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Shut up they aren't on their 15th divorce arc shut up person telling me the lore as to why the hate each other /j (it was very appreciated)
Jimmy has fangs at the top of his mouth while Fwhip had them at the bottom 🫶🫶
Also yes I love the shorter person being stronger and more dominant SHUSH 😡
Also made up Fwhios last name shush

Jimmy sighed as he stared in his mirror with his mouth open,occasionally touching the sharp teeth that had appeared once again even though he was trying to hide them

He jumped as he felt two strong arms wrap around his waist,sometimes he forgot his boyfriend liked to appear out of nowhere and scare him no matter what

A chuckle escaped the goblins mouth as he pushed himself onto his tiptoes and rested his head on the tallers shoulder with a grin on his face "Howdy Sheriff!"

The blonde rolled his eyes playfully before running a hand through the surprisingly soft ginger hair,a soft smile reaching his face "Howdy Fwhip" he laughed quietly as the others face lit up

However the ruler coughed before looking back into the mirror,still continuing to look at his fangs before groaning "They're back again,huh?" a soft tone laced the words from the goblin

A nod from his boyfriend made him hum before a mischievous grin appeared on his face,slowly he started to leave kisses all over the sheriffs neck,causing him to jump slightly and glare at the other through the mirror

Then he proceeded to lightly nip at the skin before being shoved away by a bright red sheriff who was still glaring at him "Fwhip Ross!" Jimmy exclaimed the shorters full name before removing the hand from the others face with a sigh

"Jimmy Solidarity we're dating,can you blame me?" Fwhip laughed at the redness of the taller before leaning back on his shoulder again with a softer grin on his face "You look fine with the fangs though"

The sheriff sighed and leaned on the others head "You sure?" a small huff came out from the goblin "Positive,now come on! I promised Sausage we'd visit to see him and his new boyfriend,Oli and I'm not breaking a promise!"

With that Fwhip quickly grabbed the sheriff hat and popped it on the blondes head before grabbing his hand and running outside before flying off with the other close behind

He was glad they got over their little feud from before,he had no idea what either of them would do without the other plus they had matching teeth didnt they

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