Chapter 68: El&Max

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Max's pov

Joyce and Nancy came. I didn't want them to come but of course they would. "Max! Are you okay sweetheart?" Joyce asked as she walked in. She hugged me. "oh.. What's going on, what happened?" she asked worried as she pulled away.

I didn't say anything. "el broke up with me" I said. I might have stopped crying but the feeling wouldn't go away. None of them said anything.

"oh" Joyce quietly said. "why?" Joyce asked. "I'm so sorry about that, what happened sweetheart? Is el at school" Joyce softly said. I nodded.

"Everyone was mocking us about how el and I were simply cuddling each other, el got upset and went to the bathroom" I said. "okay.. why did she break up with you" Joyce repeated. I wish I knew.

"I-I don't know." I stuttered.Nancy and Robin shared a look and then looked at me. Joyce looked at all of us confused. "um.. I suppose its something personal you would rather not say to an adult so I can go if you want to" Joyce said.

"it's fine-I don't mind" I quietly said. She nodded and sat down on a couch. So did Nancy and Robin. Steve was still in his world sleeping. He's lucky I wish I was out of this drama.

"okay.. Would you like to share what happened? If you want to tell us?" Nancy gently asked. "I seriously can go max, I don't mind if you don't feel comfortable around me-" Joyce said again. I feel bad. I know she won't judge so I trust her.

I always loved Joyce. She's so kind to everyone. "no, it's okay don't worry" I said giving her a smile. I probably sound so like dramatic. For me, breaking up with el after all this time, it is a big deal.

"I was the one who suggested that el could simply just cuddle me. We knew people would hate us-and stuff, but I told her to ingore them. She agreed. People started mocking us, saying bad slurs normally so it was technically my fault" I said.

"she broke up with you because people were mocking you two? I'm sorry I don't fully follow" Nancy said. I took a deep breath quietly. I was trying not to cry again. I hate crying in front of people.

"I-I honestly don't know-its so confusing, she said she's tired of them, so I guess she doesn't want to be with me anymore so people stop doing this-I don't know what to assume anymore I just left after" I said.

"okay...I'm sure it's going to be just fine-el loves you-" Nancy said. "she doesn't! She's tired of me. I'm the reason she gets slurs every day at school. I'm the one reason she's getting hurt!" I said as I felt a few tears again.

At this point as I was saying it I was more angry. I sometimes cry when I'm angry I don't know if that makes sense but there were just so many mixed feelings.

"I'm sure she didn't mean it max, she loves you-she does! She wasn't thinking right" Joyce said. "I guess I don't know" I said. "Max-" Nancy said but we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Robin stood up to get it. Oh no. El walked in with hopper. What is she doing here? Isn't she supposed to be at school? We both froze when we looked at each other.

A part of me wanted to immediately hug her and kiss but the other part wanted to just disappear. I know she doesn't love me. Not anymore at least. There was a silence. Hopper left though after saying something to Joyce. I suppose he's going back to work.

El's pov

I asked hopper if I could skip school. The school called him. Fortunately he said yes after I convinced him. We immediately came to Steve's house. That's where max mostly goes to.

I froze when I saw her. God I love her but I broke her heart. Why did I break up with her? I was so stupid and an idiot.

"Max? Can we talk?" I asked. I knew she wouldn't want to talk to me but it's worth a try. She just looked at me and then looked away.

Robin's pov

"max-" I tried. "there's nothing to talk about" max angrily said. I felt so bad. Especially for max. She's so upset. Max has the bad habit, when she has a bad thought in her head. It just stays there. Stuck.

El's pov

I froze. I knew it. Of course she wouldn't talk to you dummy. "Okay-can you at least let me talk?" I quietly asked. She sighed. "fine whatever" she said. "I don't want to beak up! I never wanted to,I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking-it was so stupid of me-" I said but she cut me off.

"El, you don't break up with someone with absolutely no reason, there must be a reason and I already know it" she said. I froze. What..?

"what?" I said. She sighed again. "you're clearly embarrassed of me, you're tired of everyone, so am I but I never wanted to ruin our thing just because people don't like us, so yeah el, I know the reason, it's my fault we're getting bullied. You are getting hurt because of me, I should have known" she said.

I didn't know what to say. "Max... I was never embarrassed of you and you know it!" I said. "then why did you break up with me? It's because you don't want people to bully us again so we just stop being together so they stop bullying us? We will give them what they want! If you want to go ahead, I don't want to but I don't have a choice since you prefer that option and that is exactly what I got from what you told me in the bathroom so stop lying please"she said.

My eyes began to get watery. "you didn't let me explain myself that time-" I tried. "Just stop-I just want to be alone right now" max said as she stood up and picked up her skateboard. My heart skipped a beat as I felt like I got shot

"Max! Wait please I-" I said.

"Max! Come here" Nancy loudly said blocking max's way. "Nancy let me go seriously" max said. Nancy shook her head. "not until you let me speak" Nancy seriously said.

Max loudly sighed and sat back down.

"First of all stop acting like 5 year olds, neither of you know what you're talking about and all this is just a misunderstanding! it's neither of your fault! You love each other! You can't change that and there's nothing wrong with it!

People just need to realise that there's nothing wrong with it! But they will never understand that because they're shit heads! I'm sorry for the expression but it's true so don't let them ruin you! I see the way you look at each other!

This is love, I know you're so young and have problems of course a relationship can have bad moments too! Not everything can be nice, you just have to figure out what happened between you two and fix it! If you don't talk to each other how is this going to get fixed?"Nancy said.

No one said anything. Max stood up again. That's it... I lost her. The girl I love and its my fault. Well done el, well done.

Nancy tried to make her stay. "max come on just talk to each other and it will be fixed" Nancy said. "I don't know what I'm feeling just leave me alone" max said. I could notice her eyes getting watery.

I hate seeing max cry. It's one of the worst things ever. This time, I caused this..

"nance" Robin quietly said. Nancy let go of max. Then max left. "Max just needs time, trust me she just needs time to calm down think about everything because now she has only these thoughts 'el doesn't love me' 'el hates me, she's tired and embarrassed of me m', I know her, she will come back" Robin said.

"she won't.. She hates me" I quietly said as I caught myself crying again. "she doesn't hate you el, max never and will ever hate you" Joyce said.

Joyce stood up and hugged me. "you will get back together, I know it el, don't worry"Nancy said as she sat down next to me. Her arm on my shoulder giving me a small smile. I tried to return the smile while I was crying.

1462 words. To be continued

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