'Sneaky' little thief

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Summary: Lizzie takes some things from Sausage while he's talking to Joel thinking he won't notice

Jizzie (+ Sausage)

Lizzie didn't really need anything but she's always liked stealing a few trinkets from other players of course she would make sure that it's not super important and give it back if it was

Today is like no other

The feline was taking a stroll through her kingdom before deciding to go visit her husband

It took a while to get there without an elytra,so by the time she got there she was out of breath, pulling out a cooked fish and eating it

The pinkette grinned and continued on her way to Joel's and after a few minutes she saw the brunette,seemingly talking to someone

Lizzie's tail had started going back and forth,a wagging notion of pure happiness

However she stopped in her tracks,Joel was talking to Sausage,well she had different plans

See Lizzie has taken from everyone besides Sausage as she never had gotten the chance before today mainly since they hadn't interacted much

So the short female sneaked over,being as quiet as she possibly could be,right as she was about to reach into his pocket she heard a familiar voice

"Lizzie Shadowlady what do you think you're doing?" Joel said,an amused smirk on his face as he watched her quickly remove her hand and stand up straight,her tail fluffing up

Sausage turned around as well,a hand on his hip "Nothing! A girl can't come say to her friend and husband?" She was very clearly panicked

Both the males looked at each other before nodding,Sausage smiling at Lizzie before walking off leaving her confused soon getting swooped up bridal style into her husbands arms

Joel laughed at her yelling before kissing her head "wanna explain what you were actually doing?" he asked while heading back to his house

Lizzie crossed her arms,pouting slightly "Listen you know exactly what I was doing so why need an explanation?" She sassed,raising a brow

The god simply shook his head before kissing her head again and laying down in their bed

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