie. He's acting so weird today. I looked down. And el didn't say anything. She looked surprised and confused though. "she doesn't want to try" I said sharply. "woah, calm down maxine, I was just joking around" Mike said. "don't call me maxine again" I said angrily. "okay chill" Mike said. Will looked at me clearly feeling the same. "I'm sorry el" Mike said putting his hand on top of el's. This has gone too far. I felt my blood boil from anger and jealousy. El slowly slipped her hand away. I couldn't stand this, I walked out of the store. "where are you going?" I heard el saying as I walked away. I walked out of the store. "max!" I heard el but ignored her and kept walking. "where are you going?" she asked. "away from you and your new boyfriend" I said sarcastically. "what?! What are you talking about?" she asked making me look at her. "you two kept flirting with each other this whole time" I said loudly with tears in my eyes. "yes I noticed he's acting weird max-" she said. "yeah of course you noticed but you did nothing about it!" I said. "what was I supposed to do? I thought he was being friendly and joking around, I wasn't expecting him to start touching me and stuff-" she said. "you didn't seem bothered by that, clearly you liked it, I'm sure you still love him" I said. She stared at me shocked. "what? Why would you say that?! I was just being friendly I didn't know what to do" she said with tears in her eyes. " 'being friendly'" I said scoffing,mocking her words. "yes friendly max-I don't love him" el yelled. "yes you do" I said back. "no I don't-I love you max" she said desperately. "he even called you Ellie, you should have called him mikey or something" I said. "yes he did! But I didn't say anything back cause clearly I'm not interested in him and you know it" she said. "Or maybe you felt butterflies, you two seemed excited talking about your first kiss the other day" I said. She stared at me. "Dustin asked us! I thought you were okay with it" she said. "yeah of course me and will who are in love loved listening to how happy you were back then after your first kiss, I bet you both missed kissing each other" I said."what?! No I don't-Plus Mike is dating will, he's gay" she yelled. "actually he's bi, so are you, you had feelings for each other" I said. "But we don't anymore max! I love you not him-" el said coming closer to me and kissed me. I pushed her away so hard she almost fell on the ground. "No you don't-It's always Mike-it's always been Mike, admit it!" I yelled at her. She flinched. We were both crying. I was so bad and I felt so jealous. The thought of them getting back together made me feel sick and so jealous. "No I don't love Mike max-why don't you believe me? I love you and only you" she said. "but you like him" I said. "NO" she yelled at me. "I can't believe you're acting like this! I didn't even flirt back" she said. "yeah you did, you kept laughing along with him, you seemed happy and you said he looked cute in that outfit" I said. "I complimented him max! I didn't know he meant it as a flirt" she yelled. "yeah whatever, we're done" I said and ran away. "Max come on!!" she  yelled but I didn't listen.

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