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I'm running out of names 😡
Also Uhm maybe spoilers?? Does Fwhip have like a secret room of those Jimmy toys on the wall bc I know someone does 😨

Sausage wiped the sweat from his forehead as he landed in Tumble Town before looking around,he had came to pick up Hermes and Fwhip

After a few seconds of looking around,the brunette heard some voices and decided to follow them,seeing the two he was looking for plus the sheriff

He glanced at them for a second,seeing how his son was asleep on his boyfriends hip,the said ginger clearly wasn't paying attention however the blonde didn't seem to mind and continued rambling

The king sighed before walking over,causing Jimmy to stop talking and look over,a grin on his face "Hey Sausage,you here to take these two home?" He asked,pointing towards the other two

"I am but I wanna hear what you were talking about" he spoke softly,lightly nudging the goblin to get him to snap back into reality to which he shook his head and looked around

As Jimmy started up his rant again he seemed to be in his own world,Sausage looked down to his boyfriend while listening

Fwhip had already zoned out again,he had a very short attention span while he was very attentive so he sighed before turning back to their friend

The third looked between the two before crossing his arms and having a dorky smile "Better get home now,there's gonna be a sand storm soon" with that he waved before running off back home

Sausage grinned and rolled his eyes before picking up Fwhip,who let out a small scream in return

"Jesus you scared me!" He somehow yelled quietly,moving Hermes to lay on his stomach as the taller carried him bridal style back to the sanctuary

The brunette laughed "Sorry,you were zoned out and Jim said there was gonna be a storm soon" he kissed the goblin on the head,his tail wrapping around him and the kid who was still asleep

They weren't complete opposites but they were close,Fwhip was always reckless while Sausage was responsible of course they switch sometimes but they like it like this

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