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I'm writing another oneshot which will be released soon hopefully and it's inspired by "Hey who's got my hat" by DJJordanne     check them out they are amazing 🫶
This is s2 wither husbands but women

Fwhip was always told to be more feminine but she didn't see the need to wear dresses all the time,she preferred wearing whatever there was and getting dirty

She was a goblin,why care? All the ginger needed was in her underground empire,she loved wearing the same red,gold and blue jacket with her golden earrings

However when she met the queen of the jungle or better known as 'Sanctuary',that changed,she wanted to impress her and started wearing dresses

The first day it happened,everyone was confused but all she said was 'trying something new' however the sheriff could see right through her

The goblin was sat in the meeting,waiting for it to start and,once again, wearing a dress that still had similar colours to her old jacket,she was trying to get Sausages attention but she kept talking to Joel the goddess

Jimmy,the sheriff,leaned over "trying something new huh?" She whispered,causing the other to jump and face the blonde who was quietly laughing

"Just tell her or try and talk,don't change yourself" Jimmy said,playing with the handcuffs that had recently been made after Scott's visit

Fwhip rolled her eyes "I'm not changing myself! I just thought that she would prefer this" she gestured to the dress,noticing the brunettes looking at them,she smiled and waved before going back to the conversation

The taller rolled her eyes before her girlfriend walked in "I'm just saying,if she doesnt like you for you then leave" she said while handing her said handcuffs to the cyanette who smirked and kissed the others cheek before going on her communicator

Once again Fwhip rolled her eyes,her ears slightly wiggling "Thanks Jim but I'll be fine" she grinned before listening to the meeting that just started

After the meeting,the short ginger walked outside and fixed her skirt,just as she was about to fly away she felt someone grab her wrist

Stopping and turning around,she was face to face with Sausage,the girl was wearing what seemed to be a dark cyan suit with armour and a few extra layers

The brunette grinned "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out" Fwhip was bright red but nodded,letting herself be dragged

The two went on a walk,their arms linked as it slowly got darker and colder,causing the ginger to shiver

However soon a jacket was put on her shoulders and she immediately put her arms thought the holes,she looked up to Sausage who just smiled

"I've noticed you've been wearing dresses and skirts more often,any reason?" She asked,she knew the exact reason but wanted to hear it for herself

Fwhip turned her head away "No,not really just wanted to try something new you know?" She sunk into the jacket

The taller simply hummed before examining closed,she could that the other hated it,so why do this simply for her attention

"I like you better when you wear what you want you know?"

The female looked up,confused and red and started stammering,she had no words or simply couldn't form them

Sausage laughed "I know why you worse the dresses Fwhip,you look good yeah but you clearly don't like it and I prefer to see you happy" the two stopped,they somehow ended up infront of the goblands

They stood there,the queen of the Sanctuary holding the other queens hands before kissing her in the lips then pulling away before waving goodbye and flying away

Fwhip stood there in shock before running inside and immediately getting rid of the dress and changing into her original outfit

Well,now they just have to talk about that kiss next time they meet

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