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Set in Season 1
Seablings 🫶 (hint of Flower husbands)
Summary: Jimmy is sick and stupid and goes to the empires meeting

Jimmy hated being sick,he wasn't sick very often

All of the rulers had a meeting and he absolutely could not miss it so he grabbed his elytra,geared up and headed off

Rivendell was always cold but right now Jimmy felt hot but he didn't comment on it,he simply landed and opened the door

The meeting room was filled with chatting but quieted down as the cod walked in,leaving a slight trail of algae

Jimmy took his seat beside Lizzie,usually Scott would be on his other side but he was hosting the meeting

Everyone was silent,staring at the cod waiting for some sort of excuse as to why he was late but it never came so eventually Katherine spoke up

"Jimmy,are you alright? You look much paler then usual and very faint"  She was concerned for her ally,most of them were

The cod simply smiled and nodded,wanting to get this over and done with

Soon the meeting officially started,all empires simply stating what's been going on,both good and bad before sitting down again

After Shubble it was Jimmy's turn,the second he stood up,the blonde immediately fainted

As Jimmy opened his eyes,he realised he was in Scotts room so he instantly sat up,looking around

Lizzie and Scott were the only others in the room.

The blonde held his head and groaned "Where am I? What on earth happened?" He knew the answer for the first question but he just wanted confirmation

Scott kissed his hair before his sister tackled him,grinning at the seablings before running off to get some soup

The 10ft tall axolotl let go of her brother before explaining "You fainted the second you stood up in the meeting,Katherine gave you a healing potion" suddenly her face turned to a frown "Why didn't you tell us you were sick?"

Jimmy sighed,facing away from the older "I thought I would be fine,I'm meant to come to these meetings anyway" he rubbed his neck

"Next time you're sick send a letter or call us on your communicator" Lizzie said,voice laced with worry and little bit of anger

The slime covered cod smiled before falling back asleep in his sisters arms,knowing fully well that she would take care of him if anything happened.

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