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Au where some people at demons while the rest are the same
Demons are Fwhip,Jimmy,Gem,Joey,Oli and Lizzie 🫶

The six of them sat in Gem's tavern,the female ginger making sure all the windows were covered as as well as the doors being locked,however the lights were on

Oli was the first to let his horns and tail,sighing in relief and leaning back,watching everyone follow suit

Lizzie was the first to speak however, "They're gonna get suspicious,we're disappearing more often and running out of excuses!" Her tail flickered angrily,almost smacking the goblin demon in the face

Said goblin rolled his eyes before retaliating "Well we can't keep the glamour up forever,Liz what do you suggest we do?"

"Tell them" everyone's heads snapped to where the voice came from,seeing it was the pirate who seemingly didn't care,he was sat on his communicator

They all stared in disbelief,sure it would be easier but they were demons,things that were brown to be evil which sure they weren't but still how would the others react

Jimmy sighed and took off his hat fully,revealing his horns and a few markings on his head "Joe's got a point,we should just tell them and if they don't like it then we don't see them" he shrugged

After another hour they came to an agreement,they would tell the others in Animalia and if they hated them then they would leave

Now it had been a few days and everyone was gathered in the meeting room,including Hermes as no one had time to watch him,he was resting on Fwhips lap

The pinkette stood up,causing all eyes to go to her and silence to fill the room,almost everyone was confused about why they were called to this meeting

Lizzie finally spoke,after debating on doing this "Hello everyone,very sorry for calling this gathering very unexpectedly and very soon however me," she gestured to the right side of the room to the other demons "and these five have an important announcement"

Everyone else looked at each other before nodding,Sausage glanced at his boyfriend and son,Fwhip was bouncing his legs so Hermes could have some fun

The blonde stood up,making everyone look at him now "You have every right to leave and cut contact after this but we thought this is important" just as Jimmy went to speak he was cut off by the other blondish brunette

The pirate rolled his eyes before speaking "We're demons,there's no need and no point of trying to make it sound professional" he glanced at Katherine,who,like everyone else,was in shock

Surprisingly,the god was the first to speak "Is this tied to the reason you all kept disappearing?" He asked,receiving a nod from the panda hat criminal

False stood up and grinned,walking around the table to Gem and hugging the princess,adjusting her goggles after pulling away "So what? Your still the people we know and love"

The rest of them agreed,all of them smiling and laughing

They all split,Joel went to Lizzie and picked her up,letting the cat wrap her legs around him

Oli grinned and turned to Pixlriffs,earning a laugh from the father figure as he hugged the energetic blonde

Katherine and Shubble both tackled Joey,knocking all three of them to the floor,the witch being ontology of both of them

Fwhip ran over to Sausage,holding the kid on his waist,he pulled his partner down and kissed him,earning an 'ew!' from Hermes

Scott sighed and looked up as he felt something on his chair,looking up he saw Jimmy who stood there with a soft smile before leaning down and giving him a small kiss on the cheek

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